Soka Gakkai in drug money laundering






[伊丹鮮三より] 投稿日:04/08/04 21:30 ID:???






池田大作、麻薬マネーロンダリング  ... 三船小仏はSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingを言い始めてからの猛烈な脅迫メールに苦しみました。それは大量で物凄く怖くDVDに焼いて日蓮正宗のお寺の人に配りました。配り果ててしまって手元にもう有りません。










池田大作の麻薬マネーロンダリングは外国では常識として知られていることです。 「 Soka Gakkai in drug money laundering」で検索するとたくさん引っ掛かってきます。 日本では創価学会のマスコミ支配のために知られていないだけです。


池田大作がパナマのノリエガ将軍に近づいたのはそれが目的だったのです。宗教法人の無課税特権を利用して麻薬マネーロンダリングをする ...


マネーロンダリングとは、犯罪者が麻薬取引など不法な取引によって得た、いわゆる汚れたお金を、架空名義の銀行口座へ預金したり、或は株券や債券を購入したり、正常な商取引による売上げに混入させるなどして、いわばそのお金を ...


創価学会員は麻薬中毒者の塗炭の苦しみの上に胡座を掻いていたのです。これは創価学会本部の職員が池田大作の命令で行っているようです。ノリエガ将軍と義兄弟の契りを結んだのは麻薬マネーロンダリング ...


世界的に名の知れた著名人が何人も「創価学会(新興宗教)は、パナマのノエリガ将軍と麻薬ビジネスやマネーロンダリングをしている」と口を揃えて告発しています。 闇ビジネスを告発している著書を証拠として提示..


警視庁の薬物捜査を妨害する犯人は都議会公明党 - 警察掲示板 ...


2020/11/13 — 池田大作の麻薬マネーロンダリングは海外の文献をgoogle翻訳を使用して読んでいて発見したことですが、更に突っ込んで読んで行くと、それを知らなかったのは創価学会がマスコミを支配している日本だけということも解り ...









今はそのことよりも「Soka Gakkai in drug money laundering」の研究をしています。










Soka Gakkai in drug money laundering」で検索したらボロボロと出て来ます。これは創価学会の存続に関わることです。創価学会が日本のマスコミを握っているために日本人には隠されてきたことです。







「別の民族の韓国のカルト指導者、池田大作は麻薬取引に彼の信奉者のお金を投資しています。 今彼のお金は、マネーロンダリングのためにブラジルとニューヨークで保持されます。 牧師月、彼はあまりにも、そうすることができます。」

... 創価学会は、信者からの正直なお金をコカイン密輸事業に投資していた。 ...しかし、非常に正直なお金が池田から麻薬ノリエガの王にコカインビジネスのために悪用するために与えられ、...のための資金になりました







創価学会や在日朝鮮人連合会などの実態が露呈している?...後藤山口組系が北朝鮮から輸入した覚せい剤を扱い、その収益のマネーロンダリングを創価学会が請け負っていること) ... 東邦薬品・トモ・ツクミライGループ(創価大学に就職する者が多い。



創価学会の財務というのは80%がマネーロンダリングに使われている。財務本来の目的から外れている。 するな!と警告してます。 創価学会は、平和、教育、文化、広宣流布を謡っているが違う。アノニマスは、この非合法教団ファシス




創価学会は日本最大の麻薬売買組織である。 実際のところ、この麻薬という恐ろしい毒物を日本で最もたくさん流通させているのが創価学会です。 麻薬のマネーロンダリングを行って、創価学会は財産を殖やしているのです。


地下銀行、マネーロンダリング、麻薬密造密売~こっちが2大カルトの本業 オウム事件のようなテロを実行する。 ただし、他の団体・カルトに潜り込んで内部で実権を握り、その潜入先の犯行とすることで、統一協会邪教・創価学会邪教が直接関与しない形にする。


  創価学会は北朝鮮の国家延命のために学会員から騙し取った金を北朝鮮に『寄進』しているらしい。 その見返りに、創価学会出入りの在日ヤクザは、北朝鮮がらみの麻薬密輸利権を保証され、創価の帝王『池田大作』はマネーロンダリングでぼろ儲けする。

  自民党と創価学会は直結だから警察はガサ入れできない。

後藤組長は、八三年三月に、創価学会の池田名誉会長と公明党の竹入義勝委員長に約束の履行を求める内容証明郵便を発送したが、そのなかで、富士桜墓苑反対運動潰しや、百条委員会での山崎氏の証言を阻止したのは、創価学会の代理人として、当時の土橋昌訓公明党富士宮支部長(市議)、稲田圭祐市議、高橋繁元公明党代議士が依頼してきたものであり、自分は刑法に触れてもいいとの信念でこれを遂行したことを明らかにしている。”  『怪死』乙骨正夫著から。











メディアを潤す公明・学会マネー|政治ニュース|HUNTER ...

2018/02/22 · メディアを潤す公明・学会マネー 2018222 17:28 新聞やテレビのニュース番組で安倍首相や自民党への批判を見聞きすることはあっても、与党公明党の動きを厳しく批判する報道は少ない。特定秘密保護法や集団的自衛権の行使 ...























 創価学会が同時放送を始めたのは20年ほど前のことであろうか? 同時放送は池田大作の醜い姿と本性を一般会員に知らしめることになった。同時放送の開始とともに創価学会の衰退は加速を極めた。理性的判断の出来る特に男性会員は創価学会から自然と離れていった。同時放送は池田大作、創価学会の自殺行為であった。池田大作の自己顕示欲に由来する致命的な大失敗と言えるだろう。そして残ったのは理性的判断の鈍い女性会員と天然記念物的お人好しの会員のみであった。



 三船小仏は今、死の床にあります。酸素ボンベで呼吸しながらパソコンに向かって書いています。もちろん、ethernet の線は抜いています。一日のうち、パソコンに向かえる時間は限られています。一日、一時間もありません。後はベットの上で死んだように寝ています。


 寝ながら富士大石寺の大御本尊に祈るのみです。声を発することも困難です。座って題目を唱えることも困難です。座れるときはSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingを暴くためのホームページを造ることの方が良いと判断しています。富士大石寺の大御本尊に向かっての題目は寝ながら心の中で唱えています。








 三船小仏はSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingを言い始めてからの猛烈な脅迫メールに苦しみました。それらの脅迫メールからもSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingが真実であることが分かりました。三船小仏はそれら脅迫メールにもの凄く苦しみました。また、それ故に、肺癌になったのかも知れません。




 今、創価学会が必死に日蓮正宗を攻撃していますが、創価学会の教義はほとんど日蓮正宗そのままであることを知らないのでしょうか? 少なくとも若い創価学会員はこのことを知らないようです。一部を適当に変えているだけです。理解に苦しみます。創価学会の多くの家庭には日蓮正宗の教学の本が多く存在していることが普通です。確かに創価学会は新しい教義を造ろうと藻掻いていますが、藻掻いているだけです。出鱈目の教義を造ろうと藻掻いています。創価学会が新しい教義を造れるはずがありません。


 Soka Gakkai in drug money launderingのホームページは完成しないうちに終わってしまうでしょう。もうパソコンに向かえる体力があまり残っていないです。今、酸素ボンベをしながら、必死で向かっていますけど、今日だけ、調子が良いのかも知れません。


 インターネットをSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingで検索すると多くが引っ掛かってくる。




カツはSokka創価学会Budhistレイグループによって制御される膨大な資金を略奪しようとして、日本のパワーブローカー小沢一郎と彼の仲間の裏切り者と同盟しています。 Sokka頭池田大作は、昏睡状態になり、結果として彼の帝国の制御のための巨大な戦いがあります。 池田はカリスマ的で強力な人物だったとリーダーシップのすべての潜在的なライバルは、彼の組織を残して長いからです。 その結果、今、彼が無能力になったことを、レスが豊富で強力なエンティティのための戦いがあるということです。 日蓮仏教の寺院は1995年の分裂後に日蓮倍に戻り、それらを説得する試みでSokka創価学会のリーダーシップに連絡されます。 日蓮仏教徒はホワイトドラゴン学会をサポートしています。


マネーロンダリングのために悪名高い国際センター、違法薬物の密売、人間traficking、児童買春、悪魔主義、不正なフリーメーソン、株式市場の詐欺、大量殺人、司法詐欺、法的恐喝犯罪と腐敗の無数の他の形態である。 一般的に言えば、地方の政治クラスは、これらの残虐行為に目を回すとプレミアクリスティークラークは例外を証明していない。


broiled in a major GOP money laundering scandal also involving Tom DeLay and was sentenced to 6 EXTENSIVE ARMS & COCAINE SMUGGLING. Network ... differentiating between normal money and drugs money, and analyzing the factors and the distribution of cocaine contamination. ... Soka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business.   トム・ディレイも関与する主要なGOPマネーロンダリングスキャンダルで錦織られ、6エクステンシブアームズ&コカイン密輸を宣告されました。ネットワーク ... 通常のお金と麻薬のお金を区別し、コカイン汚染の要因と分布を分析します。... 創価学会は信者からの正直なお金をコカイン密輸ビジネスに投資していた。


One such example came to light at the hearing of Soka Gakkai, which in Germany is a fairly inconspicuous group of about 3000 ..... of activity and legal spheres: recruitment, brainwashing, manipulative therapies, parental custody, drug use, tax evasion, fraud, ..... exchange control regulations and fiscal law in such a way that, for example, money laundering legislation was more effective than in Germany. そのような例の一つは、創価学会の聴聞会で明らかになった、ドイツでは活動と法的な領域の約3000 .....のかなり目立たないグループである:募集、洗脳、操作療法、親権、薬物使用、脱税、詐欺、..... 為替管理規制とそのような方法で財政法は、例えば、マネーロンダリング法はドイツでより効果的であったように。 - アメリカ合衆国 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

In the late 1980s, other Chinese whitecollar and skilled workers were joining the Japan-based Soka Gakkai (Value Creation ...... that would enhance cooperation in investigating drug money laundering and in the seizure of drug-related assets.   1980 年代後半には、他の中国のホワイトカラーや熟練労働者が、日本を拠点とする創価学会(......)に参加し、麻薬マネーロンダリングの捜査や麻薬関連資産の押収における協力を強化していた。


Law - Page 761 - アメリカ合衆国 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

Doyle Carden Group has extensive experience in law and money laundering enforcement, banking, financial institution AML compliance, corporate and ... Preamble: We, the constituent organizations and members of the Soka Gakkai International (hereinafter called SGI), embrace the fundamental aim and ... Accused of a drug crime? we offer you a free consultation in your case involving drug charges ...   Doyle Carden Groupは、法律とマネーロンダリングの執行、銀行、金融機関のAMLコンプライアンス、企業と金融機関のAMLコンプライアンスにおいて豊富な経験を有しています。前文です。創価学会インターナショナル(以下SGI)の構成団体および会員である私たちは、基本的な目的を抱き... 薬物犯罪で告発されましたか? 薬物犯罪で告発された場合の無料相談を受け付けています ...



The Fourth Wave: Chinese in the Pacific Islands in the Twenty-First ... - このページを訳すファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - クイック ビュー

R Crocombe - 引用元 4 - 関連記事

leading one is Soka Gakkai from Japan, but it is expected others from China will also be represented ... Smuggling of drugs, weapons and illegal immigrants, money laundering .... and money laundering, and bribing officials. However, the ...











 › Nab's Breadcrumb - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
8 Mar 2012 – i65c tombs, soka-gakkai, rumor, religion, death, buddhism, oita, mitsubishi 2012/ 03/08 ... i65c money-laundering, money-transfer, crime, police 2012/03/08 ... i65c money-laundering, banks, crime, financial, fraud 2012/03/08 ... 日本語

i65cの墓、そかがっかい、噂、宗教、死、仏教、大田、三菱2012/03/08 ... i65cマネーロンダリング、送金、犯罪、警察2012/03/08 ... i65cマネー-マネーロンダリング、銀行、犯罪、金融、詐欺2012/03/08.. - イギリス - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
26 Sep 2011 – The Nichiren Buddhist Temples will be contacting Sokka Gakkai leadership in an attempt to persuade them to return to ... British Columbia is a notorious international center for money laundering, illegal drug trafficking, human ... 日蓮仏教寺院は、創価学会の指導者に連絡を取り、帰国を説得しようとしています...ブリティッシュコロンビア州は、マネーロンダリング、違法薬物取引、人間の悪名高い国際センターです...



Policy Innovations - "Tokyo Vice" and Japanese Morality - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
During my last year of college, I really wanted to study and also wanted to not spend all of my money on love hotels, because I couldn't have girls to my room. ... Also, you're not supposed to drink or take drugs to the point of being intoxicated. .... He says, "I used to do the dirty work for Komeito," which is one political party connected to the religious group Soka Gakkai. .... company as a front to illegally launder money that you make through other activities like prostitution and gambling? 大学の最後の年、私は本当に勉強したいと思っていました。また、部屋に女の子を連れて行くことができなかったので、ラブホテルにお金を全部使いたくありませんでした。 ...また、酔っ払うほど薬を飲んだり飲んだりすることは想定されていません。 ....彼は、宗教団体創価学会と関係のある政党である「公明党のために汚い仕事をしていた」と言っています。 ....売春やギャンブルなどの他の活動を通じて稼いだお金を不法に洗浄する前線としての会社?



CESNUR - CAN, We Hardly Knew Ye: Sex, Drugs, Deprogrammers ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
I began the discussion by talking about deprogrammers who were taking large amounts of money from the families of cult members, and ..... and the Rajneeshees; to Soka Gakkai, Scientology, and Santeria; to Teen magazine, Transcendental Meditation, and the charismatic ..... Various background informant sources speak to a deprogrammer kickback/money laundering scheme by which deprogrammers ... 私は、カルトメンバーの家族から多額のお金を受け取っていたデプログラマー、そして.....そしてRajneesheesについて話すことから議論を始めました。創価学会、サイエントロジー、サンテリアへ。ティーン誌、超越瞑想、そしてカリスマ性へ.....さまざまな背景情報源が、デプログラマーがキックバック/マネーロンダリングスキームを行うことについて話します。



Jim Forbes (journalist) - キャッシュ - このページを訳す... by Paul Volcker's UN Independent Inquiry Committee for laying bare the likelihood of kickbacks and money laundering involving the Iraq Oil-For-Food program. .... Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (December 1, 1949 - December 2, 1993) was a Colombian drug lord. ... FORBES articol:"Death Watch (see also " Sensei's world") --------- In his book The Soka Gakkai and Mass Society, the ... ポール・ボルカーの国連独立調査委員会による、イラクの石油食料交換プログラムに関連するキックバックとマネーロンダリングの可能性を明らかにした。 .... Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria1949121-1993122日)は、コロンビアの麻薬密売組織でした。 ... FORBES articol "Death Watch" Sensei's world "も参照) ---------彼の著書TheSoka Gakkai and Mass Society...



Japan: the last Yakuza < Asia-Pacific < LEARN < Flare Network - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
23 Oct 2010 – Sokka Gakkai, a religious organization represented by the political party Komeito, used the Goto-gumi, ... The NPA warned that the yakuza's move from “old- fashioned” crime rackets like drugs and prostitution, ... had compiled a watch list of hundreds of companies suspected of direct or indirect links to mafia money. ..... Romania: MP Mihail Boldea laundered money for human traffickers ... 政党公明党に代表される宗教団体、創価学会は後藤組を使用しました... NPAは、ヤクザが麻薬や売春などの「昔ながらの」犯罪ラケットから移動したことを警告しました...マフィアマネーへの直接的または間接的なリンクが疑われる数百の企業のリスト。 .....ルーマニア:MP MihailBoldeaが人身売買業者のためにマネーロンダリングを行いました..



The conspiracy of king Auther by Simon Gibson - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
18 Oct 2011 – The Jews' control of the international illicit drug trade can be traced largely to Rothschild marriages to the Jewish ... Ikeda of Soka Gakkai notoriety, who invest followers' funds in narcotics and methamphetamine distributed by Jew ... to launder the proceeds – this partly explains disputes over oil pipeline routes in places like the Caucasus, Iraq, and ... which was exposed by “Life” magazine as a money launderer for the Jewish Meyer Lansky mobster family in America. ユダヤ人による国際的な違法薬物取引の支配は、主にロスチャイルドとユダヤ人の結婚に起因している可能性があります...ユダヤ人によって配布された麻薬とメタンフェタミンに信者の資金を投資するSoka Gakkaiの悪名高い池田...収益を洗浄するためにこれは、コーカサス、イラクなどの場所での石油パイプラインルートをめぐる論争を部分的に説明しています。これは、アメリカのユダヤ人マイヤーランスキー暴徒家族のマネーロンダラーとして「ライフ」誌によって公開されました。



Master External Links - キャッシュ - このページを訳す, Club drugs are being used by young adults at all-night dance parties such as "raves" or "trances," dance clubs, and bars. ..... The Center was founded in 1993 by Daisaku Ikeda, who is a Buddhist peace activist and President of Soka Gakkai International (SGI), a religious ..... It includes information on money laundering in about 200 countries and territories around the world. クラブドラッグは、「レイブ」や「トランス」などの夜通しのダンスパーティー、ダンスクラブ、バーで若い大人に使用されています。 .....センターは、仏教の平和活動家であり、宗教家である創価学会インターナショナル(SGI)の会長である池田大作によって1993年に設立されました.....200の国と地域でのマネーロンダリングに関する情報が含まれています。世界中で。



Japanese Claim Bush Planned 911 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す


Cheer Factor: PDI critic is special Anak TV awardee | Inquirer Global ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
5 Dec 2011 – Philippines one of 66 nations for drug money laundering—US report ... as Makabata stars — the most trusted and admired celebrities — in ceremonies to be held at the Soka Gakkai Auditorium in Quezon City on December 8. フィリピンは麻薬マネーロンダリングの66か国の1つであり、米国の報告では、128日にケソン市の草加学会講堂で開催される式典でマカバタスターとして最も信頼され、称賛されている有名人です。



Cult Education Forum :: Former Cult Members and Affected Families ...,87661... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
21 Nov 2009 – There are a number of articles online suggesting that SGI-Japan and the Yakuza are involved in drug ... class imported from North Korea is treated, and Soka Gakkai undertakes the money laundering of the earnings. ) &#9733 ... SGI-Japanとヤクザが麻薬に関与していることを示唆するオンライン記事が多数あります...北朝鮮から輸入されたクラスが扱われ、創価学会が収益のマネーロンダリングを行います。 )&#9733..



Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism › Education - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
15 Dec 2011 – Millions of SGI members have prove that with these basic building blocks, anyone can construct lives of happiness for ... Fortunately for us, the SOKA GAKKAI INTERNATIONAL is a gathering of such good friends in faith. ... generic drugs. Reply. daysnews Jan 15, 2011 @ 6:08 am | delete: Nice lens, thanks, visit News Today, Water ... Nasty Dirty Money Review ... List Laundering 2 Review ... 何百万人ものSGIメンバーが、これらの基本的な構成要素を使用して、誰もが幸せな生活を築くことができることを証明しています...幸いなことに、創価学会インターナショナルはそのような親友の集まりです。 ...ジェネリック医薬品。応答。 daysnews 2011115日午前68|削除:素敵なレンズ、ありがとう、今日のニュース、水をご覧ください...厄介な汚れた真実のレビュー...リストロンダリング2レビュー...



Soka Gakkai in drug money launderingです。Whitney's Family Told That It Was Drugs and Alcohol That Killed Her ... - キャッシュ13 Feb 2012 – TMZ is in the business of sensational journalism, that is how they make their money, off the misery of others. I trust nothing TMZ .... Messages of Encouragement from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda and Efforts by The Soka Gakkai During the ..... James Ibori, a former governor of one of Nigeria's oil- producing states, pleads guilty to money laundering and conspiracy to defraud in a UK court. 日本語

TMZはセンセーショナルなジャーナリズムのビジネスに携わっています。それは、他人の惨めさからお金を稼ぐ方法です。私は何も信用していませんTMZ .... SGIの池田大作社長からの励ましのメッセージと創価学会による努力.....ナイジェリアの産油国の1つの元知事であるジェームズ・イボリは、マネーロンダリングの罪を認め、英国の法廷での詐欺の陰謀。






Ghana, US pledge to fight drug trafficking, money laundering ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
12 Mar 2012 – ... to jointly fight drug trafficking, money laundering, piracy, terrorism and other forms of cross-border crimes. ... Baha'i Faith, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Ninchiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai, Sri Sathya Sai Baba Sera, ... ..麻薬密売、マネーロンダリング、海賊行為、テロ、その他の国境を越えた犯罪と共同で戦うこと。 ...バハーイー教、仏教、ユダヤ教、ヒンドゥー教、神道、日蓮正宗創価学会、スリサティヤサイババセラ、..



meanwhile_j - キャッシュ - このページを訳す



Center-right Blog Soka Gakkai International(SGI) - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Are the realities such as Soka Gakkai and Confederation of Koreans Living in Japan exposed? .... Troupe(It is said that the stimulant that the Goto Yamaguchi- gumi-affiliated class imported from North Korea is treated, and Soka Gakkai undertakes the money laundering of the earnings. ) ... Toho Pharmaceutical and Tomo Tscmirai G loop(There are a lot of those at Soka University who find employment. 創価学会や日本に住む朝鮮人連盟などの現実は露呈していますか? ....劇団(北朝鮮から輸入した後藤山口組系列の覚醒剤を処理し、創価学会がマネーロンダリングを行うと言われています。)...東邦薬品とTomo Tscmirai Gループ(創価大学には就職する人がたくさんいます。



Soka Gakkai's Cocaine Business - キャッシュ - このページを訳すSoka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business. ... However, the very honest money was given from Ikeda to the King of Drug Noriega to misuse for cocaine business and became a fund for 


Cult Education Forum :: Former Cult Members and Affected Families ...,87661... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
1 Feb 2009 – And still, SGI leaders keep after members to donate money -- all the while, refusing to tell members where that money goes. .... SGI seemed to be my antidote for the misery of my withdrawal, but as I healed from the drug more and more I ... SGI does not have a good reputation in Japan, where all the money- laundering, tax evasion, fraud, etc. has gotten great play in the Japanese press. それでも、SGIのリーダーは、メンバーがお金を寄付することを続けています。その間ずっと、そのお金がどこに行くのかをメンバーに伝えることを拒否しています。 .... SGIは私の撤退の悲惨さに対する私の対抗策のようでしたが、私が麻薬からますます治癒するにつれて、私は... SGIは、すべてのマネーロンダリング、脱税が行われる日本では評判が良くありません。 、詐欺などが日本のマスコミで大活躍しています。



Soka Gakkai’s Cocaine Business

By Mr. Toshimitsu Ryu, January 1st, 1995

Soka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business. The profit was given to the leaders of Japanese LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. The fact was perceived by CIA. The US government intimidates Japanese government with the information as Japan’s weak point. That gave US a big advantage in diplomatic negotiations with Japan. As a result, Japan was compelled to take policies that benefit the US even if they are against Japan’s national interest.

Dr. Yoshihiro Tsurumi, a professor of the University of New York City, says amazing story in his book titled “America Goroshino Cho-Hasso” (published in 1994 by Tokuma Shoten) He is a director of the Institute of Pacific Economy and well known as a researcher in the field of international management. The following is from 206 page of his book.







Triangle of three men, Ichiro Ozawa, Daisaku Ikeda and Noriega

A report criticizing Ozawa, distributed from Washington D.C. to all over the US, refers to a fact that cannot be disregarded.

The report discloses a fact that Daisaku Ikeda, who has a bad reputation even among his followers such as making counterfeit mandala and so forth, and Ichiro Ozawa, who helps Ikeda to become a Nobel Prize winner in peace for gaining in reputation as a pacifist, are scheming to take over Japan with the combination of religion and politics. It asserts Ichiro Ozawa is an unwelcome person because his alliance with Daisaku Ikeda.

To tell the truth, the article reminded me one thing. Going back to the past when President senior Bush was making puppets of Kanamaru and Ozawa, I had a question which could not be explained with a carrot-and-stick policy.

Then I asked an American who was close to CIA. The person told me a story about a line, Ozawa, Ikeda and Panama’s dictator General Noriega.

When former President Bush senior was a director of CIA, Noriega supported him as his agent and got involved in an operation throwing Prime Minister of Cuba Castro and anti-government groups in the Middle America such as of Nicaragua, into confusion.

In return, Noriega was allowed to do a crime smuggling cocaine from Columbia to the US even using airplanes of CIA.

Therefore, Noriega became overconfident that he would be able to control the Bush senior’s US because he knew the weak point of the director of CIA, Bush senior.

However, Bush senior was clever enough to make a surprise attack against Noriega in 1989 just after he became a President of the US. Noriega was captured and brought to Florida to have a secret trial. In the trial he was found guilty and was put into a special jail.

In his confession, there was a story regarding Japan. It was that Daisaku Ikeda was investing followers’ honest fund in cocaine business cooperating with Noriega. From the benefit, Ikeda gave enormous amount of money to Ozawa of Japanese LDP continuously.

Bush senior obtained the evidence and used it as a stick to control Kanamaru and Ozawa. Of course the US ambassador to Japan, Michael H. Armacost was a key-person who also used the stick.

An Asian diplomat also told me the story as “Ozawa’s Panama Connection” well known to other Asian, Pan-Pacific countries. Japan seems the only one who does not know the fact.
















Members of Soka Gakkai have blind faith in Daisaku Ikeda’s words, “Kosen-Rufu costs high.” And they are swindled lots of their money saved for their old age or even all of their property. However, the very honest money was given from Ikeda to the King of Drug Noriega to misuse for cocaine business and became a fund for world’s drug crimes. Members of Soka Gakkai must not know about it.

At that time, Ikeda was very proud of the relationship with Noriega and constructed a nice garden called Noriega Garden in the sacred land of Fuji.

Besides, the commission from the cocaine business was given to Ichiro Ozawa and Shin Kanamaru and former President of the US George Bush senior controlled Japan through ambassador to Japan Armacost.

Followers were swindled their honest money out, caused world-wide drug crimes and eventually Ikeda sold Japan to the US with the dirty cocaine money

I don’t know why Japanese media keep silent about this. They may have lost their sense by Ikeda’s devilish money power.

Anyway, Noriega is under sentence of 100 years in prison. On the other hand, Ikeda is aiming to take the rein of the government weighing Shinshinto Party against LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. (in 1995)

Can you be indifferent about this? Ikeda has committed far greater crimes than Noriega. He has to be put in jail for the rest of his life. 引用解除:
とにかく、ノリエガは懲役100年の刑に処せられています。一方、池田氏は新進党と自民党を圧迫する政府の統治を目指している。 1995年)







I talked to a lot of people suffering from anxiety in the course of my healing, I noticed that isolation was a common theme, and I was no stranger to that. I can see why chanting would feed into this. I'm very grateful that I had people that were pushing me to get back out into life. There seemed to be a lot of anxious people in SGI and my SGI "mentor" would tell me stories about these various members of the group that I was in and their various conditions -- this one has depression, that one has anxiety -- and they had been in SGI for years. I said, wow, that's amazing. If they've been chanting all this time why haven't they gotten better? Her answer: They're doing it wrong. They don't attend enough meetings and they're not chanting with determination to overcome their fundamental darkness.


Kitty, good points. I think that isolation, anxiety, and/or some kind of loss got a lot of us into SGI, and similar groups. When you first start to go to the meetings, the members will love-bomb you (classic cult behavior), which can be VERY appealing if you are at all lonely. The chanting can take the edge off of the anxiety, and hearing "experiences" can make you feel more optimistic about resolving your loss or problem. This is all very appealing bait, and it's all too easy to see the bait, but not the hook underneath it.


Your leader's answer is classic SGI-speak. If you do solve a problem, or something good happens to you, then it's all due to chanting and SGI. If you can't solve the problem, or something bad happens, then you haven't chanted with enough determination or done enough work for SGI, and you need to do more. Well, if you are human, both good and bad things happen all the time. So for the devout SGI members, the answer is constantly increasing your chanting and efforts for SGI. You are never doing enough; you ALWAYS need to do more, more, more, whether your life is going well or badly!


This mindset is like getting sucked into a whirlpool. It just pulls in someone like my former friend. When I knew her, she usually chanted over two hours a day, and she was attending meetings, or planning them, several times a week. Occasionally, something good would happen to her, or she'd feel good, briefly. Then, she'd feel that she'd gotten a benefit. Which meant that she should be grateful to SGI and do even more for them. If she felt bad, or had a bad day at work, or something else bad happened to her -- she felt that it was because her faith and determination weren't strong enough. Then, she'd resolve to chant more and work harder for SGI. This is such a vicious cycle! You get to the point where you're doing little but SGI stuff, and this is what happened to her.




癒しの過程で不安に悩む多くの人と話をしましたが、孤立が共通のテーマであることに気づきました。なぜ詠唱がこれにつながるのかがわかります。人生に戻るように私を促してくれた人々がいたことにとても感謝しています。 SGIには不安な人がたくさんいるようで、私のSGIの「メンター」は、私が所属していたグループのさまざまなメンバーと、彼らのさまざまな状態(これはうつ病、不安症)について話してくれました。彼らは何年もSGIにいました。私は言った、すごい、それはすごい。彼らがずっと唱えているのなら、なぜ彼らは良くならないのですか?彼女の答え:彼らはそれを間違っている。彼らは十分な会議に出席せず、彼らの根本的な暗闇を克服する決意を持って唱えていません。









All she has now in her life is SGI, chanting, her job and her family. She used to cry to me that she wanted more friends, a relationship, more of a social life. Yet her SGI activities simply never left her the time for that. People would invite her out, and she never could go because she'd always have some SGI commitment. Naturally, people are going to quit inviting, if the answer's always no. By now, her friends are all hardcore SGI members. She's cut out anyone who could show her a different perspective. Even if she did start to question SGI at some point -- leaving would mean losing almost every friend she's got. Her family pretty much knows that they can't question her devotion to SGI, or she won't see them.


That could have been me. I'm grateful that I never entirely lost the desire to question. I'm also very thankful to sites like this one. Reading and writing about this helps so much.




SGI(Soka Gakkai international) budhdist cult?? [Archive] - David ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
28 Feb 2008 – Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism (SGI) has a big worldwide following and here in the UK I've attended many meetings over about 2 ..... MEMBERS OF WORLD DRUG TRAFFICKING AND MONEY LAUNDERING ASSOCIATION . 日蓮大聖人仏教(SGI)は世界中で大きな支持を得ており、ここ英国では約2回以上の会議に出席しました.....世界の麻薬密売およびマネーロンダリング協会のメンバー..



Daisaku Ikeda - the leader of Soka Gakkai International - has long been said to be of North Korean descent with North Korean sympathies... and that his original name at birth was SON Tae-Chuk創価学会インターナショナルのリーダーである池田大作は、北朝鮮の同情を持って北朝鮮の子孫であると長い間言われてきました...そして彼の出生名はソン・テチュクでした


Gekkan Pen Scandal

In 1976, Japanese monthly magazine, the Gekkan Pen exposed Ikeda's sexual relations with six Gakkai women. One of the six, Tokiko Tada ( top leader of the Women's Division ), appeared in the article. The scandal was revealed with big headlines. Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai filed a libel suit against the Gekkan Pen. The Gekkan Pen was found guilty because the truth of the article was considered to not have had sufficient evidences. However the penalty was much llighter than was sought, because Ikeda's behavior warranted suspicion of his sexual relations with those women. Strangely, despite that Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai were plaintiffs, Soka Gakkai gave the Gekkan Pen 20 million yen. On the sixth of November 1976, Ikeda was so anxious over the Gekkan Pen scandal that he gave an order to the members of the Komei Party in the Kansai Culture Center. He said, " If I am ordered to appear in court, I will eliminate the Komei Party as a sacrifice. I will not forgive Watanabe and Yano, if they did it half way. I will kick them out." The whole train of events posed questions about how Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai used religious contributions and the the meaning of the Komei Party's existence.




Dummy Votes Incident

In the election of the House of Councilors in 1968, an organic crime was committed by the Soka Gakkai. Believe it or not, massive amount of votes, as many as 100,000, disappeared in Shinjuku Ward Tokyo. Eight Soka Gakkai top leaders of the Student Division, Yoshinori Kitabayashi, Takashi Miyamoto, Akio Sunagawa, and others were found guilty in this case.




Interference in the freedom of speech Incident

This was an incident that emerged at the year-end of 1969. The Soka Gakkai put pressure on indivisuals and publishers that posed questions about the substance of the Soka Gakkai, in order to hush its crimes up, with every method, including money, the mobilization of politicians, strong-armed men men related to right wing organizations. Also its members systematically made threatening phone calls to the critics of the Soka Gakkai.

The main publications which were the target of Soka Gakkai were "Soka Gakkai o Kiru ( I Denounce the Soka Gakkai ) ", "Komeitono Sugao ( The Naked Face of the Komei Party ) ", "Korega Soka Gakkaida ( This is the Soka Gakkai ) ", "Soka Gakkai Komeitono Hametsu ( The Destruction of the Soka Gakkai & the Komei Party ) ", "Soka Gakkai Komeitono Kaimei ( Analysis of the Soka Gakkai & the Komei Party ) ", and " Soka Gakkai ". Despite that a man of religion must reply to the criticism with words fairly, the Soka Gakkai always reponds with political power, financial power, and violent, destructive power. Those methods fully proves the Soka Gakkai's true nature.




This scandal aroused more suspicion about the Soka Gakkai's money raising activities. ... He was indicted on eight counts of embezzlement and eight counts of money laundering; each count carries a maximum sentence of 10 years. ...... telling people they can get new cars and even drugs if the chant, teaching people that they will immediately become Buddhas if they join the SGI, and ...




Cult Education Forum :: Former Cult Members and Affected Families ...,87661... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
23 Jun 2011 – Excellent, Excellent", as their long broad tongues reached up to the heaven of Aizen Myo, the SGI patron saint of money laundering. Itchy Wada: "Sensei has organized a fantastic week for us at our nature and culture center in ...





The Fourth Wave: Chinese in the Pacific Islands in the Twenty-First ... - このページを訳すファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - クイック ビュー

R Crocombe - 引用元 4 - 関連記事

leading one is Soka Gakkai from Japan, but it is expected others from China will also be represented ... Smuggling of drugs, weapons and illegal immigrants, money laundering .... and money laundering, and bribing officials. However, the ...




Channel 0509 Diplomacy | International Relations - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
7 Feb 2010 – ... crime investigations, business intelligence gathering, undercover investigative operations, and anti-money laundering analyses. .... which is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved system currently in use for the treatment of uterine fibroids. ... Soka Gakkai International (SGI) organizations around the world have made donations to assist the relief efforts in Haiti ...


Center-right Blog Soka Gakkai(SGI)-affiliated Company lists - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
19 Jun 2008 – Are the realities such as Soka Gakkai and Confederation of Koreans Living in Japan exposed? ... that the stimulant that the Goto Yamaguchi-gumi-affiliated class imported from North Korea is treated, and Soka Gakkai undertakes the money laundering of the earnings. ) ... Toho Pharmaceutical and Tomo Tscmirai G loop(There are a lot of those at Soka University who find employment.


はてなブックマーク - Nab's Breadcrumb - 201238 › Nab's Breadcrumb - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
8 Mar 2012 – i65c tombs, soka-gakkai, rumor, religion, death, buddhism, oita, mitsubishi 2012/ 03/08 ... i65c money-laundering, money-transfer, crime, police 2012/03/08 ... i65c money-laundering, banks, crime, financial, fraud 2012/03/08 ...



·      The Nichiren Buddhist Temples will be contacting Sokka Gakkai leadership in an attempt to persuade them to return to ... British Columbia is a notorious international center for money laundering, illegal drug trafficking, human ...





March | 2009 | Mutantfrog Travelogue | Page 2 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
27 Mar 2009 – They come out only at night, either selling physical labor by offering to carry goods, or sell drugs and other ... drug muling, money laundering, and other illicit activities, apparently in line with the situation in Guangzhou. .... become reliant upon support from Soka Gakkai followers.4 Although traditionally the ...


John Marzullo - Pipl Profiles - アメリカ合衆国 - このページを訳す
MARTO DRUG & SUPPLY COMPANY. .... Intervista a John Marzullo, responsabile della Soka Gakkai nella Contea di Orange - California. Vladimir . .... Cynthia cooper consulting, john usvi villas, john lovitz, john mcbride money laundering, .


Final Report of the Enquete Commission on "So-called Sects and ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
One such example came to light at the hearing of Soka Gakkai, which in Germany is a fairly inconspicuous group of about 3000 ..... of activity and legal spheres: recruitment, brainwashing, manipulative therapies, parental custody, drug use, tax evasion, fraud, ..... exchange control regulations and fiscal law in such a way that, for example, money laundering legislation was more effective than in Germany.


Law - Page 761 - アメリカ合衆国 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Doyle Carden Group has extensive experience in law and money laundering enforcement, banking, financial institution AML compliance, corporate and ... Preamble: We, the constituent organizations and members of the Soka Gakkai International (hereinafter called SGI), embrace the fundamental aim and ... Accused of a drug crime? we offer you a free consultation in your case involving drug charges ...


Comparative Criminology | Asia - Singapore - アメリカ合衆国 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
In the late 1980s, other Chinese whitecollar and skilled workers were joining the Japan-based Soka Gakkai (Value Creation ...... that would enhance cooperation in investigating drug money laundering and in the seizure of drug-related assets.


The Real DEAL - Holy Conservancy - キャッシュ - このページを訳す


Moderationmoon大仏へ(3) 大御本尊の偉大な力で難病を克服した ... - キャッシュ海外サイトには「Soka Gakkai in drug money laundering」で検索すると次から次へと出て来ます。 海外では常識となっていることです。 ただ、日本人だけが、日本語という壁に遮られて知らないでいることです。 マシュマロ姫がこのことを調べているかは分かりません ...


cocaine money - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Results 1 - 25 – broiled in a major GOP money laundering scandal also involving Tom DeLay and was sentenced to 6 EXTENSIVE ARMS & COCAINE SMUGGLING. Network ... differentiating between normal money and drugs money, and analyzing the factors and the distribution of cocaine contamination. ... Soka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business.



Annual Meeting Participants Engage in Discussion of New Threats ... - このページを訳す

ファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - クイック ビュー

warfare, money laundering, poverty, human security and the place of the UN in dealing with .... nounce support of this project by. Soka Gakkai International. ... UN office for Drug Control and Crime prevention talked about the financial aspects ...


《《《チャウシェスク・ノリエガ・イケダ展》》》 – [217回発言]: 世界のイベントにたかり、地域財政を赤字にするSGI世界カルト宗。 デンマークと ...... Daisaku Ikeda, meets with Panama dictator/drug dealer, Manuel Noriega ...... money laundering moon の検索結果 約 279000 ... 1 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。



0609609580-13 - - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

148 It's easy to offend the devout Take the example of Soka Gakkai, one of the subsects of Nichiren Shoshu, a Japanese ... 162 Today the trade in illicit drugs Bruce Zagaris and Scott Ehlers, "Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering," Columbia ...


The "Pusher Man" Is A Jew Conspiracy Stupid! « The Conspiracy of ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
18 Feb 2009 – ... Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakkai notoriety, who invest followers' funds in narcotics and methamphetamine distributed by ... Haredi Jews in New York are being regularly charged with drug running and drug money laundering, ...


Knowledge, Solidarity, Respect,_SOLIDARITY,_RESPECT - このページを訳す... pollution, drug trafficking, terrorism, money laundering, global financial speculation, and to defense of the federalism, .... The Soka Gakkai International ( SGI-USA) Culture of Peace Resource Centers in New York, Santa Monica, Chicago ... ...汚染、麻薬密売、テロ、マネーロンダリング、世界的な金融投機、そして連邦主義の擁護、....創価学会インターナショナル(SGI-USA)ニューヨーク、サンタモニカ、シカゴの平和資源センターの文化..。。



Cult News from Rick Ross » 3HO - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
23 Feb 2006 – A leader immediately below Bhajan that largely ran his New Mexico ashram was indicted for drug running, racketeering and money laundering. Not exactly the kind of people Ms. Spears should hanging around with now is it? 日本語




Center-right Blog 200806 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

15 Jun 2008 – Are the realities such as Soka Gakkai and Confederation of Koreans Living in Japan exposed? .... that the stimulant that the Goto Yamaguchi-gumi-affiliated class imported from North Korea is treated, and Soka Gakkai undertakes the money laundering of the earnings. ) ... Toho Pharmaceutical and Tomo Tscmirai G loop(There are a lot of those at Soka University who find employment. 創価学会や日本に住む朝鮮人連盟などの現実は露呈していますか? ....北朝鮮から輸入された後藤山口組系列の覚醒剤が扱われ、創価学会が収益のマネーロンダリングを行うこと。 ...東邦薬品とTomo Tscmirai Gループ(創価大学には就職する人がたくさんいます。




Newsletter OFFICE OF THE AMERICAS IN ACTION - このページを訳すファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - クイック ビュー

2 Feb 2002 – ing lower cost HIV/AIDS drugs; acknowledging a basic human right to ... off-shore and other tax and money-laundering havens. 10. Refused to join 123 nations ... with Medea Benjamin at: Soka Gakkai International (SGI-USA) ... 低コストのHIV / AIDS薬を使用する。オフショアおよびその他の税金およびマネーロンダリングの避難所に対する基本的人権を認める。 10.123カ国への参加を拒否...メデアベンジャミンと:創価学会インターナショナル(SGI-USA...



Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
5 Dec 2009 – With money laundering being one of the perennial problems of the Philippines, the BSP has issued a number of ..... The largest religious movements centered in Japan include Soka Gakkai, Tenrikyo, and Seicho-No-Ie among hundreds of smaller groups. .... relatively recent, and which the word 'mysticism' is more recent than,) includes systems of discipline that forbid drugs that can ... マネーロンダリングはフィリピンの長年の問題の1つであり、BSPは多くの.....を発行しています。日本を中心とする最大の宗教運動には、創価学会、天理教、生長の家など、数百の小グループがあります。 ....比較的最近であり、「神秘主義」という言葉がより最近のものである)には、次のような薬物を禁止する規律のシステムが含まれています...



Anonymous - A Storm Is Coming - Democratic Underground - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
30 Oct 2011 – Daisaku Ikeda, President, Soka Gakkai International Buddhist organization for peace, culture and education. ..... He goes further in this documentary in detail about how exactly drug money is laundered into Wall Street. 平和、文化、教育のための創価学会国際仏教団体会長、池田大作。 .....彼はこのドキュメンタリーで、ドラッグマネーがウォール街にどのように正確にロンダリングされているかについてさらに詳しく説明しています。



The CAB | - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, which was recently amended to remove certain shortcomings, will come into force on 1st of July,2005. ..... instituted by Chugoku Soka Gakkai, Hiroshima, in recognition of his "outstanding contribution to world peace based on his noble ..... Prize in chemistry for discoveries that let industry develop drugs and plastics more efficiently and with less hazardous waste. いくつかの欠点を取り除くために最近改正されたマネーロンダリング防止法は、200571日に施行されます。 .....広島の中国地方創価学会が、「ノーベル化学賞に基づく世界平和への卓越した貢献.....業界がより効率的かつ危険性の少ない医薬品やプラスチックを開発できるようにした発見に対して、化学賞を受賞した」として設立されました。無駄。






KOMMUNIKATION GLOBAL | GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES - Mai . May ... - ドイツ - このページを訳すファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat

In another interview Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International, stresses the need for a global culture of human ...... ment in the misuse of the CHN as money laundering ... ding the 2007 report by the UN office on drugs and crime ... 別のインタビューで、創価学会インターナショナルの池田大作社長は、マネーロンダリングとしてのCHNの悪用における人間のグローバル文化の必要性を強調しています...国連薬物犯罪事務所による2007年の報告書と犯罪..



仰天なのは、アメリカSGI歌手のティナ・ターナーを呼ぶためにかかった金がなんと、 600 万クローネ(12000万円)...... Daisaku Ikeda, meets with Panama dictator/drug dealer, Manuel Noriega ...... money laundering moon の検索結果 約 279000 ...



Soka Gakkai in drug money launderingを攻撃するホームページを造ることができません。 Soka Gakkai in drug money launderingを暴いてホームページを造ると創価学会と池田大作は潰れます。創価学会は必死でそのホームページを潰そうとしてくるで ...


fbi - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
A Money Laundering Enterprise. ..... Both Original Peace Version were proposed authorized to Soka Gakkai Japan Since 1990 to Build to avoid World Riots, World Wars, World Terrorisms, World Anarchy which supported by Given Data ... マネーロンダリング企業。 .....両方のオリジナルの平和バージョンは、与えられたデータによってサポートされた世界暴動、世界大戦、世界テロ、世界無政府状態を回避するために構築するために、1990年以来創価学会日本に承認されて提案されました...



06TOKYO5325 - GUARDIANGATE - キャッシュ - このページを訳す... National Police Agency to introduce CT scans and drug-detection kits to rapidly , accurately determine cause of death Tokyo Shimbun: .... Specifically, the sanctions will include monitoring the flow of money through bank accounts of organizations and ... near North Korea to investigate monetary flows, such as money laundering by North Korea-related bank accounts. .... acting head of Soka Gakkai, who is popular in the lay Buddhist group that serves as New Komeito's support base. ...警察庁がCTスキャンと薬物検出キットを導入して、死因を迅速かつ正確に特定する東京新聞:....具体的には、制裁措置には、組織の銀行口座を通じた資金の流れの監視が含まれます...北朝鮮関連の銀行口座によるマネーロンダリングなどの金銭の流れを調査するために北朝鮮の近く。 ....公明党の支持拠点である一般仏教徒グループで人気の創価学会の演技長。



Folder Contents - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
23 Sep 1997 – In a rare fit of sanity, the poor Albanians had awakened to the fact that a fool and his money were easily parted. ... used the funds to underwrite arms dealers and drug-traffickers who used the Balkan country as a transshipment center. ... Europe; and the role of Italian and Austrian banks in money-laundering could also be a factor in the Ponzi debacle. ... This standard disclaimer is also used by the Soka Gakkai, Aum Shinrikyo and other new religions whenever they are ... まれな正気の中で、貧しいアルバニア人は愚か者と彼のお金が簡単に別れたという事実に目覚めました。 ...資金を使用して、バルカン半島を積み替えセンターとして使用した武器ディーラーや麻薬密売人を引き受けました。 ...ヨーロッパ;マネーロンダリングにおけるイタリアとオーストリアの銀行の役割も、ポンジーの大失敗の要因となる可能性があります。 ...この標準的な免責事項は、創価学会、オウム真理教、その他の新宗教でも使用されています...



aziyhromycin - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
japan ecstasy yakusa soka gakkai · cocaine damage .... Azithromycin injection is used to treat bacterial infections in many Azithromycin belongs to the class of drugs known as macrolide antibiotics. Anyways .... Purchase xanax, this drowsiness had been performing minoxidil, a urgent scale, during the money- laundering. japan ecstasy yakusa soka gakkai・コカイン損傷....アジスロマイシン注射は多くの細菌感染症の治療に使用されますアジスロマイシンはマクロライド系抗生物質として知られている薬のクラスに属しています。とにかく.... xanaxを購入すると、この眠気はマネーロンダリング中に緊急のスケールであるミノキシジルを実行していました。




Ron Daniels to highlight December 9 Unity Dinner FOR conference ... - このページを訳すファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - クイック ビュー

“Once you're in Congress, people get in line to give you money, and it's a lot easier to do TV ads ..... Soka Gakkai International, a Buddhist lay organization of which she is the ..... sell weapons and launder drug money. The war in Iraq is also ... 「議会に入ると、人々はあなたにお金を与えるために列に並び、テレビ広告をするのはずっと簡単です.....彼女が所属する仏教徒の組織である創価学会インターナショナルは.....売ります武器と洗濯薬のお金。イラク戦争も...



Susan j. - Greater New York City Area - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Title: Managing Member at Pharmaceutical Development International; Demographic info: Greater New York City Area | Research ... World Citizens, UN Delegate at Association of World Citizens, Global Member at Soka Gakkai International; Past: Past President, San Francisco ... N.A., Senior AML Compliance Coordinator at Citigroup, Senior Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Coordinator at Citigroup ... 役職:Pharmaceutical DevelopmentInternationalのマネージングメンバー。人口統計情報:グレーターニューヨークシティエリア|研究...世界市民、世界市民協会の国連代表、創価学会インターナショナルのグローバルメンバー。過去:サンフランシスコの元社長...N.A。、シティグループのシニアAMLコンプライアンスコーディネーター、シティグループのシニアマネーロンダリング防止コンプライアンスコーディネーター..



Narconon-Chilocco Drug Treatment Plant May Be Part - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Study the methods ofest, LaRouche, Tran- scendental Meditation, Truth Station, Nichiren Soshu (Soka Gakkai), The Way .... were busted by federal agents in the middle of December for allegeally operating a money laundering scheme. ラルーシュ、超越瞑想、真実の駅、日蓮正宗(創価学会)、ウェイ....の方法を研究することは、マネーロンダリング計画を運営しているとされる12月中旬に連邦捜査官によって逮捕されました。



Part 4 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
In response to your packet and the numerous letters of protest concerning the Narconon Drug treatment facility to be located at the ..... Study the methods of est, LaRouche, Transcendental Meditation, Truth Station, Nichiren Soshu (Soka Gakkai), The Way International, .... gold bullion business were busted by federal agents in the middle of December for allegedly operating a money laundering scheme. あなたのパケットとナルコノン薬物治療施設に関する多数の抗議の手紙に応えて..... est、ラルーシェ、超越瞑想、真実の駅、日連総集(創価学会)、TheWayの方法を研究してくださいインターナショナル、....金地金事業は、12月中旬にマネーロンダリング計画を運営したとして連邦政府機関によって逮捕されました。



Pronfocus: 05/21/08 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
21 May 2008 – Its advanced anti-money laundering and anti-fraud software solutions will help St. George to detect and ..... There was a similar rate of study drug discontinuation between the 2 study groups. ..... Tokyo - Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ - Soka Gakkai General Director Masaaki Masaki visited the Tokyo office of the UN ... その高度なマネーロンダリング防止および不正防止ソフトウェアソリューションは、セントジョージが検出するのに役立ち、..... 2つの研究グループ間で同様の割合の治験薬の中止がありました。 .....東京-京堂JBN-AsiaNet /-創価学会事務局長正木正明が国連の東京事務所を訪問しました...



Friday, December 17, 1999 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
(7) Japan, China to strengthen cooperation to investigate group smuggling cases and drug trafficking ..... countries; and 5) collaborate at international conferences, such as for dealing with narcotics and money laundering. .... Nukaga: "You didn't tell me that you would ask a question about the [religious sect] Soka Gakkai." ... 日本、中国は、集団密輸事件と麻薬密売を調査するための協力を強化する.....; 5)麻薬やマネーロンダリングの処理など、国際会議で協力する。 ....ヌカガ:「[宗派]創価学会について質問するとは言わなかった」 ..



Japan | Mutantfrog Travelogue | Page 35 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
31 Mar 2009 – Maybe some of the lost money could have been found later by the original owner who neglected to update the police. ..... that Africans in Japan have been notably involved in counterfeiting, drug muling, money laundering, and other illicit activities, apparently in line with the situation in Guangzhou. .... become reliant upon support from Soka Gakkai followers.4 Although traditionally the ... おそらく、失われたお金の一部は、警察の更新を怠った元の所有者によって後で発見された可能性があります。 .....日本のアフリカ人は、明らかに広州の状況に沿って、偽造、麻薬密売、マネーロンダリング、およびその他の違法行為に特に関与している。 ....創価学会の信者からのサポートに依存するようになります。4伝統的には...





Multiple Dimensions of Socially Engaged Buddhism: the Case of ... - このページを訳す

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Y Sakurai - 2006

1 Jun 2006 – withdrew from politics, and as a result, only Soka Gakkai has been politically active. ..... money to local schools from the proceeds. .... laundering, or to gain support from their constituents by exploiting symbolic social ..... Thai police, declaring a war against drug and for cleanness, shot 2637 drug traffickers ... Y櫻井著-2006
200661政治から撤退し、その結果、創価学会だけが政治活動を行った。 .....収益から地元の学校へのお金。 ....洗濯、または象徴的な社会を悪用することによって彼らの構成員からの支持を得るために.....タイの警察は、麻薬との戦争を宣言し、清潔さのために、2637人の麻薬密売人を撃った.. ..



つまり、アメリカ創価大学で170万ドルの横領事件が起こったということです。 このことは日本のマスコミは放送しましたか? google翻訳です。 Soka Gakkai in drug money launderingで検索すると良いです。 ーーーーーこれをどう思いますか ...


m: ザ・オリエンタル in Thai - キャッシュ

200736 – Sav on drug and santa monica トラックバック Sav on sterilite. Sav a lot ...... Sojo tile トラックバック Soka gakkai cult .... What does latvia have money laundering act describe トラックバック What does kpn mean in an address ... ステリライトを保存します。 Sav a lot ...... Sojo tileトラックバック創価学会カルト....ラトビアにはマネーロンダリング行為とは何ですか?トラックバック住所でkpnとはどういう意味ですか...



The President Sings Again « This Black Sista's Page - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
22 Feb 2012 – Messages of Encouragement from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda and Efforts by The Soka Gakkai During the .... from New Hope Baptist Church…and More · Whitney's Family Told That It Was Drugs and Alcohol That Killed Her, Not Drowning ..... James Ibori, a former governor of one of Nigeria's oil-producing states, pleads guilty to money laundering and conspiracy to defraud in a UK court .





Big Agri-Business, Big Pharma, Arms Trafficking, Suicide Cults and ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
24 Feb 2012 – If certain influential and well-connected individuals want to engage in illegal money-making activities, they ... international law, money laundering, overthrowing governments, phony terrorist attacks, pedophilia rings, etc. ..... Another Parliamentary Commission was formed and when it reported in 1999, it singled out the Church of Scientology, Soka Gakkai, ...... whether it's your doctor telling you there's an amazing new drug on the market, whether it's your friend telling ... 特定の影響力のある、つながりのある個人が違法な金儲け活動に従事したい場合、彼らは...国際法、マネーロンダリング、政府の転覆、偽のテロ攻撃、小児性愛の輪など.....別の議会委員会が設立されましたそして1999年に報告されたとき、それは科学の教会、草加学界を選び出しました、……それが市場に驚くべき新薬があるとあなたの医者が言っているのか、それがあなたの友人が言っているのか...



Enquete Commission of Germany: "Final Report on so-called Sects ...
Such organisations also include groups which offer users a mixture between the " dream of big money", ideology and esoterics. ...... of female members, drug trafficking, handling of stolen goods, and extorting "voluntary payments of money" . 64 ) ...... One such example came to light at the hearing of Soka Gakkai, which in Germany is a fairly ...... exchange control regulations and fiscal law in such a way that, for example, money laundering legislation was more effective than in Germany. このような組織には、「大金の夢」、イデオロギー、難解なものをユーザーに提供するグループも含まれます。 ……女性会員、麻薬密売、盗品の取り扱い、「自主的な金銭の支払い」の強要。 64......そのような例の1つは、ドイツではかなり......マネーロンダリングなどの方法での為替管理規則と財政法である創価学会の公聴会で明らかになりました。法律はドイツよりも効果的でした。



E/C.2/1995/2 Report submitted through the Secretary-General ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
16 Dec 1994 – Vienna (a) Commission on Narcotic Drugs (29 January-2 February 1990, 29 April -9 May 1991, 16 December 1991, 6-15 April 1992, 16-17 .... On 23-24 March 1992, CNPDS organized an International Meeting of Experts on Money Laundering and Control ..... Associated in this enterprise were the Commonwealth Secretariat, Soka Gakkai International and the Commonwealth Foundation. 麻薬委員会(1990129-22日、1991429-59日、19911216日、199246-15日、16-17 .... 1992323-24日、CNPDSは国際専門家会議を開催しました。マネーロンダリングとコントロールについて.....この企業に関連していたのは、連邦事務局、草加学会インターナショナル、および連邦財団でした。



Ghana, US Pledge To Fight Drug Trafficking - - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
12 Mar 2012 – ... United States of America (USA) have renewed their resolve to jointly fight drug trafficking, money laundering, ... Baha'i Faith, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Ninchiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai, Sri Sathya Sai Baba ... ...アメリカ合衆国(USA)は、麻薬密売、マネーロンダリングと共同で戦う決意を新たにしました...バハイ信仰、仏教、ユダヤ教、ヒンドゥー教、神道、ニンチレン商州創価学会、スリサティアサイババ.. 



View by: group - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
17 Feb 2007 – ... Texas Regional Militia, Nouvelle Acropole (Centre Argos), NSA (Nichoren Shoshu) ( SGI) (Soka Gokkai International), Nur-Cemati .... Even Moon's 1982 felony conviction for tax evasion arising from an earlier money-laundering scheme and public confessions .... Drug smuggling has proven to be a particularly effective way to fill the coffers of extremist movements, especially those that ... Texas Regional MilitiaNouvelle AcropoleCentre Argos)、NSANichoren Shoshu)(SGI)(Soka Gokkai International)、Nur-Cemati ....自白....薬物の密輸は、過激派運動の財源、特にそれを埋めるための特に効果的な方法であることが証明されています...




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9 Oct 2010 – respected drug treatment program, subsequently moved steadily toward an isolated ...... Myung Moon (Unification Church) and Daisaku Ikeda (Soka Gakkai), seem to have found ways ... Soka Gakkai in America: Accommodation ...... however, and the original suspicions of money laundering were discarded. 日本語

尊敬される薬物治療プログラムは、その後着実に孤立した方向に進んだ……文鮮明(統一教会)と池田大作(創価学会)は、道を見つけたようだアメリカの創価学会:宿泊施設 ..しかし、マネーロンダリングの元々の疑惑は破棄されました。



Hubbard tested, Xenu approved! | MetaTalk - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
26 Jul 2008 – ... or the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, or a Lubavitcher missionary group, or the Soka Gakkai International it wouldn't be an issue. ... If you can show how atheists believe in Thetan-like creatures and charge other atheists money to get to "new levels" ...... I've bought drugs on the street, which means I was probably supporting some species of organized crime. ... They're still getting my money or at least using my money to launder theirs (and in at least two cases, I'm almost ... ...またはJesuitVolunteer CorpsLubavitcher宣教師グループ、またはSoka GakkaiInternationalは問題になりません。 ...無神論者がシータンのような生き物をどのように信じているかを示し、他の無神論者に「新しいレベル」に到達するためにお金を請求することができれば......私は路上で麻薬を購入しました。組織犯罪の。 ...彼らはまだ私のお金を受け取っているか、少なくとも私のお金を使って彼らのマネーロンダリングを行っています(そして少なくとも2つのケースでは、私はほとんど...



BenjaminFulford : Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis2011/09 ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
26 Sep 2011 – Sokka Gakkai is a North Korean Front Operation in Japan. ..... Look also at Citigroup – that bank is used to money launder $billions to the CIA (Knights of the Holy See) for arms dealing, drug trafficking and covert terrorist ... 創価学会は、日本における北朝鮮の戦線作戦です。 .....シティグループも見てください。その銀行は、武器取引、麻薬密売、秘密のテロリストのためにCIAKnights of the Holy See)に数十億ドルのマネーロンダリングに使用されています...



World People's Blog - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
22 Sep 2008 – My Million-Yen Naoki Prize Money is Taking a Nap, english translation. .... money to Iraq through his charity front Help the Needy, (disambiguation), and for fraud, money laundering, tax ...... Linked with Soka Gakkai International – SGI-USA, and with Health People NY/USA. ... When New York's longest and most deadly drug war erupted on the block of our office, we had to literally walk ...  My Million-Yen Naoki Prize Money is Takeing a Nap、英語訳。 ....彼のチャリティーフロントを通じてイラクへのお金は貧しい人々を助け、(曖昧さをなくし)、そして詐欺、マネーロンダリング、税金のために......創価学会インターナショナル-SGI-USA、そしてヘルスピープルNY / USAとリンク。 ...ニューヨークで最も長く、最も致命的な麻薬戦争が私たちのオフィスのブロックで勃発したとき、私たちは文字通り歩かなければなりませんでした...



Mix Martial Arts Gossip News Blog - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
He made a shift to Strikeforce after he revealed that he, too, got stiffed on money. ... to ever consider given how Ishii had made his bones by being connected with Soka Gakkai and with other entertainment power brokers. ... very site into Japanese on their sites now refusing to talk about the two kinds of scandals ( yakuza & drugs) that can bring down the industry. ... For certain, there will be yakuza stooges who come in to run a few shows to launder cash and throw themselves a party. 彼もまたお金に悩まされていることを明らかにした後、彼はStrikeforceにシフトしました。 ...石井が創価学会や他のエンターテインメントパワーブローカーとのつながりによってどのように骨を作ったかを考えると、これまでに検討する必要があります。 ...業界を崩壊させる可能性のある2種類のスキャンダル(ヤクザと麻薬)について話すことを拒否している彼らのサイトの非常に日本語のサイト。 ...確かに、現金を洗浄してパーティーを開くためにいくつかのショーを実行するためにやってくるヤクザのストゥージがいるでしょう。



Latest on Shaniya Davis Case: McNeill Had Sexually Explicit Photos ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
3 Feb 2010 – Messages of Encouragement from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda and Efforts by The Soka Gakkai During the .... from New Hope Baptist Church…and More · Whitney's Family Told That It Was Drugs and Alcohol That Killed Her, Not Drowning ..... James Ibori, a former governor of one of Nigeria's oil-producing states, pleads guilty to money laundering and conspiracy to defraud in a UK court . SGIの池田大作会長からの励ましのメッセージと創価学会の努力のメッセージ....ニューホープバプテスト教会からそしてもっと・ホイットニー家は彼女を殺したのは麻薬とアルコールであり、溺れていないと語った.....ジェームズナイジェリアの産油国の1つの元知事であるイボリは、英国の法廷での金銭の溺死と詐欺の陰謀に対して有罪を認めています。



bush cocaine president - キャッシュ - このページを訳すSoka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine Going back to the past when President senior Bush .... 1981-83 Extensive drug trafficking and money laundering involving the Medellin, Colombia cocaine cartel . 創価学会は、信者からの正直なお金をコカインに投資していました。ブッシュ大統領が過去にさかのぼります.... 1981-83コロンビア、メデリンのコカインカルテルを含む広範な麻薬密売とマネーロンダリング。



AsiaPulse News October 19, 2005 Article Archives | HighBeam ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
19 Oct 2005 – BEIJING, Oct 19 Asia Pulse - The growth of China's money supply picked up remarkably in September, but it should be .... DHAKA, Oct 19 Asia Pulse - The Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (BAPI) has welcomed ..... Group on Money Laundering has declared Indonesia along with two other countries as pilot projects of corruption. ..... TOKYO, Oct.18 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ - Soka Gakkai Vice General Director Minoru Harada and Vice President Kenji ... 20051019 - 北京、1019日 アジア・パルス - 中国のマネーサプライの成長は9月に顕著に上昇したが、それは .... ダハカ、10  19  Asia Pulse - バングラデシュ製薬産業協会(BAPI)は、..... を歓迎した。マネーロンダリングに関するグループは、インドネシアを他の2カ国とともに汚職のパイロットプロジェクトとして宣言した。..... 東京、1018/共同JBN-AsiaNet/ - 創価学会副理事長の原田稔氏と副理事長の健治氏は、「創価学会は、日本の製薬業界の発展に貢献していると考えています」と述べました。


activate my cashfirst debit card loan - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

Results 1 - 100 of 704 – clomid no prescription drugs ... japan ecstasy yakusa soka gakkai ..... money laundering operations is where the cash first enters the financial system. . awareness and vigilance among staff to enable a report to be made if ... 結果1-704100 clomid no prescription Drugs ... japan ecstasy yakusa soka gakkai .....マネーロンダリング操作は、現金が最初に金融システムに入る場所です。 。次の場合に報告を行うことができるようにするためのスタッフ間の認識と警戒...



Browse by Material Type - SOAS Research Online - キャッシュ
Alexander, Richard (2007) Insider Dealing and Money Laundering in the EU: Law and Regulation. Ashgate. Achcar, Gilbert and ..... Harvard University Press. Dikotter, Frank and Laamann, Lars Peter and Zhou, Xun (2004) Narcotic Culture: A History of Drugs in China. ... Fisker-Nielsen, Anne Mette (2012) Religion and Politics in Contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai Youth and Komeito. London: Routledge. アレクサンダー、リチャード(2007EUにおけるインサイダー取引とマネーロンダリング:法と規制。アッシュゲート。 AchcarGilbert、そして.....ハーバード大学出版局。 DikotterFrank and LaamannLars Peter and ZhouXun2004)麻薬文化:中国における薬物の歴史。 ...フィスカー・ニールセン、アン・メッテ(2012)現代日本の宗教と政治:草加学会青年と米人。ロンドン:ラウトレッジ。



Mystic Bourgeoisie: blogged books
24 Sep 2006 – Summary: From Christian Science and the Jehovah's Witnesses to Soka Gakkai, Wicca, and Falun Gong, the last ...... first intrigued and then obsessed by the effects of psychedelic drugs in the 1960s while teaching at Harvard, where he .... of art, and money that disappeared into numbered Swiss bank accounts during the war, never to be seen again. ... global financial power that Switzerland now wields is the direct result of the Nazi plunder laundered in Swiss banks, ...要約:クリスチャンサイエンスとエホバの証人から創価学会、ウィッカ、法輪功まで、最後の……最初に興味をそそられ、次に1960年代にハーバード大学で教鞭を執っていたときにサイケデリックスの効果に夢中になり、そこで彼は芸術と、戦争中に番号の付いたスイスの銀行口座に姿を消したお金は二度と見られなくなりました。 ...スイスが現在行使している世界的な金融力は、スイスの銀行でロンダリングされたナチスの略奪の直接の結果です...



2010 Highlights - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Seminar Outcome Report: APEC Seminar Series 2010 on Current and Emerging Trends in Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, December 2010 ..... Kyrgyzstan, the U.S.and the Global Drug Problem: Deep Forcesand the Syndrome of Coups, Drugs, and Terror, July 2010 .... Helped to Shape American Culture: The Founding Fathers and Chinese Civilization · Global Soka Gakkai: SGI in Canada ... セミナー成果報告書:マネーロンダリングとテロ資金供与の現在および新たな傾向に関するAPECセミナーシリーズ2010201012.....キルギスタン、米国および世界的な薬物問題:深い力とクーデター、薬物、およびテロの症候群、72010 ....アメリカ文化の形成を支援:創設者と中国文明・グローバルSoka Gakkai:カナダのSGI .. .. directory by category international - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Anti Money Laundering & Compliance Training, and Fraud Prevention courses – ICA · Anxiety, Phobias .... Bharat Soka Gakkai - The Indian chapter of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) · Bible Basics ..... Drug Watch International · Drum Corps ... マネーロンダリング防止およびコンプライアンストレーニング、および不正防止コース ICA・不安、恐怖症....バーラトソカガッカイ-ソカガッカイインターナショナル(SGI)のインド支部・聖書の基本.....ドラッグウォッチインターナショナル・ドラム隊.. ..



June 2011 | WangoWeb - ガーナ - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

Driver fined for failing to wear seat belt · Alleged drug dealer granted bail · Rapist granted 20000 bail. ...... cause of half of infertility cases- Gynaecologist · Food and Drugs Board destroys expired products · Women's division of Soka Gakkai celebrates 60th ... to return to farms · NDC, NPP boycott constitution week celebrations in UW · Cocaine trade exacerbates money laundering in West Africa – UN Chief ... 運転手はシートベルトを着用しなかったため罰金を科された・麻薬の売人が保釈を認めた・ラピストは20000の保釈を認めた。 ......不妊症の半数の原因-婦人科医・食品医薬品委員会が期限切れの製品を破壊する・創価学会の女性部門が60日を祝う...農場に戻る・NDCUWでのNPPボイコット憲法週間のお祝い・コカイン取引西アフリカでのマネーロンダリングを悪化させる国連チーフ..



2012 February 22 « This Black Sista's Page - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
22 Feb 2012 – Messages of Encouragement from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda and Efforts by The Soka Gakkai During the ... from New Hope Baptist Church…and More · Whitney's Family Told That It Was Drugs and Alcohol That Killed Her, ... Autodialing scheme leads to money laundering guilty plea February 22, 2012 ...  SGIの池田大作会長からの励ましのメッセージと創価学会の努力ニューホープバプテスト教会からそしてもっと・ホイットニー家は彼女を殺したのは麻薬とアルコールだと言った自動ダイヤル方式はお金につながるマネーロンダリングの有罪判決2012222..



カルト指定の創価学会対策掲示板組織犯罪対策チーム - キャッシュ

You may start your own online business as several millions of individuals making money at home. As there ...... 海外百数十カ国(公称)に「創価学会インターナショナル」(SGI)がある。 ...... Soka Gakkai in drug money launderingで検索することです。


LUCIFER'S ELITE - List | Diigo - アメリカ合衆国
9 Aug 2008 – Two incomes gave Mom and Dad the false sense that they had money, and thus materialism also seeped into our lives at the same time. ... CIA drugs and arm smuggling, bought politicians, undercover dealings, disinformation, lies and distortions, .... Daisaku Ikeda – founder of the Soka Gakkai cult ..... money- laundering international bankers and their hit-men, economic and otherwise; ... 2つの収入がママとパパにお金があるという誤った感覚を与えたので、唯物論も同時に私たちの生活に浸透しました。 ... CIAの麻薬と武器の密輸、購入した政治家、秘密取引、偽情報、嘘とゆがみ、....池田大作創価学会カルトの創設者.....マネーロンダリングの国際銀行家とそのヒットマン、経済的およびその他; .. directory by category international - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

Anti Money Laundering & Compliance Training, and Fraud Prevention courses – ICA · Anxiety, Phobias .... Bharat Soka Gakkai - The Indian chapter of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) · Bible Basics ..... Drug Watch International · Drum Corps ... マネーロンダリング防止およびコンプライアンストレーニング、および不正防止コース ICA・不安、恐怖症....バーラトソカガッカイ-ソカガッカイインターナショナル(SGI)のインド支部・聖書の基本.....ドラッグウォッチインターナショナル・ドラム隊.. ..



Nove knjige ODKJG - december 2009 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す... The Soka Gakkai : Buddhism and the creation of a harmonious and peaceful society / Daniel A. Metraux ; Conclusion : Buddhist social activism / Sallie B. King ..... Crime / Michael Tonry ; Juvenile delinquency / Mark C. Stafford ; Drug use as a global social problem / Erich Goode ; The ... André Spicer ; In paradise : metaphors of money-laundering brighten up the dark side of globalization / Rainer Hülsse ... 創価学会:仏教と調和のとれた平和な社会の創造/ダニエルA.メトロー;結論:仏教の社会運動/サリーB.キング.....犯罪/マイケルトンリー;少年非行/マークC.スタッフォード;世界的な社会問題としての薬物使用/ Erich Goode; ...アンドレスパイサー;楽園で:マネーロンダリングのメタファーがグローバリゼーションの暗い側面を明るくする/RainerHülsse..



God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
10 Dec 2011 – Eventually, prosecutors dropped all foreign bribery, money laundering, and fraud charges against Giffen in exchange for a guilty plea on a misdemeanor tax charge, ...... With CIA blessing, and using drug running as a way of financing activities, the Mafia set up drug supply routes back to the US. ...... Soka Gakkai's Cocaine Business · End of an era: South Africa's Oppenheimer dynasty . 最終的に、検察官は、軽罪の税金請求に対する有罪の嘆願と引き換えに、ギッフェンに対するすべての外国の賄賂、マネーロンダリング、および詐欺の請求を取り下げました...... CIAの祝福と、資金調達活動の方法としてのドラッグランの使用により、マフィアは米国に戻る薬物供給ルートを設定しました。 ……創価学会のコカイン事業・時代の終焉:南アフリカのオッペンハイマー王朝。



PrepareGKFebruary2011magazine - キャッシュ - このページを訳す

24 Feb 2011 – The Supreme Court described the black money matter as "pure and simple theft of national money". ... in the area of banking supervision and exchange of information to combat money laundering and terror financing. ..... Soka Gakkai International general director Yoshitaka Oba receives the first Motilal Banarsidass Indology Award on behalf of ..... of chemical compounds and aid in drug discovery, was inaugurated at the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology ( IICT) ... 日本語

最高裁判所は、ブラックマネーの問題を「国のお金の純粋で単純な盗難」と表現しました。 ...マネーロンダリングやテロ資金供与と戦うための銀行監督と情報交換の分野。 .....創価学会国際事務局長大場義隆が、化合物と創薬支援を代表して、第1回モチラルバナルシダスインド学賞を受賞し、インド化学工科大学(IICT)で発足しました。



View by: group - キャッシュ - このページを訳す... Northeast Texas Regional Militia, Nouvelle Acropole (Centre Argos), NSA ( Nichoren Shoshu) ( SGI) (Soka Gokkai International), Nur-Cemati, Nurcular .... Hornbuckle apparently used the drug benzodiazepine to induce drowsiness and amnesia in the women. .... Asahara's wife in connection with a bank account they believe members have used to launder money deposited to support her and her family. ..テキサス州北東部地域民兵、ヌーベルアクロポール(センターアルゴス)、NSA(日蓮正宗)(SGI)(創価学会インターナショナル)、ヌルセマティ、ヌルキュラー....ホーンバックルは、ベンゾジアゼピンという薬を使用して、眠気と健忘症を誘発したようです。女性たち。 ....麻原の妻は、銀行口座に関連して、メンバーが彼女と彼女の家族を支援するために預けられたマネーロンダリングに使用したと信じています。



Monaco: Prince Albert and Princess Charlene Are Suing Those ... - キャッシュ
25 Jul 2011 – Naturally, there is also money laundering, and in some cases, corruption, because some cases just refuse to go to .... Messages of Encouragement from SGI President Daisaku Ikeda and Efforts by The Soka Gakkai During the ... 当然、マネーロンダリングもあり、場合によっては、行きたくない場合もあるので、汚職もあります。池田大作SGI会長からの励ましのメッセージと創価学会の取り組み



Alcuin and Flutterby: March 2011 - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
1 Mar 2011 – Dam was a key signatory to important unlawfully-mandated US Federal Reserve Board money-laundering schemes ... Washington's objectives are control of oil production and oil revenues, control of illicit drug routes and ..... And with regard to the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, if, as reported, he is a member of the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist cult, it is likely that he is a Western Illuminati agent ... 201131ダムは、違法に義務付けられた重要な米国連邦準備制度理事会のマネーロンダリング計画の主要な署名者でした...ワシントンの目的は、石油生産と石油収入の管理、違法薬物ルートの管理、そして.....中国の大統領HuJintaoに、報告されているように、彼がSokka Gakkai Buddhist cultのメンバーである場合、彼は西部のイルミナティエージェントである可能性があります...



view by: article - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
New Secrecy of Scientology Documents, New Sokka Gakkai University, New Studies in Cult Membership: Child Abuse, New Studies ..... Religion No Defense, RELIGION: Founder of Legionaries Dies without Ever Going to, Religious Defense, Religious Drug Use Denied .... Scientologists 1, Russia 0, Scientologists Abroad, Scientologists Accused of Money Laundering, Scientologists Agree to Pay Taxes ... サイエントロジー文書の新しい秘密、新しい創価学会大学、カルト会員の新しい研究:児童虐待、新しい研究.....宗教無防備、宗教:軍団の創設者はこれまでに行かずに死ぬ、宗教的防衛、宗教的薬物使用は拒否されました。 ...サイエントロジスト1、ロシア0、海外のサイエントロジスト、マネーロンダリングで告発されたサイエントロジスト、サイエントロジストは税金を支払うことに同意します.. ..



Thought Process: I feel ashamed to call myself an INDIAN - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
8 Sep 2011 – ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia. 9 HOURS he was kept at the. Airport. .... A Money Laundering Enterprise. NO WONDER YOU ARE NOT GANDHI'S BY ... NGO: Soka Gakkai International · My Traveling Expeditions ... 伝えられるところでは、麻薬マフィアの娘。彼がに保たれた9時間。空港。 ....マネーロンダリング企業。あなたがガンジーではないのも不思議ではありません... NGO:創価学会インターナショナル・私の旅行遠征..



Daisaku Ikeda – founder of the Soka Gakkai cult. Eduard Shevardnadze ..... It may seem hard to believe that U.S. banks and corporations would be involved in laundering drug money from South American terrorists. Even the supine media ... 池田大作創価学会カルトの創設者。 Eduard Shevardnadze .....米国の銀行や企業が南米のテロリストからの麻薬マネーロンダリングに関与するとは信じがたいかもしれません。仰臥位のメディアでさえ...



Alcuin and Flutterby - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
Dam was a key signatory to important unlawfully-mandated US Federal Reserve Board money-laundering schemes. ... Washington's objectives are control of oil production and oil revenues, control of illicit drug routes and revenues, the ..... And with regard to the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, if, as reported, he is a member of the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist cult, it is likely that he is a Western Illuminati agent. ダムは、違法に義務付けられた重要な米国連邦準備制度理事会のマネーロンダリング計画の主要な署名者でした。 ...ワシントンの目的は、石油生産と石油収入の管理、違法薬物ルートと収入の管理、.....そして、中国の胡錦濤国家主席に関して、彼が報告されているように、ソッカ学界仏教カルト、彼は西洋のイルミナティエージェントである可能性が高い。



Thought Process - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
3 Oct 2011 – ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia. 9 HOURS he was kept at the. Airport. .... A Money Laundering Enterprise. NO WONDER YOU ARE NOT GANDHI'S BY ...... NGO: Soka Gakkai International · My Traveling Expeditions ... 伝えられるところでは、麻薬マフィアの娘。彼がに保たれた9時間。空港。 ....マネーロンダリング企業。あなたがガンディーではないのも不思議ではありません...... NGO:創価学会インターナショナル・私の旅行遠征..



















創価学会員は麻薬中毒患者の塗炭の苦しみの上に胡座を掻いていることを恥じて早く創価学会を脱会して日蓮正宗に移るべきです。日蓮正宗は伝統のある純粋な信仰団体です。rsd氏を使って創価学会は日蓮正宗批判を激しく行いましたが、rsd氏も途中から反創価学会に変わりました。rsd氏は或る創価学会副会長から依願されて宗教カテに現れたのです。ところがrsd氏は途中から創価学会批判に変わりました。「rsd氏殺害事件」という小説を書いています。創価学会は九州のある薬科大学を財政的に支配下に収めて、研究をしていた、しているという報告があります。これはオウム真理教事件とも関わりがあると思います。rsd氏の死には不審なところがあります。しかし、三船小仏の下には「Soka Gakkai in drug money launderingを調べるな!」という脅迫のメールが雨霰のように来ており、もうSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingのことを調べることは辞めようと思います。それが「世渡り」と思います。自分は独り身ではありません。子供がいます。子供のためにもうSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingを調べることはマシュマロ姫などに引き継いで貰おうと思います。マシュマロ姫は英語が堪能なので最適だと思います。三船小仏は英語が苦手です。それら脅迫のメールは毎日ドイツSGI最高幹部(ドイツ連邦警察公安部の内部スパイ)の下へメールで送っていますので、もうイギリス秘密警察などにも渡っていると思われます。今後はマシュマロ姫にSoka Gakkai in drug money launderingのことを調べることを引き継いで貰おうと思っています。マシュマロ姫にこの依頼の連絡を誰かに行って貰いたいです。創価学会内部改革派三船小仏




Soka Gakkai - High possibility of North Korean


Here comes again! Soka Gakkai International. Known as the largest Buddism sect in Japan, Soka Gakkai International (SGI) has gaind its victory (it's their favorite phrase) over 190 countries. Of course the religion was born in 1937 in Japan as a normal religion, worshipping Budda. However, Some of Japanese rightists say it's a Korean religion and there's a lot of chances of takeover by Korean since after WWII. Let's see how those Japanese get to have such an idea.


For those who already read my articles about SGI, it's easy to grasp how SGI has been undermining Japan. Drug bootlegging from North Korea into Japan is one of a good examples to depict its deed. Keeping 8% of Japanese parliament seats, it exerts huge power to control Japan's politics. Of the massive power scattered in every authority, Ikeda Daisaku --the leader since 1972-- was said to be the "king of Japan", superior to the past Japanese Prime Ministers except Koizumi. The acme of him was until recent: Prime Minister Mori (2000 - 2001) hadn't been born until Mori got Ikeda's permission. Just after Mori's period started, he angered Ikeda because he made a careless comment on Japan as "a gods' country". According to Ikeda, Japan should be a Budda's country. Mori reluctantly made a correction after receiving lots of accusing by mass media which was controlled by SGI.


The code of conduct of SGI is very similar to that of evil zainichi network, and they are very confident to make it convincive about this. (Zainichi is Koean living Japan. Many of them are good, but some exceptional groups have been trained to spy on Japan.)







SGIの行動規範は、邪悪な在日ネットワークの行動規範と非常によく似ており、これを確信させることに非常に自信を持っています。 (在日は日本に住む朝鮮人です。彼らの多くは良いですが、いくつかの例外的なグループは日本をスパイするように訓練されています。




Soka Gakkai - the cult rules Japan


You don't know anything about Soka Gakkai? Don't worry about that because this website is for those who don't know much about Japan.


A sect of Buddism, Soka Gakkai, is referred to as Soka Gakkai International (SGI) in the world, so I'll call SGI from now on. Surprisingly, this cult has been prevailing in over 100 countries all around the world. You live in America? Oh, yes. it has even two universities in california, giving birth to a lot of believers. On the other hand, it was designated by French parliament as a cult, so the article I'm writing may have something to do with your life even outside Japan. (Recently I've heard a rumor that SGI attempted to steal nuclear weapons from France. Please give me any information on this.) By the way, I've heard that SGI was accused by France because it attempted to steal nuclear bombs from France. Let me know if you know furthermore about this.


The weiredness of the cult can be vividly seen when you go to a town in Tokyo, Shinanomachi, where it's located several stations away from Tokyo station; it's as the center of Tokyo. As soon as you get off the train, you'd see a weired ambient with tricolored flags here and there, at the shops or electric poles. They're SGI's flags! As you walk through into the district, suddenly you'd feel you are watched by someone. You turn back, and there's someonee keeping on the track of you. He has a transceiver and doesn't even hide it. You got scared so much. And what would you do? Going to police? Well, it's not gonna work because it's called "Soka heaven" here, and of course the police is "Soka police". The above pic I borrowed from a website is a very precious; the blogger was surrounded by a couple of guys and asked what he was taking pictures for. He ran away and posted this pic. The town of SGI is THAT dangerous to snooping around.





仏教の宗派である創価学会は、世界では創価学会インターナショナル(SGI)と呼ばれているので、これからSGIと呼びます。驚いたことに、このカルトは世界中の100か国以上で普及しています。あなたはアメリカに住んでいますか?そうそう。カリフォルニアには2つの大学があり、多くの信者を産んでいます。一方で、フランス国会でカルトに指定されているので、私が書いている記事は、日本国外でもあなたの生活と関係があるのか​​もしれません。 (最近、SGIがフランスから核兵器を盗もうとしたという噂を聞きました。これについて教えてください。)ちなみに、SGIはフランスから核爆弾を盗もうとしたためにフランスから非難されたと聞きました。 。あなたがこれについてさらに知っているならば、私に知らせてください。


東京駅から数駅離れた信濃町の町に行くと、カルトの堕落が鮮明に見えます。東京の中心です。電車を降りるとすぐに、お店や電柱のあちこちに三色の旗が掲げられた奇妙な雰囲気が見えます。それらはSGIの旗です!地区に足を踏み入れると、突然誰かに見られているように感じます。あなたは引き返します、そして誰かがあなたの足跡をたどっています。彼はトランシーバーを持っていて、それを隠すことさえしません。あなたはとても怖くなった。そして、あなたは何をしますか?警察に行きますか?さて、ここでは「創価天国」と呼ばれているのでうまくいきませんし、もちろん警察は「創価警察」です。私がウェブサイトから借りた上記の写真は非常に貴重です。ブロガーは数人の男に囲まれ、何のために写真を撮っているのか尋ねました。彼は逃げてこの写真を投稿しました。 SGIの町は詮索するのにとても危険です




Here I uploaded a map of SGI's territory around the town in which oranged and grayed buildings belong to SGI. Just imagine that one whole town is occupied by a cult. It's so scaring. There are many shops recently built dealing with SGI stuff although they are not shown in the map, and of course they are run by the practitioners.

Let me explain why they are called "a cult". One aspect is that they don't allow to be critisized at all. The map I got is originally published by "Weekly Diamond", which featured SGI several years ago, but it resulted in buy-out by SGI, not letting many readers to purchase this number. Those buy-out usually is followed by a successive defamation suits against the publisher regardless the quality of the article. They are OK because they have plenty of money sucked from the earnest believers.

No matter how I insist, you're not going to believe it, aren't you? I happened to run into a video clip from Youtube, and this will convince you. It's a censorship of NHK, the only public TV company and therefore the principal channel.
Even if you don't know Japanese, you could barely hear the woman said "Komeito" and "Soka Gakkai". Komeito is a political party SGI has, and it's taboo on TV although everyone knows it. Since the constitution prohibites any reliigilus group from forming a political party, it's not allowed to even imply the relationship between two. Japan is still not a country with freedom of speech.






Gekkan Pen Scandal


In 1976, Japanese monthly magazine, the Gekkan Pen exposed Ikeda's sexual relations with six Gakkai women. One of the six, Tokiko Tada ( top leader of the Women's Division ), appeared in the article. The scandal was revealed with big headlines. Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai filed a libel suit against the Gekkan Pen. The Gekkan Pen was found guilty because the truth of the article was considered to not have had sufficient evidences. However the penalty was much llighter than was sought, because Ikeda's behavior warranted suspicion of his sexual relations with those women. Strangely, despite that Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai were plaintiffs, Soka Gakkai gave the Gekkan Pen 20 million yen. On the sixth of November 1976, Ikeda was so anxious over the Gekkan Pen scandal that he gave an order to the members of the Komei Party in the Kansai Culture Center. He said, " If I am ordered to appear in court, I will eliminate the Komei Party as a sacrifice. I will not forgive Watanabe and Yano, if they did it half way. I will kick them out." The whole train of events posed questions about how Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai used religious contributions and the the meaning of the Komei Party's existence.

1976年、日本の月刊誌である月刊ペンは、池田と6人の学界の女性との性的関係を明らかにしました。 6人のうちの1人、多田時子(女性部門のトップリーダー)が記事に登場しました。スキャンダルは大きな見出しで明らかにされました。池田と創価学会は月刊ペンに対して名誉毀損訴訟を起こした。記事の真実は十分な証拠がないと考えられたため、月刊ペンは有罪とされた。しかし、池田の行動はそれらの女性との性的関係の疑いを正当化したので、ペナルティは求められていたよりもはるかに軽かった。不思議なことに、池田と創価学会は原告であったにもかかわらず、創価学会は月刊ペンに2000万円を与えた。 1976116日、池田は月刊ペンのスキャンダルに不安を感じ、関西文化センターの光明党員に命令を出した。 「法廷に出廷するよう命じられたら、光明党を犠牲として排除する。渡辺と矢野が途中でやったとしても許さない。追い出す」と語った。一連の出来事は、池田と創価学会がどのように宗教的貢献を利用したか、そして光明党の存在の意味について疑問を投げかけました。




The Suspicion of massive amount of Tax Evasion




In March 1991, an inflated transaction for Renoir paintings by Mitsubishi Commercial Company emerged. It was confirmed that the Soka Gakkai's vice-president Yahiro and the Fuji museum ( also SG's ) were deeply involved in this scandal. An unaccounted expenditure of 1.5 biilion yen was suspected to have been misused by the Soka Gakkai as its hidden money.



In May 1991, a huge ammount in false declaration regarding the Soka Gakkai's cemetery business was pointed out by the Japanese Tax Administration Agency. The Soka Gakkai was compelled to revise their return as much as 2.4 billion yen and payed approximately 640 million yen for aditionally assessed corporation profit tax. Tax investigation into the Soka Gakkai continued.


Furthermore, in July of the same year, the fact emerged that the Soka Gakkai received compensation as much as 450 million yen for a lost in assets on investment in stocks from a Japanese securities company. The Soka Gakkai insists that this was not compensation.

Nevertheless the fact clearly proved that the Soka Gakkai had been investing follower's honest money, as much as 7 billion yen, into the stock market. The dark money raised in this way is being used for other crimes and anti-social activities.

In 1989, 175 million yen in a safe discarded at a scrap yard was discovered. The safe was proved to have belonged to Soka Gakkai. But in the press conference, the general meneger of the Soka Gakkai Mr.Nakanishi 日本


 explained that the money was not the Gakkai's but his own, he claimed that he had forgot his business profit which he alleged he accumlated for twenty years.

Who on earth can believe such a stupid explanation to have forgotten 175 million yen in the basement of the Seikyo Shimbun office ? This scandal aroused more suspicion about the Soka Gakkai's money raising activities.





Former Soka finance chief indicted



Kiyoshi Hatanaka is accused of embezzling $1.7 million.


Orange County Register/December 24, 2007


By Marla Jo Fisher


The former finance director of Soka University of America has been indicted on charges he embezzled $1.7 million from the private university over the course of seven years, according to a federal indictment unsealed Friday.


Kiyoshi Hatanaka, 52, of Aliso Viejo had worked for a Big Seven accounting firm before coming to be Soka's finance director in 1990, a university spokeswoman said.


He left his job in January 2006, spokeswoman Wendy Harder said, after allegations arose that he had created sham university accounts at a Los Angeles bank, moved money into the accounts, and then cashed $10,000 checks from them.


Hatanaka could not be reached for comment Friday afternoon. His public defender, Chase Scolnick, did not immediately return calls


Hatanaka came with Soka when it moved from Calabasas to open a 103-acre hilltop campus in Aliso Viejo. The university is affiliated with the largest Buddhist sect in Japan, but attracts students from the U.S. and around the world.


Assistant U.S. Attorney Lawrence Kole said evidence indicated Hatanaka gambled large sums of money during that period at casinos in Temecula and Las Vegas


Hatanaka is scheduled to be arraigned in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana on Jan. 2, and could face trial in February, Kole said. He was indicted on eight counts of embezzlement and eight counts of money laundering; each count carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.


Kole said the bank became suspicious of irregularities and contacted officials at Soka, which then contacted federal authorities


Soka's Harder said the bank expressed concern about transfers that were not approved by multiple people


She said the university hired a new chief financial officer in 2005, and put Hatanaka in charge of endowment accounts.


Among the overhauls created by the new financial officer was a procedure requiring multiple signatures and approvals on bank transfers, Harder said.


Hatanaka is suspected of taking interest money out of endowment accounts, then moving money around in a way that made it less likely to be detected by university auditors, Harder said. "We're working now to recover the money," Harder said. "We did recover about a million dollars of the loss through insurance."



オレンジカウンティレジスター/ 20071224




















Soka's Harderは、銀行が複数の人に承認されていない送金について懸念を表明したと述べた






ハーダー氏によると、畑中氏は、基金口座から利息を引き出し、大学の監査人に検出されにくくする方法で資金を移動させた疑いがあるという。 「私たちは今、お金を取り戻すために働いています」とハーダーは言いました。 「私たちは保険を通じて約100万ドルの損失を取り戻しました。




Claims of Distortion


Ikeda said the myriad accusations deliberately distort the group's philosophy. They also ignore history: Soka Gakkai was one of the few organizations that resisted the militaristic Shinto theocracy in the dark years leading to World War II and was nearly destroyed for it. Its founder, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, died in jail; Josei Toda, Ikeda's late, revered mentor, suffered behind bars for two years.


Jabbing a finger in the air, Ikeda declared: "We don't have the slightest intention of ever supporting a theocratic government. The Soka Gakkai organization was destroyed by state Shinto, by a form of nationalism that really did merge the political and the religious. Why in the world would we want to repeat that bitter experience?"

The group's political activity--as well as its other endeavors--stems from a belief that the spirit of religion should animate and uplift all realms of society, he said.


"If religion does nothing but pray in quiet isolation, then there is no need for it," he said, paraphrasing Mahatma Gandhi. "Unless the spirit of religion is reflected in politics, in society, unless it contributes to the world, then it is without value."


Still, Ikeda said Soka Gakkai's aims have been so misunderstood that it will begin endorsing candidates rather than specific parties after the next election, which must be held by spring, 1997.


Even so, public acceptance is likely to remain elusive.



池田氏は空中に指を突っ込んで、「神権政権を支持するつもりはない。創価学会は国家神道によって、政治と宗教を実際に融合させたナショナリズムの形で破壊された。 。なぜ世界でその苦い経験を​​繰り返したいのでしょうか?」


「宗教が静かに孤立して祈る以外に何もしないのなら、それは必要ない」と彼はマハトマ・ガンジーを言い換えて言った。 「宗教の精神が政治や社会に反映されていない限り、それが世界に貢献しない限り、それはそうです。」価値がない。 「」






Pushy Proselytizers


Some say the antipathy stems from Soka Gakkai's history of aggressive proselytizing--a legacy of the fiery brand of Buddhism preached by Nichiren, a poor fisherman's son who founded the sect in 1253. He declared that disasters would destroy Japan unless people abandoned their evil belief in other Buddhist doctrines and recognized the Lotus Sutra as the only true teaching.


At the height of their aggression in the late 1950s, followers entered homes and threw competing Buddhist altars into the streets. Such methods have long been abandoned, but the image of pushy proselytizers still offends many Japanese, who tend to tolerate a mix of beliefs.


Religion scholar Hiroshi Shimada said many Japanese dislike the group because it reflects a history they want to escape: the feudalistic fealty of disciple to master; a clannishness that to critics reeks of a suffocating rural society.

Soka Gakkai's membership has traditionally been drawn from the poor, the ill and the dispossessed, leading to class snobbery among some critics, Shimada said.


Ikeda does not pause when asked why he is attacked so vehemently.


"Because I am antiauthority. The fundamental reason is that we haven't allowed ourselves to be co-opted by authorities and don't do as we are told.


"The Japanese national character is very muddled," he said. "You don't know what their religious beliefs are, who they follow. But for some reason, they never criticize authority."


In the 3 1/2-hour interview at his group's Soka University outside Tokyo, Ikeda was blunt, impassioned and erudite.

He spoke of Japan's spiritual hunger and political malaise, the wounds of his own childhood, French literature and American poetry, the universal message of hope that Buddhism offers.


He denied designs on being prime minister, and he confessed to holding grudges against betrayers and to a fondness for sushi and spring.


He consistently returned to the theme of the "demonic nature of authority." The topic provokes thunder in his voice and fire in his eyes, stirring painful memories of a family ripped apart by war.














「日本の国民性は非常に混乱している」と彼は言った。 「あなたは彼らの宗教的信念が何であるか、彼らが誰に従うかを知りません。しかし、何らかの理由で、彼らは権威を決して批判しません。」











Poor Beginnings


Born Jan. 2, 1928, in Tokyo, Ikeda was the fifth son in a family of 10, whom he describes as poor but happy harvesters of seaweed.


As Japan began its long slide into militarism, four of his brothers were drafted, and one was killed at the front. His brothers' absence devastated the family business and cast clouds of sorrow over his normally radiant mother.

Afflicted with tuberculosis, Ikeda was forced at age 14 to fend for the family when his father fell ill.


He recalls coughing up bloody phlegm as he labored in an ironworks factory. He recalls the terrifying secret police and the nauseating stories of cruelty toward the Chinese that his brothers brought back from the front.


His life's decisive encounter occurred when he was 19, as the benumbed Japanese began picking up the pieces of a demolished country. What he believed would be a study meeting on "life philosophy" instead was a lecture on the Lotus Sutra by Toda, who would become his touchstone.


To Ikeda, Toda was a man of unshakable convictions, "like a sheer and towering cliff," who had gone to prison defending them; he was a mathematical genius and a master at explaining ancient Buddhist doctrine in logical, modern terms.


"He was completely open, frank and unaffected," Ikeda said. "I intuitively knew this was someone I could put my trust in."


A year later, in 1949, Ikeda began working for Toda's publishing company, and the two became inseparable. Toda taught him more than Buddhism: Every morning, he instructed Ikeda--whose education was cut off by war--in economics, law, political science, astronomy, chemistry, the Chinese classics and organizational theory.


As a result, Ikeda's breadth of knowledge dazzles scholars such as Balitzer. "He has read every book I teach, and he knows them better than most educators," he said. "He is not a cult leader. Cult leaders don't read Plato."

Ikeda married, and he has two sons. A poet, photographer and author of about 150 publications, he was named Soka Gakkai president in 1960 and resigned in 1979. Today, he is honorary president.


He receives both a Soka salary similar to those of other top officers in the group and royalties from some of his publications.


His followers say he lives modestly compared with presidents of major Japanese corporations. He occupies a small 1941 wooden house; he is, however, chauffeured in a Mercedes-Benz and stays in expensive suites when traveling, though defenders say both these seeming luxuries are fitting for him when he meets security- and status-conscious world leaders.


Meanwhile, Toda's influence still permeates Ikeda's core; Soka Gakkai President Einosuke Akiya said Ikeda still invokes his mentor's name every day.


"Josei Toda wanted me to understand his own life and experience and to realize we really have no choice but to fight against persecution and authoritarianism," Ikeda recalled.


That task is pressing in Japan, which "sanitized and glorified" a horrible war and is still caught in a spiritual bondage created by centuries of feudalism, Ikeda said.


But his critics say Ikeda is a religious tyrant, intolerant of dissent.


The struggle between the priests and Soka Gakkai has been largely portrayed by the secular press as a clash for money and power, but it raises questions about the nature of faith itself.


Nichiren priests preach a fundamentalist vision, stressing the importance of objects such as sacred scrolls and the authority of the clergy. If the clergy are not obeyed and doctrine not followed, worshipers will "fall into hell," Nichiren high priests state.


But Ikeda says Nichiren's essential teachings are antiauthoritarian, aimed at empowering the masses to gain spiritual enlightenment through their own action. He views religion as an inner communion, independent of


controlling clergy. He also says the true spirit of Buddhism is tolerant, affirming the value of all teachings, even as it holds to its core beliefs.














「彼は完全にオープンで、率直で、影響を受けていなかった」と池田氏は語った。 「これが自分の信頼できる人物だと直感的にわかった」




その結果、池田の幅広い知識は、バリッツァーなどの学者を魅了します。 「彼は私が教えるすべての本を読んだことがあり、ほとんどの教育者よりもそれらをよく知っている」と彼は言った。 「彼はカルトリーダーではありません。カルトリーダーはプラトンを読みません。」









This pictures of Daisaku Ikeda (from this site: ) were quite interesting:


Basically, he is the more successful version of another Korean cult leader who claims he is the Second Messiah-- Sun Myung Moon of the "Moonies" or "Unification Church":


Koreans seem to have a special affinity for establishing cults -- maybe even more than Indians:




Also, the report on the Tokyo neighborhood, Shinanomachi, that Soka Gakkai headquarters rules (from the same site: ) was very interesting. A map:


This lesser-known Korean cult leader Jung Myung Seok also declared himself to be the next Jesus Christ but is now suspected to be hiding in Taiwan after fleeing rape charges (and convictions) in multiple countries including South Korea and Japan:



Remember folks~!





Thursday, March 4, 2010



Ozawa met Soka Gakkai ex-boss; Komeito rumors swirl


Kyodo News

Democratic Party of Japan Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa met late last month with a former leader of Soka Gakkai, the nation's largest lay Buddhist organization, which backs the opposition New Komeito, sources said Tuesday.



The meeting between the ruling party's No. 2 and former Soka Gakkai President Einosuke Akiya, who is now serving as chairman of the group's supreme leaders council, has set off speculation in political circles that they may have been exploring a DPJ-New Komeito partnership.

The two met at a Tokyo hotel on the night of Feb. 26, the sources said, adding that DPJ acting Secretary General Azuma Koshiishi and Yuichi Ichikawa, a former secretary general of New Komeito's predecessor, who now serves as the party's standing adviser, also attended the meeting.

Participants discussed the prospects for the Upper House election this summer, including Soka Gakkai's plans for the contest, the sources said. The election is expected to take place this summer.

Backed by followers of Soka Gakkai, New Komeito provided crucial electoral support for the Liberal Democratic Party when they formed the ruling coalition until its defeat in last year's general election.

Ozawa apparently hopes New Komeito will stop supporting the LDP in elections, the sources said.

On the possibility of an alliance between the DPJ and New Komeito, a senior DPJ lawmaker said, "We cannot accept (New Komeito) shaking hands with us, while holding hands with the LDP."



















Yeah, they're a cult....


I think of them as the a 'Buddhist' version of the Moonies.


One of them flagged me down in the Peace Park in Hiroshima a couple of years ago talking about his father being an A-Bomb survivor. He was handing out pamphlets and inviting me to go get some okonomiyaki with him so we could talk more about the organization.


That's the only time anyone has ever accosted me about anything anywhere in Japan.


Very creepy...

"Show me a hero and I'll prove he's a bum." -- Gregory "Pappy" Boyington










「ヒーローを見せてください。彼がお尻だと証明します。」 -グレゴリー「パピー」ボイント






Creepy as he is, at least this guy knew how to party. Surrounded himself with dancing girls and cheerleaders. 


2010-10-16, 02:41 AM 

Join Date
Feb 2010
Yes, it really IS a part of Tokyo

Almost everyone I know is part of these guys. From what I gather, they are the exact equivalent to Protestant, White, NeoCon, Christians in America.


5% religion, 40% politics, and 55% moolah 

Cheap rent, great paying jobs, near perfect culture-what's not to love about Japan?




Daisaku IKEDA's rape case:




Originally Posted by NorthByNorthwest

Daisaku IKEDA's rape case:

Yuk. Thanks for the links. Interesting reading.




Originally Posted by TJrandom

What I find to be creepy – is that they know if you voted, and who for. My wife get’s calls in advance of elections requesting her vote for their candidates, as well as follow-up calls after the elections either thanking her, or commenting that she apparently had not voted (when that was indeed the case).




 Originally Posted by Soka Gakkai Rocks  
The SGI is a Destructive Cult by Definition


1). Destructive cults actively recruit new members, often through deceptive “front” organizations. The SGI has the Boston Research Center, the Institute for Oriental Philosophy, and others where their affiliation to SGI is rarely if ever mentioned.


2). Destructive cults claim to offer absolute Truth. Their teachings are not (to them) mere theory or speculation. The most effective cult doctrines are those which are unverifiable and unevaluable. The SGI claims that their believers are the only Nichiren Lotus Sutra believers capable of obtaining Buddhahood, going so far to claim that all SGI members are Buddhas while those of the Nichiren Shu and Kempon Hokke are “deluded Shakyamuni worshippers”.


3). Destructive cults reduce everything to a bi-polar attitude: “for us, or against us.” Anyone who criticizes the SGI, no matter how wise, is a fool and anyone who praises the SGI, no matter how foolish, is wise. Daisaku Ikeda writes, for example:


“Seven years have passed since then. The outcome of the struggle of good and evil and the workings of the law of cause and effect have been strict and uncompromising. The decline of the crazed and destructive Nichiren Shoshu is clearly apparent. The victims, unfortunately, are the lay believers who practice with the temple, who are not aware of Nichiren Shoshu’s evil and have been deceived by the priests.”


4). Destructive cults generate some kind of external “pet devil” with which to threaten their members if they should doubt, or fail, or ever leave the group. The SGI has dozens of “pet devils”. Those who leave will have misfortune on their jobs, in their families, in the social lives, have accidents, fall into hell, etc. President Toda stated: “If you keep this up, you’re going to come to a pitiful end in life.” and “Betraying the Soka Gakkai is betraying the Daishonin. In the end, they’ll receive the punishment of the Buddha, you’ll see.” Ikeda says, “To take action to fight against whatever forces appear as the enemies of the Soka Gakkai is our most noble mission.” Matilda Buck says, “How tragic it would be for even one person to have found the great means of bringing forth Buddhahood only to be diverted to another, seemingly similar, path that is incapable of leading that individual to his or her deepest happiness.” This is the jist of the Gakkai’s attempt to chain the members to the Gakkai way of life. The Biggest ”pet devil” is Nikken of the Nichiren Shoshu:


“When Buddhism speaks of “devilish functions,” what does that really mean? These represent whatever tries to prevent us from advancing in our Buddhist practice. In a sense, they are frightened when we expand the Buddha?s forces, because the realm they want to control will then be changed into a pure land. In our case right now, this function is being manifested in the current high priest of Nichiren Shoshu.”


5). Destructive cults lead their members to believe they are somehow superior to all other humans on the earth. In many of Ikeda’s speeches we see how the SGI members are to view themselves: “Sons of the Gakkai”, “inheritors of Myoho”, “Lions of the Mystic Law”, “the sole group of true believers”, “Truly praiseworthy are you who resolve to work hard for kosen-rufu and the SGI. You are the most noble of all people.”


6). Destructive cults put the will of the group above the will of the individual. This is often reinforced with simplistic games or rituals of some type designed to make the individual subservient to the group. If you search, you will find such quotes from the eternal Soka Gakkai mentor, “the Soka Gakkai is more important than my life.” We also see the special Soka Gakkai holidays like May 3rd, day of mentor and disciple, and such slogans as, “reaffirming the prime point of the Soka Gakkai” We can see inordinate references to Soka Gakkai, SGI, and Ikeda in nearly every experience given by an SGI member. There used to be dress and hair (short) and beard (none) codes for the SGI Young Men’s Division and on saturdays everyone had to dress in white pants and white tee-shirts.


7). Destructive cults teach that the end justifies the means. How they misuse upaya (expedient means) is a travesty. Flirtatious shakabuku by young women’s division, telling people they can get new cars and even drugs if the chant, teaching people that they will immediately become Buddhas if they join the SGI, and the list goes on and on how they utilize the ends justify the means philosophy of Machiavelli, the antithesis of the Buddha’s teachings.


8). Destructive cults teach strict obedience to superiors and encourage the development of behavior patterns that are similar to those of the leader. Is there any doubt why the Soka Gakkai is known throughout the ten directions as the Ikeda cult? Guidance division, never criticizing leaders, “follow no matter what”, this is so apparent to everyone but the brainwashed SGI member himself. Lately, the SGI has abandoned any subtle pretense with such overt youth division guidelines as, “Reveal your true identity as Shinichi Yamamoto” and “I want to be Shinichi Yamamoto”


9). Destructive cults offer acceptance by the group for good performance, and conversely, withhold it for poor performance. Moving up the ladder from Jr Group Chief, to Group Chief, to District Chief, to Chapter Chief, to Area Chief, to Territory Chief, to Joint Territory Chief and so on. Busting people from their position or moving them at the leaders will.


10). In destructive cults, fear is a major motivator. Guilt is a close second, and shame is third. The cult leader is perfect, so everyone below is fearful that those above will find out their shortcomings. Cult members feel constantly guilty for having those real or imagined shortcomings, and are ashamed that they haven’t worked harder to get rid of them.


“Never talk about your problems to the members until they are resolved.” “Did you know that so and so got hit by a car and is paralyzed. He should have stayed with the Soka Gakkai.” “She turned in her SGI Gohonzon and lost her job and her house.” “He committed suicide not soon after joining the Nikken sect.”


11). Destructive cult members swing from emotional highs, to emotional lows regularly.Lows are not long tolerated, and result in more indoctrination, or even ejection from the group if they last too long.


“You have weak faith.” ‘You had better go for guidance if you want to quickly resolve that problem.” Rumors to stay away from depressed individuals. Not inviting less than enthusiastic members to certain meetings or not telling them about “important” meetings. Lectures about “emotionalism” unless the emotion is rapture. Every last former SGI cult member will attest to this.


12). Destructive cults tend to re-write their members’ past, manipulate their present, and distort their future. Disrupting time orientation is an honored technique of all such cults. Human Revolution, New Human Revolution, New New Human Revolution. Need I say more?


13). And, finally, there is never a legitimate reason for leaving a destructive cult. The only reason members leave a perfect system, is because they are imperfect in some respect, and will be punished for it. “He was angry.” “He was jealous.” He couldn’t get along with his leader.” “He had weak faith.” (even if he continues to chant three hours a day and does shakabuku with the Nichiren Shu or the Kempon Hokke). “No matter which destructive cult you choose, the above 13 items will almost universally apply.


The author of these 13 points [whose name escapes me] then goes on to conclude:


Study the methods of est, LaRouche, Transcendental Meditation, Truth Station, Soka Gakkai, The Way International, Children of God, Temple of Set, Synanon, Scientology &reg;, The Peoples Temple, Unification Church, Hare Krishnas, House of Judah, Ramtha, Garbage Eaters, Rajneesh, ECK, Church Universal and Triumphant, Elan Vital, Posse Comitatus, or any of the others…. they use the same techniques, even though each of them claims unique and absolute ownership of the “truth.”

Dear 'sudden' new member of this forum...wonder who you are...?


Please link the sites you quote from...and when I say quote, I mean totally cut and paste. 

Stupid people read stupid things...guess what you are?

2011-04-25, 01:47 AM 

GjyutsuPot Doshu 
Join Date
Aug 2007
Trekking on the Kamisen

 Originally Posted by TJrandom  
What I find to be creepy – is that they know if you voted, and who for. My wife get’s calls in advance of elections requesting her vote for their candidates, as well as follow-up calls after the elections either thanking her, or commenting that she apparently had not voted (when that was indeed the case).

Do they still do shakubuku if you don't toe the line. Ex's uncle and aunt were members and they used to come around at election time and request we vote for so and so. Back in the days before Aum Shinrikyo if you didn't do as they said there would be a gathering afterwards and much chanting. 

If you look beyond the mundane the extraordinary becomes possible.

2011-04-25, 01:00 PM 

Join Date
Sep 2008

 Originally Posted by Angry John  
Yeah, they're a cult....


I think of them as the a 'Buddhist' version of the Moonies.


One of them flagged me down in the Peace Park in Hiroshima a couple of years ago talking about his father being an A-Bomb survivor. He was handing out pamphlets and inviting me to go get some okonomiyaki with him so we could talk more about the organization.


That's the only time anyone has ever accosted me about anything anywhere in Japan.


Very creepy...

For an even more whacked out cult, check out the Happy Science people. They also have their own political party the "Happiness Realization Party" who fielded a boatload of candidates in the election a couple years back and won few if any seats... 




The SGI is a Destructive Cult by Definition

1). Destructive cults actively recruit new members, often through deceptive “front” organizations. The SGI has the Boston Research Center, the Institute for Oriental Philosophy, and others where their affiliation to SGI is rarely if ever mentioned.

2). Destructive cults claim to offer absolute Truth. Their teachings are not (to them) mere theory or speculation. The most effective cult doctrines are those which are unverifiable and unevaluable. The SGI claims that their believers are the only Nichiren Lotus Sutra believers capable of obtaining Buddhahood, going so far to claim that all SGI members are Buddhas while those of the Nichiren Shu and Kempon Hokke are “deluded Shakyamuni worshippers”.

3). Destructive cults reduce everything to a bi-polar attitude: “for us, or against us.” Anyone who criticizes the SGI, no matter how wise, is a fool and anyone who praises the SGI, no matter how foolish, is wise. Daisaku Ikeda writes, for example:

“Seven years have passed since then. The outcome of the struggle of good and evil and the workings of the law of cause and effect have been strict and uncompromising. The decline of the crazed and destructive Nichiren Shoshu is clearly apparent. The victims, unfortunately, are the lay believers who practice with the temple, who are not aware of Nichiren Shoshu’s evil and have been deceived by the priests.”

4). Destructive cults generate some kind of external “pet devil” with which to threaten their members if they should doubt, or fail, or ever leave the group. The SGI has dozens of “pet devils”. Those who leave will have misfortune on their jobs, in their families, in the social lives, have accidents, fall into hell, etc. President Toda stated: “If you keep this up, you’re going to come to a pitiful end in life.” and “Betraying the Soka Gakkai is betraying the Daishonin. In the end, they’ll receive the punishment of the Buddha, you’ll see.” Ikeda says, “To take action to fight against whatever forces appear as the enemies of the Soka Gakkai is our most noble mission.” Matilda Buck says, “How tragic it would be for even one person to have found the great means of bringing forth Buddhahood only to be diverted to another, seemingly similar, path that is incapable of leading that individual to his or her deepest happiness.” This is the jist of the Gakkai’s attempt to chain the members to the Gakkai way of life. The Biggest ”pet devil” is Nikken of the Nichiren Shoshu:

“When Buddhism speaks of “devilish functions,” what does that really mean? These represent whatever tries to prevent us from advancing in our Buddhist practice. In a sense, they are frightened when we expand the Buddha?s forces, because the realm they want to control will then be changed into a pure land. In our case right now, this function is being manifested in the current high priest of Nichiren Shoshu.”

5). Destructive cults lead their members to believe they are somehow superior to all other humans on the earth. In many of Ikeda’s speeches we see how the SGI members are to view themselves: “Sons of the Gakkai”, “inheritors of Myoho”, “Lions of the Mystic Law”, “the sole group of true believers”, “Truly praiseworthy are you who resolve to work hard for kosen-rufu and the SGI. You are the most noble of all people.”

6). Destructive cults put the will of the group above the will of the individual. This is often reinforced with simplistic games or rituals of some type designed to make the individual subservient to the group. If you search, you will find such quotes from the eternal Soka Gakkai mentor, “the Soka Gakkai is more important than my life.” We also see the special Soka Gakkai holidays like May 3rd, day of mentor and disciple, and such slogans as, “reaffirming the prime point of the Soka Gakkai” We can see inordinate references to Soka Gakkai, SGI, and Ikeda in nearly every experience given by an SGI member. There used to be dress and hair (short) and beard (none) codes for the SGI Young Men’s Division and on saturdays everyone had to dress in white pants and white tee-shirts.

7). Destructive cults teach that the end justifies the means. How they misuse upaya (expedient means) is a travesty. Flirtatious shakabuku by young women’s division, telling people they can get new cars and even drugs if the chant, teaching people that they will immediately become Buddhas if they join the SGI, and the list goes on and on how they utilize the ends justify the means philosophy of Machiavelli, the antithesis of the Buddha’s teachings.

8). Destructive cults teach strict obedience to superiors and encourage the development of behavior patterns that are similar to those of the leader. Is there any doubt why the Soka Gakkai is known throughout the ten directions as the Ikeda cult? Guidance division, never criticizing leaders, “follow no matter what”, this is so apparent to everyone but the brainwashed SGI member himself. Lately, the SGI has abandoned any subtle pretense with such overt youth division guidelines as, “Reveal your true identity as Shinichi Yamamoto” and “I want to be Shinichi Yamamoto”

9). Destructive cults offer acceptance by the group for good performance, and conversely, withhold it for poor performance. Moving up the ladder from Jr Group Chief, to Group Chief, to District Chief, to Chapter Chief, to Area Chief, to Territory Chief, to Joint Territory Chief and so on. Busting people from their position or moving them at the leaders will.

10). In destructive cults, fear is a major motivator. Guilt is a close second, and shame is third. Only the cult leader is perfect, so everyone below is fearful that those above will find out their shortcomings. Cult members feel constantly guilty for having those real or imagined shortcomings, and are ashamed that they haven’t worked harder to get rid of them.

“Never talk about your problems to the members until they are resolved.” “Did you know that so and so got hit by a car and is paralyzed. He should have stayed with the Soka Gakkai.” “She turned in her SGI Gohonzon and lost her job and her house.” “He committed suicide not soon after joining the Nikken sect.”

11). Destructive cult members swing from emotional highs, to emotional lows regularly. Lows are not long tolerated, and result in more indoctrination, or even ejection from the group if they last too long.

“You have weak faith.” ‘You had better go for guidance if you want to quickly resolve that problem.” Rumors to stay away from depressed individuals. Not inviting less than enthusiastic members to certain meetings or not telling them about “important” meetings. Lectures about “emotionalism” unless the emotion is rapture. Every last former SGI cult member will attest to this.

12). Destructive cults tend to re-write their members’ past, manipulate their present, and distort their future. Disrupting time orientation is an honored technique of all such cults. Human Revolution, New Human Revolution, New New Human Revolution. Need I say more?

13). And, finally, there is never a legitimate reason for leaving a destructive cult. The only reason members leave a perfect system, is because they are imperfect in some respect, and will be punished for it. “He was angry.” “He was jealous.” He couldn’t get along with his leader.” “He had weak faith.” (even if he continues to chant three hours a day and does shakabuku with the Nichiren Shu or the Kempon Hokke). “No matter which destructive cult you choose, the above 13 items will almost universally apply.

The author of these 13 points [whose name escapes me] then goes on to conclude:

Study the methods of est, LaRouche, Transcendental Meditation, Truth Station, Soka Gakkai, The Way International, Children of God, Temple of Set, Synanon, Scientology ®, The Peoples Temple, Unification Church, Hare Krishnas, House of Judah, Ramtha, Garbage Eaters, Rajneesh, ECK, Church Universal and Triumphant, Elan Vital, Posse Comitatus, or any of the others…. they use the same techniques, even though each of them claims unique and absolute ownership of the “truth.”






#11 | Written by Mark Rogow about 1 year ago.

Dear Tedet:
SGI doesn’t know what do with all its money. Trust me, if the Kempon Hokke had one one thousandth of the wealth of the Soka Gakkai, it would translate the Gosho based on the original Showa Tehon collection of the writings, not the self serving modern Nichiren Shoshu collection [Gosho Zenshu]. The SGI has changed and altered Gosho and lumps all writings, authentic and inauthentic, as authentic writings of Nichiren. Instead of edifying, the SGI confuses the masses of beings. There are four dangers of the Soka Gakkai from a religious perspective:
The first danger of the SGI teachings is mixing the clean with the unclean. No dog would ever intentionally eat ground glass. No infant would ever intentionally ingest a toxic substance nor would any mother intentionally give her baby a toxic substance. However, a dog will eagerly eat a steak inundated with ground glass and an infant will readily drink tainted breast milk. A mother, not knowing that the noxious drug is excreted into her breast milk, inadvertently gives it to her baby. This is what the SGI members serve to the children of the Buddha. They serve the poison of the heretical doctrines of Nichiren as True Buddha, The DaiGohonzon, and the Oneness of Living Mentor and Disciple to their children in the milk of Namu Myoho renge kyo. Or they, like a mean and deranged farmer, serve their loyal dog the ground glass of slander of the orthodox sects in the steak of the Jiga-ge.
The second danger is as noxious as mixing the clean with the unclean: Taking a piece of the teachings from the middle, a piece from the end, and a piece from the beginning and re-attaching them in reverse order or mixing them up. The former practice is like a surgeon who reverses a vein when creating an arterial bypass. The flow of blood ceases and the patient dies. The latter practice (that of mixing up the teachings) can be likened to a physician who is ignorant of adverse drug-drug interactions. He mixes two or three safe and efficacious drugs together which turns them into a powerful poison. The former practice of rearranging the teachings is commonplace in the SGI. For example, those teachings that Nichiren Daishonin taught before he had fully developed his faith are given precedent over the later complete teachings or they promote the theoretical teachings of expedients over the essential teachings of abandoning expedients and the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. An example of the danger of mixing several efficacious practices which when mixed have a deleterious effect, are the practices of shoju and shakabuku in the Soka Gakkai which are practiced without understanding the times or the circumstances in which we live. They practice shoju towards the slanderers of the Dharma such as the Zen men, Nembutsu adherents, and believers in Islam and practice shakabuku towards the members of the Kempon Hokke and the Nichiren Shu. These sundry practices the SGI perpetrates on the children of the Buddha. Neither Greg Martin nor Dave Baldshun nor any of the salaried SGI leaders are good persons and neither is their master, Daisaku Ikeda. Both have the mission of destroying the teachings and harming the children of the Buddha, Daisaku Ikeda from above and the salaried SGI leaders from below.
The third danger of the SGI is that they arbitrarily add doctrines and concepts to the Great Pure Teachings where none exist and claim them as “the original and authentic teachings of Nichiren Daishonin”. This is worse than forging Gosho because it is more insidious. By altering a word here or a word there, to already extant and authentic Gosho (literally putting words in Nichiren’s mouth), they become adept at fooling the people. This cunning and treachery they inherited from the perverse seven hundred year tradition of the Taisekaji priests and their Gosho Zenshu, Oral Teachings, and faked transfer documents. Fortunately, we have the unadulterated Showa Tehon Collection of Original Gosho (as well as expert linguists), to keep them honest. We also have the disciples and believers of the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin whose correct faith and understanding renders them capable of clarifying such matters.
The last danger is, many innocent people fall prey to the SGI’s “Nichiren said this but meant that” arguments which are the teachings of the delusion of fundamental darkness. Since this is a visceral and emotional argument and the people are steeped in the Three Poisons, no amount of logic or scholarship will suffice to overturn it. Most people can no more see their own eyebrows than heaven in the distance [Nichiren]. It will require the wisdom of the Buddha born of faith in Nichiren Daishonin’s Gohonzon and the Lotus Sutra to destroy these arguments and devils.

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•#11 |1年前にMarkRogowによって書かれました。親愛なるテデット:SGIはそのすべてのお金をどうするかを知りません。顕本法華宗が創価学会の1000分の1の富を持っていれば、それは自己奉仕の現代日蓮正宗コレクション[御所全集]ではなく、オリジナルの昭和手本コレクションに基づいて御所を翻訳するでしょう。 SGIは、五所を変更および変更し、日蓮の本物の文章として、本物と非本物のすべての文章をひとまとめにしました。啓発する代わりに、SGIは存在の大衆を混乱させます。宗教的な観点から、創価学会には4つの危険があります。SGIの教えの最初の危険は、きれいなものと汚れたものを混ぜることです。意図的にすりガラスを食べる犬はいないでしょう。乳児が意図的に有毒物質を摂取したり、母親が意図的に赤ちゃんに有毒物質を与えたりすることはありません。しかし、犬はすりガラスがちりばめられたステーキを熱心に食べ、乳児は汚染された母乳をすぐに飲みます。有害な薬物が母乳に排泄されることを知らない母親は、うっかりしてそれを赤ちゃんに与えてしまいます。これがSGI会員が仏の子供たちに奉仕するものです。彼らは、真仏、本門戒壇の大仏、そして南無妙法蓮華経の乳で子供たちに生きているメンターと弟子の一体性としての日蓮の異端の教義の毒を提供します。あるいは、意地悪で狂った農夫のように、彼らは忠実な犬に、ジガゲのステーキで正統派の誹謗中傷のすりガラスを提供します。 2番目の危険は、クリーンとアンクリーンを混合するのと同じくらい有害です。つまり、教えの一部を中央から、最後から1つ、最初から1つを取り、それらを逆の順序で再接続するか、混合します。前者の方法は、動脈バイパスを作成するときに静脈を逆にする外科医のようなものです。血流が止まり、患者は死にます。後者の慣行(教えを混同する慣行)は、薬物間相互作用の悪影響を知らない医師に例えることができます。彼は2つまたは3つの安全で効果的な薬を混ぜ合わせて強力な毒に変えます。教えを再編成する以前の慣行は、SGIでは一般的です。たとえば、日蓮大聖人が信仰を完全に発達させる前に教えた教えは、後の完全な教えよりも優先されたり、法華経の本質的な教えや法華経の排他的な信仰や実践よりも、法華経の理論的な教えを促進したりします。いくつかの効果的な実践を混合することの危険性の例は、混合すると有害な影響を及ぼしますが、私たちが住んでいる時代や状況を理解せずに実践される創価学会での庄寿と折伏の実践です。彼らは、禅師、念仏信者、イスラム教信者などの法の蹂躙者に向けて折伏を行い、顕本法華宗と日蓮宗のメンバーに向けて折伏を行います。これらの雑貨は、SGIが仏の子供たちに行っています。グレッグ・マーティンもデイブ・バルドゥンも、サラリーマンのSGIリーダーも善良な人物ではなく、彼らの主人である池田大作もそうではありません。どちらも、教えを破壊し、仏の子供たち、池田大作を上から、そしてサラリーマンのSGIリーダーを下から傷つけるという使命を持っています。 SGIの第3の危険性は、存在しない偉大な純粋な教えに教義と概念を恣意的に追加し、それらを「日蓮大聖人の独創的で本物の教え」と主張することです。これは、より陰湿であるため、五所を鍛造するよりも悪いです。ここの言葉やそこの言葉を、すでに現存する本物の御所(文字通り日蓮の口に言葉を入れる)に変えることによって、彼らは人々をだますことに熟達します。この狡猾さと裏切りは、大成家寺の僧侶とその御所全集の倒錯した700年の伝統、口頭の教え、偽造された譲渡文書から受け継いだものです。幸いなことに、私たちは彼らを正直に保つために、オリジナルの御所の純粋な昭和手本コレクション(および専門の言語学者)を持っています。また、永遠の釈迦牟尼仏と日蓮大聖人の弟子と信者がいて、彼らの正しい信仰と理解が彼らにそのような問題を明らかにすることを可能にします。最後の危険は、多くの罪のない人々が、根本的な暗闇の妄想の教えであるSGIの「日蓮はこれを言ったがそれを意味した」という議論の餌食になることです。これは内臓的で感情的な議論であり、人々は三毒に浸っているので、それを覆すのに十分な論理や学問はありません。ほとんどの人は、遠くにある天国よりも自分の眉毛を見ることができません[日蓮]。これらの議論や悪魔を滅ぼすには、日蓮大曼荼羅と法華経への信仰から生まれた仏陀の知恵が必要です




#12 | Written by Joshua Bridges about 1 year ago.

SGI Soka Gakkai is a Destructive Cult!
For more information about Destructive Mind Control Cults, take a look at this website I came across recently:



#13 | Written by Dave Smith about 1 year ago.

Fuck SGI



#14 | Written by Dave Smith about 1 year ago.

Fuck SGI, A bunch of brainwashed mother fuckers



#15 | Written by Sera about 1 year ago.

Your definition of a cult sounds exactly like Christianity.



#16 | Written by Mark Rogow about 1 year ago.

They too are a destructive cult but, in the light of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin, far less dangerous than the Soka Gakkai.



#17 | Written by Plutonium Chrysanthemum about 11 months ago.

The people who hate the SGI are always chuntering on about and twisting Human Rights inside out to make THEIR points stick and try to set the SGI up as some sort of wrongful or erroneous movement. 
Because Buddhism speaks the truth about life (rather than orders people to live life in a certain kind of way) it is free and pure. It is bound to be criticised by those who are frigtened by it, and in many cases, by those who have seen their wonderful lives reflected in the astonishing reflection of the mirror to the law….and been terrified by the beauty they have actually seen in their own lives.
We know that Buddhism speaks the truth thanks only to those who have truly protected it – of which Nichiren, Tien Tai, Dengyo, Never Disparaging and the SGI are the foremost.
Perhaps this is why the truth receives so much persecution.
With concern and love to the owners of these pages



#18 | Written by Mark Rogow about 11 months ago.

Plutonium Chrysanthemum, an appropriate name for a defender of the vile, putrid, and noxious Soka Gakkai which deceives the people, such as you yourself. What you perceive as beauty we perceive as ugliness what we perceive as beauty you perceive as ugliness. Who has the correct view in light of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin’s writings? The Kempon Hokke is far closer to the truth of the teachings. Sorry to burst your bubble. all this SGI, “we win, we are the best” nonsense doesn’t fly here on this Eagle Peak blog where we are the mirror for for your ugly faces.



#19 | Written by Thomas Tan about 9 months ago.

I was associated with SGI when I was in a nursing home. I was sick at that time and needed surgury. This employee (a female staffer) approached me about SGI. She used her female assets to entice me to get to know the organization. She was coming on strong and very forceful about attending their center meeting. They will use forceful means to get me to be a member. I find that they are not sincere in their beliefs. Just be careful not to fall into their force.



#20 | Written by Mark Rogow about 9 months ago.

Tom, thanks for your input. The SGI members believe that the ends justify the means. Please chant Namu Myoho renge kyo. You don’t need the destructive cult.



#21 | Written by Quintin about 8 months ago.

I have been a member for six years and the chanting has powerful effects on me … there’s something there (reduces negative thoughts). Everything I chanted for no matter how little was never giving to me. But Mr. Ikeda has no problem sucking up 1.5 billion a year from mostly uneducated people and to pass the torch to his son so the wealth and control stays withing the family. They talk about not to slander within the organization, but they slander all organization outside of their group. I recently read the “World Tribune” (SGI paper) and all 60 pages was about Ikeda and a few sentence about Nichiren … I can to realize this was not about Nichiren it was about a sophisticated cult leader with new savvy approach.



#22 | Written by Mark Rogow about 8 months ago.

Absolutely Quintin. It is among the most evil injustices ever perpetrated against Buddhism. Thanks for your comment.



#23 | Written by SS about 8 months ago.

Mark Rogow and the others. Its a situation wherein one can tell you – hey this is strawberry ice cream and this is how it tastes, but unless you do not taste it, you would never know how it tastes. Similarly, without ever chanting nam myoho renge kyo and seeing the true benefits of nichiren buddhism practiced by the SGI you would never know what the power of this prayer is. The most massive difference that you can figure out for yourself here guys is that none of the SGI members have spoken ill of any of you but rather tried to reason out with you and dialogued healthy. In contrast you have all abused/spoken ill off/ said all things you wanted to disrespect the organisation and members who believe in various things associated with it. This is what the SGI members have learnt to respect the dignity and sanctity of life – each individual is respect worthy. A sincere request to you all, if you do disagree – it’s alrite, but do not disrespect – that is incorrect. If you wish to truly know what the organisation does and what Mr. Ikeda and his life has been all about read more about them from correct sources with a very open mind to try and understand. Also Mr. Ikeda is no crook as you describe him, but someone who dedicated his life to the happiness of people across the world. So many people across the world taking him to be a mentor is no co-incidence – for a man who knows no other language than Japanese. 250+ honorary doctrates, etc. is not going to be given to someone who has an evil mind. Rather to someone who has genuinely worked towards dedicating his life to world peace in various possible ways. Please read his UN proposal that he sends every year as well…anyway you know what Nichiren Buddhism that SGI follows says – each one can do their Human Revolution – to fight their own fundamental darkness within their lives and change to be a better human being. The anger, ego, hatred, jealousy, lack of confidence, arrogance, etc. anything that exists in our life can be suppressed by revealing the buddha nature by chanting nam myoho renge kyo and fighting for the happiness of each and every human being around us. The reason this law of cause and effect has spread from one person to another is because when one person sees proof of prayers in his/her life, people notice – when people notice we share with them, and we do not share with random people or publicize anything. It is a one to one interaction to help another person be happy too. Another way could be I have a close friend or relative suffering and I know them well enough to speak to them about nichiren buddhism and chanting NMRK, then I go ahead and do that sharing my own real life experiences and other members. In turn they try it themselves and do see proof. Try and understand one thing – this is the law of cause and effect and it exists, its intangible and you cannot see it but it does exist. So it does work, try it. Quintin – Mr. Ikeda gets royalty from the publishing company for his books that sell. The money that the SGI has is not his. It is the organisations’ and they are 2 independent entities. Mr. Ikeda does not slander any other organisation either, he has held dialogues with various world leaders from Zhou Enlai to Gorbachev to Toynbee to Dr. Rahman (Indonesia President – and this book was the highest seller in Indonesian history), so these things are not done out of any ill intention, rather to present to society and us people, the world that we can all co-exist in harmony if we change our hearts for the better and look at the larger beauty of our own and each and every other human beings lives. A life that is dedicated for a greater cause in everything you do, be it at work, a sport, painting, writing, business, anything…One of the few things he says very often is to be a world citizen you need to have tolerance, acceptance of other religions, cultures, etc. and competition must not be to trample on another person’s head and move forward, but respect the competitor too, compete on humanitarian grounds, think of his/her happiness too….no matter how much I may explain but when you read from the Gosho, Mr. Ikeda, Toda and Makiguchis writings you do realise and understand so many more things about life and the way to live. They have also always encouraged us to read many other inspiring books, stories and biographies about the lives of men of the past, great heroes, etc. So its not about them as you are showing it. and mentor yes – sports you need a coach, hes a coach in our daily life. Just wana end by saying – Nichiren Daishon quotes “The essence of Buddhism lies in one’s behavior as a human being.” So as I said before introspect your own life, question yourself that is what I am doing correct, is it helping me in anyway, is it making me a better human being? You may point fingers at the whole SGI or the world at large, but its a foolish thing to do so, change yourself first – there may be none worse than myself will be the answer – then see the change in your attitude if you fight to be a better human being and for the happiness of those around you. The simple way you behave at home with parents, siblings, with anyone will change. The gratitude for all you have in life will set in. You may come back with ‘n’ no. of accusations, assumptions and points as you may deem right – but you will harm none but yourself. Do not know how much you understand and believe in cause and effect or karma. So as the old saying goes the world is round and what goes around comes around – you may realise at some point. And if you feel any truth in all the other members and I have said and anything that you do read about SGI –, books, etc. may be you will understand that if the SGI was so wrong and so spiteful, evil, conniving, etc. as you all describe it – it would have been destroyed long back. It is a good organisation doing good things – if you do not wish to be a part of it then do not disrespect it. Do anything as you deem right in life and make a name for yourself for people to remember and thank just as Mr. Ikeda. No point in criticizing someone whose done so much good, try and emulate him if not hate it. All the very best and stay happy  



#24 | Written by Mark Rogow about 8 months ago.

I moved your comment to post status: An Opposing View 
Hopefully it will generate some interest and response to your naive and patently untrue assessment of the reality of SGI and your mentor. I will respond fully after the discussion begins.



#25 | Written by Mark Rogow about 8 months ago.

This is going to be long because I am going to deconstruct the entirety of SS’s argument. Sunflower, please don’t be sad until we know the identity of SS. It is just as likely that she [he?] is a top salaried senior leader as a “bodhisattva” neophyte. My experience with SGI top senior leaders on the internet is that they enjoy their anonymity while spinning and running interference for the cult. They will do anything to turn attention away from criticism leveled at their cult and guru mentor, hoping that the reader will forget the point of the argument. Also, as you well know, it is their usual practice to turn the criticisms leveled at them back at the accuser and to utilize the cult attack technique known as bull baiting [a form of Ad Hominim].
Part 1 Reply to SS
SS: Mark Rogow and the others. Its a situation wherein one can tell you – hey this is strawberry ice cream and this is how it tastes, but unless you do not taste it, you would never know how it tastes.
MR: The delicious taste of SGI is more along the lines of cheap chinese food laden with MSG, tasty but toxic. We have all tasted, enjoyed it, and gotten sick. Nichiren Daishonin and the Nirvana Sutra teach that within the beautiful flowerbed lives the venomous snake.
SS: Similarly, without ever chanting nam myoho renge kyo and seeing the true benefits of nichiren buddhism practiced by the SGI you would never know what the power of this prayer is.
MR: First and foremost, what SGI practices is not Nichiren’s Buddhism. You steal the Daishonin’s Daimoku and practice Ikedaism with a little Shingon [Guru Yoga] sprinkled with Zen [Japanese Bushido]. 
You are either being naive and presumptuous or disengenuous. Some of us have chanted tens of millions of Daimoku within the SGI, toso after toso, and converting hundreds of shakubuku among us. One of my shakubuku is on the SGI Board of Directors, far more powerful and influential than every top senior leader save perhaps, Danny Nagashima. SGI member’s prayers are weak and ineffectual compared to the prayers of the True Votaries of the Lotus Sutra.
SS: The most massive difference that you can figure out for yourself here guys is that none of the SGI members have spoken ill of any of you but rather tried to reason out with you and dialogued healthy. In contrast you have all abused/spoken ill off/ said all things you wanted to disrespect the organisation and members who believe in various things associated with it. This is what the SGI members have learnt to respect the dignity and sanctity of life – each individual is respect worthy. A sincere request to you all, if you do disagree – it’s alrite, but do not disrespect – that is incorrect. 
MR: You mean like my former friend, Frank Migliozzi: “Mark you really suck you ungratefull pig.” I have dozens of more such tirades. Here you are just lying and projecting.
As far as respecting the dignity of human life, SGI partners with and invests in Mitsubichi, one of the largest defense contractors in the world which makes land mines and weapons of mass destruction. The top SGI women’s senior leader is a death penalty prosecutor for the state of California. I think you knew that. Once again you are either lying or ignorant of the matter.
Part 2 Reply to SS
SS: If you wish to truly know what the organisation does and what Mr. Ikeda and his life has been all about read more about them from correct sources with a very open mind to try and understand. Also Mr. Ikeda is no crook as you describe him, but someone who dedicated his life to the happiness of people across the world. So many people across the world taking him to be a mentor is no co-incidence – for a man who knows no other language than Japanese. 
MR: “From correct sources.” LOL. Which sources might they be? Daniel Matraux? Bill Aiken? Soka Gakkai International? The Daisaku Ikeda website? You must think we are still stupid. I’ll admit, many of us were stupid. We stayed far too long in the SGI but thanks to the Daimoku, Gohonzon, Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin, we awoke and joined the Kempon Hokke which possesses the most refined and truthful doctrine of Nichiren Daishonin.
You say Daisaku Ikeda’s only thought is the member’s happiness. Do you know how rich and cheap he and the other top salaried Japanese senior leaders are? Rick Perry who gave less than 0.01% of his yearly income to charity is ten, fifty, one hundred times more generous than Daisaku Ikeda.
“Make sure that the participants each bring a bowl and a pair of chopsticks. And ask each person to pack their own lunch, since we can’t afford to provide lunch for them as well. Those who don’t bring any food with them will just have to make do with whatever edible they can find in the surrounding forest. In the future, the Soka Gakkai may experience severe oppression; we may be called on to fight or endure a long, drawn-out struggle. At such time, each person will have to find their own food. We may even have to eat grass. For the sake of training, I would actually have like the youth to spend the night outdoors. I don’t want the members of the Soka Gakkai youth division to be soft.” — Human Revolution by Daisaku Ikeda
That must be why, even after the Soka Gakkai accumulated more than one hundred billion dollars, they still serve the hard working Bodhisattva bees, baloney and mayo sandwiches or rice cakes and biscuits. How many Sutra books has SGI given away for free? How many people work their tails off for SGI for free and how many have suffered severe privation by donating their last dollar to the Soka Gakkai” The Soka Gakkai never tells the suffering member, “Its ok, you are going through hard times. Give when you get back on your feet.” Did you ever see Daisaku Ikeda’s apartments in each and every SGI community center in the whole world or his villa at Malibu?
SS: 250+ honorary doctrates, etc. is not going to be given to someone who has an evil mind. 
MR: Honorary degrees are often rubber stamped. For example, never has the City College of New York tabled any honorary degree. It is well known that benefactors are often awarded honorary degrees, people like your mentor who donate thousands of books to the various university libraries. It has been rumored that many of Ikeda’s degrees have been bought and sold for a lot more than books. Here is another example:
“The PM News of Sunday, 19 June 2011 also reported that President Goodluck Jonathan had approved N3 billion for the development of the University of Port Harcourt. The news was announced by Vice President Namadi Sambo who represented Jonathan at the 27th graduation ceremony of the university. The news came on the same day and in the same event in which Mrs Jonathan received the honorary doctorate degree awarded by the institution. Formally, Jonathan serves as the official visitor to the University of Port Harcourt.”
Some examples of evil men, monsters, tyrants, and dictators who have received honorary degrees:
“The most morally grotesque academic elevation was perpetrated in Spain, in 2005, when the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid conferred a doctorate honoris causa on Santiago Carrillo, former leader of the Spanish Communist Party. As chief of police in Madrid in 1936, he had presided over Cheka death squads that murdered huge numbers of people (2,800 in one weekend) for the crime of being ‘bourgeois’. 
Benigno Aquino; Robert Mugabe; President Sukarno; Adolph Hitler, Robert M. Gates; Billy Graham; Sonia Ghandi, Jessie Jackson, Harry Laughlin eugenicist, the list goes on and on…
“The free distribution of honorary degrees, always a possible source of evil, is especially dangerous in the case of professional degrees, since the latter indicates the completion of an apprenticeship rather than the attainment of learning and confer priveleges of practical commercial value and subject to abuse.” — A.L. Benedict MD
“…in these days when men are angling for titles, pulling wires for “honorary degrees,” — George Kulp from the Calloused Knees 
SS: Rather to someone who has genuinely worked towards dedicating his life to world peace in various possible ways.
MR: Tens of thousands of non-Nichiren Buddhists tirelessly work for world peace. Nichiren Daishonin teaches that only through establishing the correct Law can we achieve peace, not through strategies that are not based on the Lotus Sutra. It is great slander that Ikeda never once uttered the lion’s roar to his tyrant, cronie, and dictator friends.
SS: Please read his UN proposal that he sends every year as well…anyway you know what Nichiren Buddhism that SGI follows says – each one can do their Human Revolution – to fight their own fundamental darkness within their lives and change to be a better human being.
MR: I’ve read every one of his peace proposals and never once has he raised the lion’s roar. Human Revolution is what the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin teach? Could you please site a passage or two to help us understand?
SS: The anger, ego, hatred, jealousy, lack of confidence, arrogance, etc. anything that exists in our life can be suppressed by revealing the buddha nature by chanting nam myoho renge kyo and fighting for the happiness of each and every human being around us. 
MR: The SGI top salaried senior leaders are too busy counting their money from naive unthinking members such as yourself to care about those around them.
SS: The reason this law of cause and effect has spread from one person to another is because when one person sees proof of prayers in his/her life, people notice – when people notice we share with them, and we do not share with random people or publicize anything. It is a one to one interaction to help another person be happy too.
MR: Did Nichiren Daishonin teach, like Toda, that in order to prove the great faith of the Lotus Sutra we should accumulate five cadillacs? Do you not know about the Soka Gakkai advertisements in the Tokyo subway, the TV advertisements, or the Soka TV channel?
Part 2 Reply to SS
SS: If you wish to truly know what the organisation does and what Mr. Ikeda and his life has been all about read more about them from correct sources with a very open mind to try and understand. Also Mr. Ikeda is no crook as you describe him, but someone who dedicated his life to the happiness of people across the world. So many people across the world taking him to be a mentor is no co-incidence – for a man who knows no other language than Japanese. 
MR: “From correct sources.” LOL. Which sources might they be? Daniel Matraux? Bill Aiken? Soka Gakkai International? The Daisaku Ikeda website? You must think we are still stupid. I’ll admit, many of us were stupid. We stayed far too long in the SGI but thanks to the Daimoku, Gohonzon, Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin, we awoke and joined the Kempon Hokke which possesses the most refined and truthful doctrine of Nichiren Daishonin.
You say Daisaku Ikeda’s only thought is the member’s happiness. Do you know how rich and cheap he and the other top salaried Japanese senior leaders are? Rick Perry who gave less than 0.01% of his yearly income to charity is ten, fifty, one hundred times more generous than Daisaku Ikeda.
“Make sure that the participants each bring a bowl and a pair of chopsticks. And ask each person to pack their own lunch, since we can’t afford to provide lunch for them as well. Those who don’t bring any food with them will just have to make do with whatever edible they can find in the surrounding forest. In the future, the Soka Gakkai may experience severe oppression; we may be called on to fight or endure a long, drawn-out struggle. At such time, each person will have to find their own food. We may even have to eat grass. For the sake of training, I would actually have like the youth to spend the night outdoors. I don’t want the members of the Soka Gakkai youth division to be soft.” — Human Revolution by Daisaku Ikeda
That must be why, even after the Soka Gakkai accumulated more than one hundred billion dollars, they still serve the hard working Bodhisattva bees, baloney and mayo sandwiches or rice cakes and biscuits. How many Sutra books has SGI given away for free? How many people work their tails off for SGI for free and how many have suffered severe privation by donating their last dollar to the Soka Gakkai” The Soka Gakkai never tells the suffering member, “Its ok, you are going through hard times. Give when you get back on your feet.” Did you ever see Daisaku Ikeda’s apartments in each and every SGI community center in the whole world or his villa at Malibu?
SS: 250+ honorary doctrates, etc. is not going to be given to someone who has an evil mind. 
MR: Honorary degrees are often rubber stamped. For example, never has the city College of New York tabled and honary degree. It is well known that benefactors are often awarded honorary degrees, people like your mentor who donate thousands of books to the various university libraries. It has been rumored that many of Ikeda’s degrees have been bought and sold for a lot more than books. Here is another example:
“The PM News of Sunday, 19 June 2011 also reported that President Goodluck Jonathan had approved N3 billion for the development of the University of Port Harcourt. The news was announced by Vice President Namadi Sambo who represented Jonathan at the 27th graduation ceremony of the university. The news came on the same day and in the same event in which Mrs Jonathan received the honorary doctorate degree awarded by the institution. Formally, Jonathan serves as the official visitor to the University of Port Harcourt.”
Some examples of evil men, monsters, tyrants, and dictators who have received honorary degrees:
“The most morally grotesque academic elevation was perpetrated in Spain, in 2005, when the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid conferred a doctorate honoris causa on Santiago Carrillo, former leader of the Spanish Communist Party. As chief of police in Madrid in 1936, he had presided over Cheka death squads that murdered huge numbers of people (2,800 in one weekend) for the crime of being ‘bourgeois’. 
Benigno Aquino; Robert Mugabe; President Sukarno; Adolph Hitler, Robert M. Gates; Billy Graham; Sonia Ghandi, Jessie Jackson, Harry Laughlin eugenicist, the list goes on and on…
“The free distribution of honorary degrees, always a possible source of evil, is especially dangerous in the case of professional degrees, since the latter indicates the completion of an apprenticeship rather than the attainment of learning and confer priveleges of practical commercial value and subject to abuse.” — A.L. Benedict MD
“…in these days when men are angling for titles, pulling wires for “honorary degrees,” — George Kulp from the Calloused Knees 
SS: Rather to someone who has genuinely worked towards dedicating his life to world peace in various possible ways.
MR: Tens of thousands of non-Nichiren Buddhists tirelessly work for world peace. Nichiren Daishonin teaches that only through estblishing the correct Law can we achieve peace, not through strategies not based on the Lotus Sutra, It is great slander that Ikeda never once uttered the lion’s roar to his tyrant, cronie, and dictator friends.
SS: Please read his UN proposal that he sends every year as well…anyway you know what Nichiren Buddhism that SGI follows says – each one can do their Human Revolution – to fight their own fundamental darkness within their lives and change to be a better human being.
MR: I’ve read every one of his peace proposals and never once has he raised the lion’s roar. Human Revolution is what the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin teach? Could you please site a passage or two to help us understand?
SS: The anger, ego, hatred, jealousy, lack of confidence, arrogance, etc. anything that exists in our life can be suppressed by revealing the buddha nature by chanting nam myoho renge kyo and fighting for the happiness of each and every human being around us. 
MR: The SGI top salaried senior leaders are too busy counting their money from naive unthinking members such as yourself to care about those around them.
SS: The reason this law of cause and effect has spread from one person to another is because when one person sees proof of prayers in his/her life, people notice – when people notice we share with them, and we do not share with random people or publicize anything. It is a one to one interaction to help another person be happy too.
MR: Did Nichiren Daishonin teach, like Toda, that in order to prove the great faith of the Lotus Sutra we should accumulate five cadillacs? Do you not know about the Soka Gakkai advertisements in the Tokyo subway, the TV advertisements, or the Soka TV channel? 
Part 3 Reply to SS 
SS: Another way could be I have a close friend or relative suffering and I know them well enough to speak to them about nichiren buddhism and chanting NMRK, then I go ahead and do that sharing my own real life experiences and other members. In turn they try it themselves and do see proof. Try and understand one thing – this is the law of cause and effect and it exists, its intangible and you cannot see it but it does exist. So it does work, try it:
MR: You reveal your absolute sectarianism [except when it comes to the provisional Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and anyone except your fellow Nichiren believers]. How warped are you? The world’s phoniest exclusivist inclusivist cult is the SGI. Do you and your fellow members and leaders think that by your acts of duplicity and treason towards the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin you can have your cake and eat it to? Trust me, you will choke on your cake and cough up blood for slandering the Buddha’s Law. This is cause and effect and the reality you are creating for yourself.
SS: Quintin – Mr. Ikeda gets royalty from the publishing company for his books that sell. The money that the SGI has is not his. It is the organisations’ and they are 2 independent entities.
MR: And who controls all that money, the voting members?…Hehe. Tinkerbell? You think he doesn’t have an unlimited expense account? wake up, your making me sleepy.
SS: Mr. Ikeda does not slander any other organisation either, he has held dialogues with various world leaders from Zhou Enlai to Gorbachev to Toynbee to Dr. Rahman (Indonesia President – and this book was the highest seller in Indonesian history), so these things are not done out of any ill intention, rather to present to society and us people, the world that we can all co-exist in harmony if we change our hearts for the better and look at the larger beauty of our own and each and every other human beings lives. 
MR: Nor does he correct them as would have Nichiren Daishonin. He lacks the mercy to correct them. Again, this is proof of Ikeda’s and SGI’s duplicity. You will suck up to every Tom Dick, and Harry dictator, tyrant, and intellectual but will slander the powerless members of the other Nichiren sects. SGI is the World of Animality and Ikeda is nothing but a beast.
SS: A life that is dedicated for a greater cause in everything you do, be it at work, a sport, painting, writing, business, anything…One of the few things he says very often is to be a world citizen you need to have tolerance, acceptance of other religions, cultures, etc. and competition must not be to trample on another person’s head and move forward, but respect the competitor too, compete on humanitarian grounds, think of his/her happiness too….no matter how much I may explain but when you read from the Gosho, Mr. Ikeda, Toda and Makiguchis writings you do realise and understand so many more things about life and the way to live.
MR: You are so confused SS. The difference between Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism and Soka Sekashu Buddhism is greater than the difference between, heaven and earth, black and white, or good and evil. What Gosho are you reading? Which Lotus Sutra are you practicing? The Makiguchi, Toda, Ikeda Sutra is not the Lotus Sutra. The Makiguchi, Toda, and Ikeda Gosho is not the Gosho of Nichiren Daishonin.
SS: They have also always encouraged us to read many other inspiring books, stories and biographies about the lives of men of the past, great heroes, etc. So its not about them as you are showing it. 
MR: Then why are you so blind?
SS: and mentor yes – sports you need a coach, hes a coach in our daily life. 
MR: If you are going to choose a mentor to achieve Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment, you should choose the very best mentor, same mentor as Nichiren Daishonin, Shakyamuni Buddha. Actually, we of the Kempon Hokke have two mentors, Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin.
SS: Just wana end by saying – Nichiren Daishon quotes “The essence of Buddhism lies in one’s behavior as a human being.” So as I said before introspect your own life, question yourself that is what I am doing correct, is it helping me in anyway, is it making me a better human being? You may point fingers at the whole SGI or the world at large, but its a foolish thing to do so, change yourself first – there may be none worse than myself will be the answer –
MR: LOL I ask myself this question every day and like Nichiren Daishonin, I come to the same conclusion, “I am but an ignorant ordinary person” but I am a true votary of the Lotus Sutra.
SS: then see the change in your attitude if you fight to be a better human being and for the happiness of those around you. The simple way you behave at home with parents, siblings, with anyone will change. The gratitude for all you have in life will set in. You may come back with ‘n’ no. of accusations, assumptions and points as you may deem right – but you will harm none but yourself. Do not know how much you understand and believe in cause and effect or karma. So as the old saying goes the world is round and what goes around comes around – you may realise at some point. 
MR: We take our guidance from the Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin and if we are to believe them we are creating good fortune and a fortunate birth in the next life. As Nichiren Daishonin teaches:
“Though I might be offered the rulership of Japan if I would only abandon the Lotus Sutra, accept the teachings of the Meditation Sutra, and look forward to rebirth in the Pure Land, though I might be told that my father and mother will have their heads cut off if I do not join the Soka Gakkai—whatever obstacles I might encounter, so long as persons of wisdom do not prove my teachings to be false, I will never yield! All other troubles are no more to me than dust before the wind.” 
SS: And if you feel any truth in all the other members and I have said and anything that you do read about SGI –, books, etc. may be you will understand that if the SGI was so wrong and so spiteful, evil, conniving, etc. as you all describe it – it would have been destroyed long back.
MR: This is Mappo, the Latter Day, the Age of Degeneration. Evil flourishes and good people find it hard to endure. 
SS: It is a good organisation doing good things – if you do not wish to be a part of it then do not disrespect it. Do anything as you deem right in life and make a name for yourself for people to remember and thank just as Mr. Ikeda. 
MR: We do not seek accolades and despite having lost our good name like Lady Nun Myoho, the Buddha will never abandon his children. Not for a moment had Nichiren chanted for secular things. Ikeda is a secularist. We follow in the footsteps of Nichiren Daishonin. I advise you to do the same.
SS: No point in criticizing someone whose done so much good, try and emulate him if not hate it. All the very best and stay happy” — SS 
MR: If you ask, I might tell you about the real history of SGI in America.



#26 | Written by PWD about 7 months ago.

Firstly let me tell you about my background. I was a member of what is now SGIUK for many years. During all this time I was never entirely convinced about Daisaku Ikeda, although I did admire him in terms of what others who seemed to know him better said. I disliked the idea that we had to suddenly change views because Japanese Gakkai leaders had fallen out with Nichiren Shoshu priests. I have never reconciled myself to this disagreement.
About 8 years ago I met someone with many, many problems – she demanded so much of my time and energy that I ended up stopping the practice. But before I did I determined to examine the 3 principal differences between Nichiren Shoshu and the other Nichiren sects. I started by reading gosho bent on doing it exactly as they were written with no interpretation.
1. Nichiren Daishonin is claimed by NSS to be the True Buddha. I looked high and low in the Gosho for convincing proof of this and found none.
2. Nichiren is the treasure of the Buddha; Nikko is the treasure of the priest; and Dai Gohonzon is the treasure of the law. In this case I had to agreed that the 3 treasures is a valid concept. But again there is nothing in the Gosho which can possibly allow anyone to arrive at the NSS view of this concept. So once again I have to say it isn’t true.
3. Dai Gohonzon is the true object of worship for the age of Mappo. NSS claims that this is alluded to only in a Gosho known to me as ‘On the Buddha’s Behaviour.’ Once again I was totally unconvinced by the supposed proof.
Then I began to consider what we were actually being asked to believe. Nikko moved the DG from Minobu to Fuji from under the noses of five other senior priests with no protest? Nikko installed it at Fuji as the object of worship for this age? Since I have chanted to the DG I am well aware of its’ size and know that this is a farcical story when you really think about it.
So here I am no longer a believer in NSS or member of SGI and I have been reading everything I can find. I do not want to just accept things because someone asserts their truth. And I believe I let myself go along with things I might not have otherwise believed simply because I was happy and had made many very good friends. I had forgotten my edict to myself that I won’t follow teachers who claim they are God and will only allow myself to follower teachers who accept that they are humble human beings who have, by their own efforts, achieved great insight. Thus I should never have accepted Nichiren as the True Buddha and if I had been in my right mind I probably wouldn’t have.
In my searches I have discovered independent Nichiren Buddhists, not affiliated to any sect, these are generally ex-SGI members. I can see myself as being at home with such people. I only really ever had one bad experience with SGI. I wanted to write about SGI as part of a DipHE course I did in the mid 1980s. Being diligent I asked the UKs top leader for his advice and he thought it was a bad idea, so I didn’t do it. He thought that I could join the PR Group within SGIUK as I was proposing studying this subject, after my course was complete. So I asked about doing just that at the end of the course only to find obstacles put in my way. I spent months chanting about why this never worked out for me during which I realised that the leader had given me incorrect advice. It took me a hell of a lot of effort not go and strangle said leader and not to resent him for the outcome. I was intending to tell him he had been wrong but by the time I got round to it he had died.
I suggest you lot look up the definition of cult in the dictionary, never mind how its’ defined by anti cult groups. It actually describes any religious, or religious like group. It is used these days by the large religious groups to disparage any small religion. On the basis of this I think that Kempon Hokke is also a cult. I don’t care whether the 13 points apply to you or not. I can see your reply now, ‘No we are not a cult.’ That is exactly what every member of every cult claims!
Many of the comments here seem like they come from disgruntled ex-SGI members who are just bitter and twisted because they feel cheated. As I said before virtually nothing disagreeable ever happened to me when I was in SGI. Okay so I often had people saying I should chant harder or get guidance about something. Usually I pointed out that guidance usually consisted of chant more and little else so I couldn’t see the point. I have always rejected the idea that Ikeda is or was my master. I never saw how someone who lives on the other side of the world, speaks a completely different language and whom I’ve never met can possibly be a mentor to me. Instead I figured that either the person who introduced me to the practice, Nichiren or the Gohonzon are the only mentors I could possibly have.
I now hear the claims that I am naive or some other such guff. I believe I have given some small indication that even when I belonged to SGI I was still capable of thinking for myself. Believe me, if any member or leader gave me any idea that they were trying to control me I’d have been out of it like a flash.
I’m afraid none of you are very good advertisements for either Buddhism or Kempon Hokke. Isn’t it enough that NSS and SGI are ripping each others hearts out, without you doing it as well. I read some stuff from one of your members somewhere else called Nancy. The extent of their knowledge was excellent, they were very well read. But I noticed they couldn’t resist the temptation of showing how smart they were in a debate with Steven Tan (current NSS) member. The problem was neither of them was really any good at debate. They remained in the world of anger repeating over and over again how they and their lot are right and everyone else is wrong.
You lot are full of bile too. Why are you so obsessed with criticising SGI? I have no intention of re-joining and I don’t want to sound like a supporter of theirs, but I suggest that you all read Goshos where Nichiren conducts debates. He never engages in petty name calling or abuse of others. So I suggest that, before you start debating anything about Buddhism you learn how to do it properly!
Slanging matches are not debates and being inflexible is no good either. This Steven Tam guy is appalling, he reminds me of a Jehovahs Witness, repeatedly regurgitating the same old platitudes and refusing to listen. Listening to others is a sign of respect. Allow people their right to be wrong. If you want to correct erroneous ideas and point out others slander then there are much more subtle ways of doing so than by saying they are naive. Remember we are living in a age of Absorption, which means that everyone believes they know whats best for themselves.
Now lets consider some of the rebuffs made to SS recently. One or two of the claims regarding Ikeda are similar to things I’ve read elsewhere. However, since you give no indication of where the information came from I’m afraid I cannot treat them very seriously as I haven’t any idea as to sources. The marshaling of the arguments is poor, like it was constructed by a complete amateur. In terms you seem to understand your points are rubbish constructed by someone full of frustration and anger. There’s not one telling point there. SS will continue to think the way they did before they came here, you haven’t given them anything to think about. You’ve haven’t provided any real support for your assertions. All you’ve succeed in doing is chasing them away.
What I would like to see is a site where Nichiren Buddhists share details of their beliefs, compare and contrast in an atmosphere of mutual human respect. Fat chance, between you lot, NSS and SGI most people will end up further apart than ever. The lot of you are like parasites in the Lions bowls.



#27 | Written by Delinda about 6 months ago.

I have been practicing with SGI for 27 years and from time to time I read posts that highlight criticism of the organization. The problems may lie with those individuals that look to any organization to be the foundation of their faith. As the Gosho says, “Rely on the Law and not on the person.” My understanding of Nichiren Buddhism has been strengthened through my association with the Gakkai and Daisaku Ikeda, but my faith is based on my own daily practice in front the Gohonzon.



#28 | Written by Mark Rogow about 6 months ago.

Understanding comes from faith, not Daisaku Ikeda and furthermore, Nichiren’s faith and your faith differ. Your Three Treasures and your Three Great Secret Laws are not his. His exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra is not your interfaith. His master was Shakyamuni Buddha and you throw out Shakyamuni Buddha like yesterday’s calender. You study the Human Revolution and he studied the Lotus Sutra. What I see is a warped faith and shallow understanding. Why do I say this? Because you remain in the Soka Gakkai.



#29 | Written by william about 5 months ago.

The are lots of comments on this site- many of them long winded with strange analogies, so I’ll keep my statements short and sweet.
I have seen the SGI-UK in practise over the last twenty years. Over this time I have never been asked to give a donation or hounded for money in any way at all. This seems be an arguement of many people on here.
With regard to the practise, I have found it works within my life. I do not think this practise suits everyone, just like Islam, Chritianity, Hinduism etc, do not suit everybody.
The SGI for me is a non profit Buddhist organisation that promotes peace through dialogue and education. I have never found anyone has ever pressured me to do things I didn’t want to do. Although I do think that the relationship with the Priests should be fixed and put to bed, I do not find cultish talk in any of the discussion meetings I attend. I also do not see profiteering through the SGI in terms of collecting donations. 
The mentor disciple relationship is obviously a sore point here. I do not like the term Mentor particuarly much. Likewise, I think sometimes the SGI’s direction has gone away from some of the core teachings and perhaps has put too much of an emphasis on Ikeda. Ikeda is a great human being and a very intelligent man. We just happen to live in a hollywood culture and followers have adopted him as their mentor. I have never heard him directly tell people that he is their mentor. None more so than, Josei Toda was his mentor or Shakyamuni was Nicherns mentor.
As for the guy Thomas Ten (Above), who was sick and a good looking woman introduced him to Buddhism. Maybe she was just trying to be nice, because she thought you could do with support or substance in your life. Maybe her life had been enriched and she wanted to share the same experience with you.
You shouldn’t keep your defence mechanism up so much. You’d be a little more cool.
Finally, you need no man to practise this faith. You just need belief in yourself. Its not magical, its not mystical. But it is practical within daily life.
Try it for a while….if it doesn’t work, what do you have to lose. If anyone refutes my comments, please do not post without proof. Or reply with large, boring paragraphs. If this makes sense to anyone reading this, then I’m glad. Keep peace on your side and love and compassion in your heart and lets focus on making positive changes for this world.



#30 | Written by Mark Rogow about 5 months ago.

William, read from page 320 on and get back to us. —->,87661,page=320 <—– Are their SGI-UK experiences any less valid than yours or are you lying?



#31 | Written by Mark Rogow about 5 months ago.

BTW, you had better point out the strange analogies before denigrating them.



#32 | Written by Mark Rogow about 5 months ago.

Also William, you are very presumptuous. We here have hundreds of man/women years in the Soka Gakkai. Been there done that. Moved on to Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.



#33 | Written by Alan about 5 months ago.

Hi William,
To me this all comes back to my own tipping point question.
Do you/me/any of us want to practice as Shakyamuni passed to Nichiren (as Bodhisatva Jogyo in the Lotus Sutra) = correctly with Kempon Hokke
Do you want to practice as amended/distorted by the SGI NST NSHU – and others?
What is correct? what is more wholesome? what is purer?
I too, used to roll my eyes sometimes at the limitless quotations on here, but, think of it this way….. If it was not as the Buddha decreed, or as Nichiren taught then these quotations would not be correct and there certainly would not be so many of them!!
You could call it “Actual Proof”



#34 | Written by Mark Rogow about 5 months ago.

Hi Alan. I’m sure William wouldn’t have minded had I posted lots of quotes from the Human Revolution, Daily Guidance, and Guidance Memo. The Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin must grate on his ears.



#35 | Written by william about 5 months ago.

Hi Guys/ Mark/ Alan/ Anyone else,
Contrary to your point above Mark, very little grates my ears- I think I’m a pretty fair and progressive person. I just thought your analogies regarding poisons and baby milk and what not was a little long winded (it was…). Maybe I was a little unfair on you regarding this, so I apologise if that was the case, as there seems to be a sensible arguement obscured in your post.
Also, my apologies for not realising there had been so many pages posted before; I viewed this page on my lunch break and did not realise the abundance of posts.
Upon consideration of these, maybe I’m one of the lucky ones who has always had freedom and never been pressured to chant or had members coming to my house to demand details of my practise. Likewise, I’ve never been asked to give a cash donation (apart from by my mother, and she doesn’t count).
If that kind of situation has happened to people, then I apologise on behalf of the SGI, or at least my vision of the SGI and its place within society.
With regard to the correct teaching; wouldn’t you argue that the correct teaching is the teaching that works for you? I’ve only ever learned to practise the SGI way (old long gongyo and short gongyo). One thing (and the most powerful for me) that has never changed is Nam MyoHo Renge Kyo. I’ve always found a closeness to my spiritual self when recitying this. Otherwise, I try to encourage people and adopt buddhist principles within my daily life (compassion etc). This to me is far more important than the correctness of words we’re taught.
Maybe I’m alone in my thinking. I like the SGI. I like that it promotes peace. I like that people from different backgrounds and cultures are encouraged to embrace it and not ostrocised. I’ve seen the positive effects its had within peoples lifes, making them more confident, more assured and more open to ideas. I compare this with other religions and it all makes so much more sense for me.
Apologies for poor grammer and spelling mistakes; I’ve been working pretty hard and I don’t have the energy to proof read.



#36 | Written by Mark Rogow about 5 months ago.

“The correct teachings are those that work for you” is a gross misconception. The Catholics believe their teachings work for them. The Muslims and Hindus too. Nichiren doesn’t teach this so please [SGI] cease to call yourself Nichiren Buddhists or Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings. SGI would have you believe this nonsense because they have changed the faith and practice of Nichiren Daishonin. The True Teachings are difficult to believe, difficult to understand, and difficult to practice. Promoting the same faith and practice as Nichiren Daishonin would limit SGI’s customer base, forcing the high salaried Japanese senior leaders to sweep floors at Mcdonalds.



#37 | Written by william about 5 months ago.

Hi Mark,
I have to say, from reading this and some of your other posts, that you come across as pretty bitter and scorned towards the SGI. Maybe it’s some of that bitter SGI MSG…?Did something happen to make you feel that way inclined?
As for your statement above, I think we just have a disagreement on buddhism and how it can be applied within your life/ applied to help impact and progress other cultures positively.
You seem more hardline; orthordox, where dare say, I am more liberal. I don’t think this buddhism is for everybody, but I do think that it can impact positively on peoples lives through promoting peace (inner peace too) and tolerance. In order for this religion/philosophy to have that impact, a degree of flexibility has to be shown.
My question to you is, why do you practise? What do you look to acheive through practising?



#38 | Written by Mark Rogow about 5 months ago.

Was Nichiren Daishonin who practiced the Nembutsu before awakening to the pure and perfect teachings of the Lotus Sutra a bitter and scorned man? In repudiating his prior erroneous faith and practice, was he bitter man or was he a compassionate Mahasattva warning of the pitfalls of the Nembutsu that he experienced first hand? Rather, entering the treasure mountain without arms and to slander me, a votary of the Lotus Sutra, as bitter and scorned, you are the bitter one. The “flexibility” SGI and you advance amounts to a destruction of the principles and practices of Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin.
The Lotus Sutra states:
“If I convert by a smaller vehicle
Even but one human being,
I shall fall into grudging
A thing that can not be.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 2)
“In all the Buddha’s lands of the universe there is but one supreme vehicle, not two or three, and it excludes the provisional teachings of the Buddha.”(Ibid)
“Honestly discarding the provisional teachings, I will now expound the Supreme Way.”(ibid)
“The World-honored One has long expounded his doctrines and now must reveal the truth.” (ibid)
“These nine divisions of my Law
Preached according to the [capacity] of all creatures
Are [but] the introduction of the Great-vehicle
Hence I preach this sutra.”(ibid)
“…desiring only to accept and embrace the sutra of the great vehicle and not accepting a single verse of the other sutras.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 3)
“If I were to describe the punishments [that fall on persons who slander this sutra], I could exhaust a kalpa and never come to the end.” (ibid)
“If a person fails to have faith but instead slanders this sutra, immediately he will destroy all the seeds for becoming a Buddha in this world. . . . When his life comes to an end he will enter the Avichi hell.” (ibid)
“Suppose that someone coming from a land of famine should suddenly encounter a great king’s feast.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 6)
“At that time the World-Honored One addressed Bodhisattva Medicine King, and through him the eighty thousand great men, saying: ‘Medicine King, do you see in this great assembly the immeasurable number of heavenly beings, dragon kings, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas, human and nonhuman beings, as well as monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, those who seek to become voicehearers, who seek to become pratyekabuddhas, or who seek the Buddha way? Upon these various kinds of beings who in the presence of the Buddha listen to one verse or one phrase of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law and for a moment think of it with joy I will bestow on all of them a prophecy that they will attain supreme perfect enlightenment.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 10)
“The scriptures I preach number in the countless millions. Among all those I have preached, now preach and will preach, this Lotus Sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand.”(Ibid)
“I constantly expounded the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law alone.” (Lotus Sutra Chapter 12)
“Among all the Sutras it holds the highest place” (Chapter 14)
“At that time the Buddha addressed Emminent Conduct and the host of other Bodhisattvas: “The divine powers of buddhas are so infinite and boundless that they are beyond thought and expression. Even if I, by these divine powers, through infinite, boundless hundred thousand myriad kotis of asemkheya kalpas, for the sake of entailing it, were to declare the merits of this sutra, I should still be unable to reach the end of those [merits]. Essentially speaking, all the laws belonging to the Tathagata, all the mysterious, essential treasuries of the Tathagata, and the very profound conditions of the Tathagata, all are proclaimed, displayed, revealed, and expounded in this sutra.Therefore you should, after the extinction of the Tathagata, wholeheartedly receive and keep, read and recite, explain and copy, cultivate and practice it as the teaching. In whatever land, whether it be received and kept, read and recited, explained and copied cultivated and practiced as the teaching; whether in a place where a volume of the sutra is kept, or in a temple, or in a grove, or under a tree, or in a monastery, or in a lay devotee’s house, in a palace or a mountain, in a valley or in the wilderness, in all these places you must erect a caitya and make offerings.
Wherefore? You should know that [all] these spots are the thrones of enlightenment. On these [spots] the buddhas attain Perfect Enlightenment; on these [spots] the buddhas roll the wheel of the Law; on these [spots] the buddhas [enter] parinirvana.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter 21)
“Just as Mount Sumeru is the highest among the various mountains , so this Lotus Sutra holds the highest position among all the sutras.”(Chapter 23)
“Amongst all the sutras preached by tathagatas it is the profoundest and greatest.” and “…, so it is also with this Law-Flower Sutra; amongst all the sutras it is the highest,” and “… it is the most illuminating.” and “…it is the most honorable.” and “…it is the king of all sutras.” and “…it is the father of of all the wise and holy men” and “…amongst all the sutras preached by tathagatas, bodhisattvas or preached by sravakas, it is the supreme.”(ibid)
“Star Constellation King Flower! This sutra is that which can save all the living; this sutra can deliver all the living from pain and sufferings; this sutra is able to greatly benefit all the living and fulfill their desires. Just as a clear, cool pool is able to satisfy all those who are thirsty, as the cold who obtain a fire [are satisfied], as the naked who find clothing, as [a caravan of] merchants who find a leader, as children who find their mother, as at a ferry one who catches the boat, as a sick man who finds a doctor, as in the darkness one who obtains a lamp, as a poor man who finds a jewel, …., so it is with this Law-Flower sutra; it is able to deliver all the living from all sufferings and all diseases, and is able to unloose all bonds of mortal life.”(ibid)
“Even the Buddha wisdom could never finish calculating their [benefits] extent.” (ibid)
“If in future ages there should be one who accepts and upholds, reads and recites this sutra,…his wishes shall not be in vain, and he will receive his reward of good fortune in his present life.”(Chapter 28)
Nichiren Daishonin teaches:
“In Tung-ch’un we read: “Question: While the Buddha was in the world, there were many who were resentful and jealous. But in the age after his passing, when someone preaches this [Lotus] sutra, why do so many oppose that person? Answer: It is said that good medicine tastes bitter. This sutra, which is like good medicine, dispels attachments to the five vehicles and establishes the one ultimate principle. It reproaches those in the ranks of ordinary beings and censures those in the ranks of sagehood, denies [provisional] Mahayana and refutes Hinayana. It speaks of the heavenly devils as poisonous insects and calls non-Buddhists demons. It censures those who cling to Hinayana teachings, calling them mean and impoverished, and it dismisses bodhisattvas as beginners in learning. For this reason, heavenly devils hate to listen to it, non-Buddhists find their ears offended, persons of the two vehicles are dumbfounded, and bodhisattvas flee in terror. That is why all these types of people try to make hindrances [for a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra]. The Buddha was not speaking nonsense when he declared that hatred and jealousy would abound.” — The Opening of the Eyes
The bottom line is that the Lotus Sutra is not pluralistic. To abandon the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra, to assert that Buddhahood can be realized through other teachings, let alone non-Buddhist teachings, and to fail to censure inferior teachings, is to abandon the Lotus Sutra. All paths do not lead to the Buddha’s land. The SGI path of mentor disciple and interfaith does not lead to the Buddha’s land. Since the Soka Gakkai breeds such perverted interpretations of the Sutra, you should avoid the Soka Gakkai at all costs.
I practice for one reason and one reason alone, to attain Buddhahood in this very life and to teach others to do the same.



#39 | Written by RElaine about 2 months ago.

I was interested to find this website while looking up SGI. I recently began dating a member of the SGI and have begun practicing Daimoku, which I find to be calming, grounding and centering, and allows me to sit in prayer and meditation for much longer than the more common “mindfulness” meditations of Buddhism. 
I am an interfaith practitioner and consciously seek the universal thread amongst all ancient spiritual teachings, which is that we are all essentially spiritual beings that have the potential to realize our true selves, our “Godhood” or Buddhahood or whatever names you care to give it. And that true practice and embodiment of healthy teachings, which promote Love, kindness and especially self-reflection and awareness can lead to this state.
As I have begun studying Nichiren Buddhism, I have gone directly to the Lotus Sutra, the foundation of all the teachings, as I would with any other faith which the Creator/Universe chooses to place before me in response to my own devoted desire to continue my own spiritual evolution. It is then up to me to develop my own relationship to the teachings, and to receive from the additional teachings available (i.e. gosho) that which feels good and right inside of me. Hence, I typically avoid “organized religion” which promotes specific interpretations of the teachings. What is said above and on other pages of this site in regard to Nichiren’s teachings can be said of interpretation and teachings of Christ as well. I find it is best to get as close to the original teachings as possible.
My friend never tried to influence me in any way, and only shared about his faith when I inquired about it. That said, when he introduced me to SGI, I immediately had a gut instinct that something was not right, and experienced an energy that if not overtly, then subtly communicates the intent to convert and reflects a zealousness that feels uncomfortable to me. A worldwide organization of over 12 million people, organized in what appears to be a corporate fashion, with divisions and districts, etc, does not feel nurturing and safe.
I feel I am fortunate that this particular man is open to interfaith practice and dialogue, and has offered to put me in touch with other interfaith practitioners within SGI. He is also not attached to my being a member of SGI, and continues to support my study of the faith in the way which feels most in alignment with my own spiritual belief systems.
I can believe much of what is being said of SGI, based on some small exposure and intuitive response, but also that in an organization of over 12million followers, not all are the religious zealots that follow with blind faith the tenets of the organization.
I have been extremely impressed with the consciousness, integrity and openness of this man that has been practicing this faith for over 35 years, and would only be open to exploring this if I had not been exposed to him before SGI. I hope that there are more of this type of SGI members, and indeed, Nichiren followers, that can openly share the benefits of this teaching, which feel so much more accessible than other forms of Buddhism.
Thank you for this lively dialogue.



#40 | Written by Pamela about 2 weeks ago.

I agree, the SGI is a destructive cult. The followers are in denial of the bullshit they’re being fed. The SGI lies, cheats and steals from their followers. The writings of Nichiren are translated incorrectly to serve the SGI’s agenda and propaganda. The cult of personality is big in the SGI. They often make the outrageous comparison of Ikeda to Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ghandi, which is ludicrous since there have been reports that Ikeda is a rapist. I agree to avoid the SGI at all costs since they will control your life if you let them. The leaders are narcissistic control freaks who don’t give a damn about anyone else’s happiness but their own. They will throw you under the bus. Run, don’t walk, from the SGI as fast as you can.



#41 | Written by Mark Rogow about 1 day ago.

Well and good but “Nichiren and Interfaith” is an oxymoron. If you want to practice new age interfaith rather than the exalted teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, you are in the right place [SGI].



#42 | Written by Pamela about 13 hours ago.

I wouldn’t take on the practice until there is an English translation of Nichiren’s writings that can be verified as accurate and correct. Anything else, is being trapped in Plato’s cave of darkness and the blind leading the blind. Just my opinion.



#43 | Written by Mark Rogow about 13 hours ago.

Hi Paula. First, thanks for the accurate depiction of the SGI. Second, even being able to read the original Gosho in Nichiren’s hand, found in the so-called Showa Tehon Collection, doesn’t guarantee that one will practice as it preaches. There is certainly a way to cull the heart and mind of the Daishonin. One way is textual parsimony. Another way is the preponderance and congruety of the various english translations. Still another is knowing that a particular Gosho is found in Nichiren’s hand and weighing the import according to the Gosho’s background and comparing the message to the five Major Writings. Of course, learning Japanese by a true seeker of the Way, can be quite useful but not absolutely necessary, if we are to believe the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. Is the Kempon Hokke teachings and practices closest to the heart and mind of Nichiren? From my investigations, although they are in a sense subjective, I would claim, yes.

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The Japanese rightist




Monday, May 22, 2006

Soka Gakkai - the cult rules Japan



You don't know anything about Soka Gakkai? Don't worry about that because this website is for those who don't know much about Japan.


A sect of Buddism, Soka Gakkai, is referred to as Soka Gakkai International (SGI) in the world, so I'll call SGI from now on. Surprisingly, this cult has been prevailing in over 100 countries all around the world. You live in America? Oh, yes. it has even two universities in california, giving birth to a lot of believers. On the other hand, it was designated by French parliament as a cult, so the article I'm writing may have something to do with your life even outside Japan. (Recently I've heard a rumor that SGI attempted to steal nuclear weapons from France. Please give me any information on this.) By the way, I've heard that SGI was accused by France because it attempted to steal nuclear bombs from France. Let me know if you know furthermore about this.


The weiredness of the cult can be vividly seen when you go to a town in Tokyo, Shinanomachi, where it's located several stations away from Tokyo station; it's as the center of Tokyo. As soon as you get off the train, you'd see a weired ambient with tricolored flags here and there, at the shops or electric poles. They're SGI's flags! As you walk through into the district, suddenly you'd feel you are watched by someone. You turn back, and there's someonee keeping on the track of you. He has a transceiver and doesn't even hide it. You got scared so much. And what would you do? Going to police? Well, it's not gonna work because it's called "Soka heaven" here, and of course the police is "Soka police". The above pic I borrowed from a website is a very precious; the blogger was surrounded by a couple of guys and asked what he was taking pictures for. He ran away and posted this pic. The town of SGI is THAT dangerous to snooping around.

Here I uploaded a map of SGI's territory around the town in which oranged and grayed buildings belong to SGI. Just imagine that one whole town is occupied by a cult. It's so scaring. There are many shops recently built dealing with SGI stuff although they are not shown in the map, and of course they are run by the practitioners.

Let me explain why they are called "a cult". One aspect is that they don't allow to be critisized at all. The map I got is originally published by "Weekly Diamond", which featured SGI several years ago, but it resulted in buy-out by SGI, not letting many readers to purchase this number. Those buy-out usually is followed by a successive defamation suits against the publisher regardless the quality of the article. They are OK because they have plenty of money sucked from the earnest believers.

No matter how I insist, you're not going to believe it, aren't you? I happened to run into a video clip from Youtube, and this will convince you. It's a censorship of NHK, the only public TV company and therefore the principal channel.
Even if you don't know Japanese, you could barely hear the woman said "Komeito" and "Soka Gakkai". Komeito is a political party SGI has, and it's taboo on TV although everyone knows it. Since the constitution prohibites any reliigilus group from forming a political party, it's not allowed to even imply the relationship between two. Japan is still not a country with freedom of speech.



posted by yellowpeep @ 11:47 AM




At 5/24/2006 06:56:00 PM ,  Mr. Ballistic said...

Do you know where this cut is located in the USA? I live in an area of Santa Cruz, California where a lot of cults are. I might just be crazy enough to get you some photos.

At 5/24/2006 08:31:00 PM ,  yellowpeep said...

Thank you for your comment. One of them that I know is in Aliso Vieso, called Soka Universigy of America. I get you the map.

I'm looking forward to your photos!

At 5/25/2006 12:25:00 AM ,  Mr. Ballistic said...

My god there are two of them about three hours drive form my hose.,-95.677068&sspn=29.301969,59.941406&q=Soka+Gakkai+International&om=1&ll=37.970185,-122.492065&spn=1.818751,3.746338

Oh well when I was growing up I lived next door to some Satanists.

At 6/23/2006 10:12:00 PM ,  PALGOLAK said...

I still don't understand how they are threatening, or how their behaviour is inappropriate. Following someone is OK behaviour in most countries, as far as I know.

Does their beliefs involve blood-letting, or something?

Just curious.

At 6/24/2006 12:51:00 PM ,  yellowpeep said...

Yeah, this article isn't appealing in terms of the danger of SGI as you claim. 

SGI is a terrible mafia, and of course blood-letting group. Let me write a new article about that some day. Thank for pointing it ouT.

At 7/17/2006 12:13:00 AM ,  kxin said...

Question, how do you know if they're a blood letting group? or a mafia? I know they're buddhists and no one should be judged by their religion.

At 7/20/2006 07:51:00 PM ,  yellowpeep said...

kxin, you are not supposed to know the mastermind behind JFK asassination.

At 8/01/2006 06:02:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I'm an SGI member and I love the organization. That said, I've always been VERY suspicious of all organized religions (as possible money-making schemes or ways for perverts or power-trippers to take advantage of people) but after 3 years as a member I have to say, being part of SGI is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, and that's saying a lot. I don't give them any money (unless I feel like it, because I want to support such a cool group) no one bothers me or asks me to do anything I don't want to do, and I've gotten to know a lot of really wonderful members in my area and made friends with members around the world (we're in 190 countries and are incorporated as an NGO under the United Nations.) I've learned a lot about respecting other cultures, non-violence, and the importance of promoting peace and happiness for all people. 

Believe me, I am the first person to look with a critical eye on any religious organization that says it's there just for the good of the people, but I can honestly say I can't find anything wrong with SGI--only fabulous things and genuinely good people who want to live happy lives and help others. Also, the United Nations is careful about what organizations they'll incorporate under their charter. I don't think they'd let themselves be associated with a cult, so that's another thing you might want to weigh in your mind when judging for yourself whether or not the organization is good.

If you want to know more, feel free to check out the website and contact someone in your area to learn more, or come to a meeting and find out for yourself what SGI is like. I certainly don't expect you to take my word for it. You're an intelligent, grown-up person and can decide for yourself. Come on by and see what you think. 

And if you don't want to look into it any more, that's cool too, but regardless, whoever reads this, I wish you tons of happiness and success in your life! 



At 8/03/2006 08:33:00 PM ,  yellowpeep said...

Thanks for your comment. I don't deny the freedom of religeon. Believe whatever you like. 

Religeon makes your life more beneficial if the worship is just inside your heart.

At 8/10/2006 07:24:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

You made me laugh tonight. Sorry you are so worried. You needn't be. SGI is just into peace. And not the kind that is supposed to come by dropping bombs on other people. In fact, there quite opposed to that. Mostly they think you have to talk things over and learn to understand one another. That's pretty much it. If you want to know more about it, check out 
these sites: from the BBC : or check out their website at or

Peace out.


At 9/23/2006 05:12:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

Soka Gakkai Japan is the largest, wealthiest and the most controversial religious organization to say the least.
It has caused too many severe societal/political problems and psychological issues among members.
It's been around in USA for 30 years already.
I've lived in Japan and USA both for many years.
Now, I fear for what’s coming to USA. 
We need to nip it in the bud before we suffer from the same catastrophes in USA.
In 2004, Forbes published an article about Soka Gakkai USA. It is very thorough and true, actually pretty mild compared to what Soka Gakkai is doing in Japan. I can attest to that because I have been a member for 20 years myself.
I'm considering leaving the organization due to its cult tendency. We do not need any religious implementation to reinforce world peace, culture and human rights, not to mention, to collect massive millions of dollars from the members, and they are not even disclosing the financial ledgers to members. For world peace, human rights and diversity, we would rather refer to our constitution of The United States of America.
For Forbes article, go to
Also, The Rick Ross Institute for destructive cult provides a very informative and neutral database for Soka Gakkai. Go to
*PS I'm posting this comment anonymously.
Because, if I disclose my full name, Soka Gakkai, especially right extremist members could trace me down for a severe retaliation.

At 12/29/2006 08:09:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

Someone wrote "I don't give them any money (unless I feel like it, because I want to support such a cool group) no one bothers me or asks me to do anything I don't want to do" Tha't not true in Japan. Every end of year, we are asked to give a lot of money to SGI Japan (at least 100 USD). In addition we have to subscribe their newspaper every month. It's very expensive compared to the contents and volume. However, we are not reported any summary of their B/L. On the newspaper, we always see photos and articles about Mr. Ikeda and his family members and critisize of Nichiren-Shoshu, which Mr. Ikeda joined in his 19 years and had devoted his life except last 10 years.

At 1/12/2007 12:49:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

World Peace is a useful word for CULT, to deceive the innocent.
SGI pretend to live for it, but in fact, that is only a propaganda to build credibility.
In their theory, those against SGI must be burnt in hell. How colorful! How peaceful a religion!
Also, once a believer loses faith, converts to other religion, he should be thrown in hell as well.
Members are all megalomania who belong to immoral organization infected with personality cult, Ikedaism.
SGI always like to use such words as, victory, justice, peace, dialogue.
But I can hardly find any of them in SGI's behavior.
On the contrary, all we can find is, lie, hypocrisy, violence, suppression, and the like.
That is FACISM, nothing more!
To worship one person as God, has anything to do with to achieve world peace?
I guess not!!

At 8/20/2007 05:00:00 AM ,  hillary said...

My comment'
Dear readers I have been a member of Soka Gakkai for 2 years and 6 months and it has changed my life for the 100 percentage mark. I am an artist and very sensitive to life. yadayada yalla. Anyway, I chant nam myoho renge kyo the indian sanskript we chant from shyakamuni buddha. It has a way about it that has changed every obstacle I meet into a positive one. I know some people have started many rumors in Japan about soka gakkai being a cult. Well the reason is during WW2 everyone was restricted by the government of japan to practise on religion and it was shinto buddhism at the time. So the followers of the nicherin daishonin buddhism were imprisoned. They started the political party komeito to have positive forces to go against nuclear power from ever happening again and also to stop japan from having an army if they ever try to do so. Yeah so the komeito party works with some evil political parties in japan, the reason being, WHO ELSE IS GOING TO BE THE POSitive force??????????????????America and other countries have nothing like this. Look at the American government why dont you start a website calling them a cult?????????????They are screwing people to the f"""n t every single day. I wouldnt waste my time on calling a sect of people practising buddhism a cult. Why dont you spend your time doing something that contributes to the world??? Try going after real issues in the world... Oh yeah by the way we dont believe there is a hell, only the hell that exists in your mind. And we dont believe if you dont practise this buddhism that you are going to hell. People that practise this buddhism all over the world have had some major great things happen. One woman in california was hiv positive she chanted to be hiv negative, and today she is negative with a baby. We call it human revolution, when you have an obstacle its hard at first, but you can overcome your difficulties much quicker then not chanting!!!!!But I say go for whatever religion makes you happy.

At 5/10/2008 01:05:00 PM ,  wakatta said...

Much after this article however I wanted to add my .02.

Twenty years NSA/SGI member and middle-leader. At the bottom are the regular members who the organization keep frenetically busy with activities and shakubuku. At the higher levels its all about getting new members and getting their money. No doubt you may have been asked to give money or buy the monthly magazines. The pressure continues and each HAN and HOMBU are required to bring in a certain $ amount to "meet the goals from Sensei (Ikeda)"

Now that SGI has been excommuinicated and have been xeroxing gohonzons, there remains very little spiritual reality, just a lot of hype.

Best advice I can give anyone, become a moonie, a jehova's witness or something, anything but a SGI robot.


At 11/05/2008 08:59:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

My wife got into this cult group. I explained her about this group thousand times. She is not listening. Any suggestion, please post it here.

At 1/21/2009 02:10:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

I hope that your wife will understand the reality someday. I know just one page in English, helping the victims of Soka Gakkai.

The most of the SGI belivers are very good person, longing for world peace, like your wife. But the SGI top members are not. They hide behind these good believers, plotting something very dangerous. It is believed among native Japanese that many of the members are North Korean residents in Japan. You know North Korea and can imagine how dangerous this cult is. They have too much money to be stopped. I am afraid that something might be happening underground in Japan. Very scared.

At 5/09/2009 02:53:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

just wanted to leave my two cents (or because i'm from the uk my 2p worth)
I have read many of these posts or articles online and have to say in my experience with the soka gakkai this is simply not true, the wide range of people who are soka gakkai members makes it for a wonderfully diverse and beautiful religion to be part of, the exceptance of every human being no matter age, social status, sexuality preference etc... is something which not is found other religions. That being said I have had instances when i have had clashes with members but that has been with the individual member and the way they are acting towards me etc... not the soka gakkai - the member is encouraged to go through their own personal growth and development as a human being (other wise termed human revolution) I have been chanting for 10 years in the uk and am confused to hear members who have been practising for longer have negative things to say as surely after that long practicing they would understand the true intention of this organisation. sorry for the long post, anyway to finish up before making any decision on the soka gakkai (or anything in life come to think of it!) just from a blog or online article (which could be posted by anyone with questionable motives or not properly researched) find out yourself in the real world.

At 8/29/2009 04:32:00 AM ,  Teresa said...

May I ask, what are your intentions behind the objections about SGI? 

with regards to the comment in being an SGI robot - do you not have your own personality and character? Can you not stay true to yourself? Or have you given up in that challengs?

With regards to the high level members of the organisation whose sole intention is to rake in money contributions - Why do you not have the courage to face the leaders if they are self-serving? Why do you not have the guts to turn things around? Do you deeply understand why reading materials are encouraged? 

For those who have practiced; actually for those who practice any other religion for that matter. How much have you truly gone all out to put into action all that your learn from the religion? Do you leave even an ounce of reservation and take everything with a pinch of salt? If you have lived with doubt, then regardless of what you believe in, the doubts in your thoughts and actions already contradicts yourself. You are no longer a believer. No one gives you the right to tell you what you believe in, you own yourself, you tell yourself what you believe in. Unfortunately your own doubts rob you of it as well. 

"Fish want to survive; they deplore their pond's shallowness andn dig holes in the bottom to hide in, yet tricked by bait, they take the hook. Birds in a tree fear that they are too low and perch in the top branches, yet bewitched by bait, they too are caught in snares. human beings are equally vulnerable. They give their lives for shallow, worldly matters but rarely for the Buddha's precious teachings. Small wonder why they do not attain Buddhahood." - Nichiren Daishonin

I believe that regardless of what religion you are currently practicing or not; that you continue to question and clear all doubts so that you may joyfully reap its benefits from within.

Take care all


At 9/02/2009 11:45:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

Many companies are related to soka gakai. Many production companies In fashion or television or music take the artists money away in very large percentages and give loyalty to Soka Gakai. This organisation is a disgusting sneaky organisation. Pretending to be religous they try to get well meaning people. But why would a group need the money they try to generate ? And If a production company In Tokyo does not agree with it they cannot say anything for fear of losing work.

At 9/03/2009 12:00:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...


Agencies who represent Television Artists In Tokyo are infiltrated by Soka Gakai members and guess what ? 

Artists who refuse to join have a tough time. 

Many of them become Christian to avoid being punished.

And Soka Members study this blog and comment back ? If they were a genuine peace loving group why would they try so hard t

I mean this is a free area to discuss things.

My guess is that Soka workers who have time to write on here are reading this blog. Go out of your offices and walk down the street and give some money to a poor homeless Japanese person. That is the best way to use money instead of opening offices In Tokyo to just waffle. Peace is something within not something we create In magazines.

At 9/03/2009 12:10:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

Many Japanese do not like Soka. That is why so many companies who support them do not reveal themselves. 

While there is a hunger for peace and love there will be cults indefinately. Like there is a devil there is a god though so I am not in fear of them. Bring it on.

At 9/03/2009 12:12:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

And they are not buddhists ! Buddhism exists In temples and everywhere - not in someone`s office with flags outside counting their friends.

At 9/03/2009 12:23:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

Why do most people in groups wear suits and ties ?

And formal uniforms ?

And briefcases ?

At 4/20/2010 08:25:00 AM ,  Yi Ren said...

Certainly what you said can be investiage.

However, how do you expect me to totally believe whatever you say when you claim yourself to be rightist and concurrently sharing that Japanese women are nothing but sex machines in war times?

Looking at your postings from the first entry to the last entry, you jump from Japanese lifestyle to Wartime history of Japan(and mostly women having sex with soldiers). Does a person with righteousness share this kind of gross information to public? I doubt so. 

You also posted a video link to justify that this religion is a cult. How do you expect people to believe when your link is broken? Therefore hardly any evidences to prove its validity.

From all the comments type inside the column, the literacy and the styles of writing are similar. I wonder if it's the same person like you posting the same message again and again? Sentences are short, simple and relatively emotional. Not much reasoning behind, but just only say this what whether religion is bad. If they are bad, why don't you explain how bad it is? I'm looking forward in listening them.

Meanwhile, for a "Soka Policeman" to follow you is hardly weird at all. Did you do or behave suspiciously? My classmate was caught by an auxilliary police because he was behaving weirdly in public. Certainly you would not called Einstein a moron or lazy student because he failed his grade school and constantly daydreaming in class. I think it is really a gross generalisation to show that Soka Policeman is weird or some mafia. We do not need to worry of getting killed by mafias or what not, cause we do not did anything wrong, isn't it?

You make want to consider re- phrasing your entry to make it justifable and soundable, and best to show us more photos. This is because your article sounds like some childish rumbling without much elaboration of the proof and claim. Similarly, can you show us more credible websites instead of the usual Rickcross website? That website has not been updated for a very long time. Just wondering if the website is credible as their information are not up-to-date.

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At 11/11/2010 01:49:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

Okay, I grew up in the States and have visited Japan a couple of times. 

IMO, the SGI may appear "strange" to some. But if you compare them to any other religious or philosophical organization, I can't see any extreme difference in terms of how they express their desires for people to be good, happy, etc, for example. 

How is that much different from a Christian church? Or even the controversial Jehovah Witnesses? In fact, no offense, but the Jehovah's don't believe in celebrating holidays, nor do they believe in blood transfusions. Okay, so maybe I've pointed out aspects of a group that is considered "odd" by even many Americans. But within the context of those of you who are against the SGI here, can u honestly say that the SGI is better/worse? Again no offense, but we in the SGI have nothing against celebrating Christmas (a Christian based religion), we can drink caffeine (something Mormons can't do), and we don't preach against premarital relations, whether you agree or disagree with the importance of certain sexual mores. 

So maybe we actually seem too "loose" by comparison, LOL. Other than that, if we look at organizational finances (which who doesn't), the SGI is no different than other religious organizations; if anything, I've never felt coerced into donating money unless I wanted to. Of course there are times when its encouraged, but again people, don't most churches do the same? Actually I've witnessed pastors and such get mad that there isn't enough tithing in their congregations- I've NEVER heard an SGI leader get "mad" at us for not donating enough monies. 

In terms of other Buddhist groups, seems they are rather passive and don't reach out enough to get people interested in their philosophies. I went to a Vietnamese Buddhist temple, and the two American monks there seemed so disinterested in attracting people to their services. Again, passivity reigns in these temples. One time these American monks were going to have a donut breakfast talk about Buddhism to attract non Vietnamese, but last I heard they sort of canceled cuz of lack of interest and/or attendance. So much for strong efforts to reach out to the masses. 

On the contrary, the SGI makes effort to reach out to many, and partake in numerous community and local events all over the world. 

Besides the more mystical side of this organization that bases itself on the foundation of the Lotus Sutra and Human Revolution, or the changing of one's karma or life, what is there to really dislike? 

Just because Ikeda is our "mentor" or like a guidance leader, he isn't Jesus Christ for pete's sake! We don't "pray" or bow down to him or the other former SGI president's photos! 
-And to the person(s) who live close to SUA in Aliso Viejo, go visit their campus and you'll be surprised & impressed by the diversity, quality of education, and the fact that one doesn't have to even be Buddhist to be a student there! There have been Muslim graduates in full hijab head dress who attended and loved Soka University. Can that be said of many Christian or other religious based schools? No offense to good Christian schools, but I don't see them encouraging Muslims to attend, or other students from other religions to attend as much either. Seems you should more or less be a Christian to attend a Christian college, if I'm not mistaken. 

Soka U doesn't even have seminary type classes- its actually a secular school founded by Pres. Ikeda for all to attend regardless of their background. 

The SGI basis itself on the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, and to help humanity at this important time of change and need. 

At 11/11/2010 01:52:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

IMO, the SGI may appear "strange" to some. But if you compare them to any other religious or philosophical organization, I can't see any extreme difference in terms of how they express their desires for people to be good, happy, etc, for example. 

How is that much different from a Christian church? Or even the controversial Jehovah Witnesses? In fact, no offense, but the Jehovah's don't believe in celebrating holidays, nor do they believe in blood transfusions. Okay, so maybe I've pointed out aspects of a group that is considered "odd" by even many Americans. But within the context of those of you who are against the SGI here, can u honestly say that the SGI is better/worse? Again no offense, but we in the SGI have nothing against celebrating Christmas (a Christian based religion), we can drink caffeine (something Mormons can't do), and we don't preach against premarital relations, whether you agree or disagree with the importance of certain sexual mores. 

So maybe we actually seem too "loose" by comparison, LOL. Other than that, if we look at organizational finances (which who doesn't), the SGI is no different than other religious organizations; if anything, I've never felt coerced into donating money unless I wanted to. Of course there are times when its encouraged, but again people, don't most churches do the same? Actually I've witnessed pastors and such get mad that there isn't enough tithing in their congregations- I've NEVER heard an SGI leader get "mad" at us for not donating enough monies. 

In terms of other Buddhist groups, seems they are rather passive and don't reach out enough to get people interested in their philosophies. I went to a Vietnamese Buddhist temple, and the two American monks there seemed so disinterested in attracting people to their services. Again, passivity reigns in these temples. One time these American monks were going to have a donut breakfast talk about Buddhism to attract non Vietnamese, but last I heard they sort of canceled cuz of lack of interest and/or attendance. So much for strong efforts to reach out to the masses. 

On the contrary, the SGI makes effort to reach out to many, and partake in numerous community and local events all over the world. 

Just because Ikeda is our "mentor" or like a guidance leader, he isn't Jesus Christ for pete's sake! We don't "pray" or bow down to him or the other former SGI president's photos! 
-And to the person(s) who live close to SUA in Aliso Viejo, go visit their campus and you'll be surprised & impressed by the diversity, quality of education, and the fact that one doesn't have to even be Buddhist to be a student there! There have been Muslim graduates in full hijab head dress who attended and loved Soka University. Can that be said of many Christian or other religious based schools? No offense to good Christian schools, but I don't see them encouraging Muslims to attend, or other students from other religions to attend as much either. Seems you should more or less be a Christian to attend a Christian college, if I'm not mistaken. 

Soka U doesn't even have seminary type classes- its actually a secular school founded by Pres. Ikeda for all to attend regardless of their background. 

The SGI basis itself on Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, which were very "people to people" based. Its a good philosophy to help us out in these hard times we are experiencing.

At 11/11/2010 01:53:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

IMO, the SGI may appear "strange" to some. But if you compare them to any other religious or philosophical organization, I can't see any extreme difference in terms of how they express their desires for people to be good, happy, etc, for example. 

How is that much different from a Christian church? Or even the controversial Jehovah Witnesses? In fact, no offense, but the Jehovah's don't believe in celebrating holidays, nor do they believe in blood transfusions. Okay, so maybe I've pointed out aspects of a group that is considered "odd" by even many Americans. But within the context of those of you who are against the SGI here, can u honestly say that the SGI is better/worse? Again no offense, but we in the SGI have nothing against celebrating Christmas (a Christian based religion), we can drink caffeine (something Mormons can't do), and we don't preach against premarital relations, whether you agree or disagree with the importance of certain sexual mores. 

So maybe we actually seem too "loose" by comparison, LOL. Other than that, if we look at organizational finances (which who doesn't), the SGI is no different than other religious organizations; if anything, I've never felt coerced into donating money unless I wanted to. Of course there are times when its encouraged, but again people, don't most churches do the same? Actually I've witnessed pastors and such get mad that there isn't enough tithing in their congregations- I've NEVER heard an SGI leader get "mad" at us for not donating enough monies. 

Just because Ikeda is our "mentor" or like a guidance leader, he isn't Jesus Christ for pete's sake! We don't "pray" or bow down to him or the other former SGI president's photos! 
-And to the person(s) who live close to SUA in Aliso Viejo, go visit their campus and you'll be surprised & impressed by the diversity, quality of education, and the fact that one doesn't have to even be Buddhist to be a student there! There have been Muslim graduates in full hijab head dress who attended and loved Soka University. Can that be said of many Christian or other religious based schools? No offense to good Christian schools, but I don't see them encouraging Muslims to attend, or other students from other religions to attend as much either. Seems you should more or less be a Christian to attend a Christian college, if I'm not mistaken. 

Soka U doesn't even have seminary type classes- its actually a secular school founded by Pres. Ikeda for all to attend regardless of their background. 

The SGI basis itself on Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, which were very "people to people" based. Its a good philosophy to help us out in these hard times we are experiencing.

At 11/11/2010 01:54:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

IMO, the SGI may appear "strange" to some. But if you compare them to any other religious or philosophical organization, I can't see any extreme difference in terms of how they express their desires for people to be good, happy, etc, for example. 

How is that much different from a Christian church? Or even the controversial Jehovah Witnesses? In fact, no offense, but the Jehovah's don't believe in celebrating holidays, nor do they believe in blood transfusions. Okay, so maybe I've pointed out aspects of a group that is considered "odd" by even many Americans. But within the context of those of you who are against the SGI here, can u honestly say that the SGI is better/worse? Again no offense, but we in the SGI have nothing against celebrating Christmas (a Christian based religion), we can drink caffeine (something Mormons can't do), and we don't preach against premarital relations, whether you agree or disagree with the importance of certain sexual mores. 

So maybe we actually seem too "loose" by comparison, LOL. Other than that, if we look at organizational finances (which who doesn't), the SGI is no different than other religious organizations; if anything, I've never felt coerced into donating money unless I wanted to. Of course there are times when its encouraged, but again people, don't most churches do the same? Actually I've witnessed pastors and such get mad that there isn't enough tithing in their congregations- I've NEVER heard an SGI leader get "mad" at us for not donating enough monies. 

Just because Ikeda is our "mentor" or like a guidance leader, he isn't Jesus Christ for pete's sake! We don't "pray" or bow down to him or the other former SGI president's photos! 
-And to the person(s) who live close to SUA in Aliso Viejo, go visit their campus and you'll be surprised & impressed by the diversity, quality of education, and the fact that one doesn't have to even be Buddhist to be a student there! There have been Muslim graduates in full hijab head dress who attended and loved Soka University. Can that be said of many Christian or other religious based schools? No offense to good Christian schools, but I don't see them encouraging Muslims to attend, or other students from other religions to attend as much either. Seems you should more or less be a Christian to attend a Christian college, if I'm not mistaken. 

Soka U doesn't even have seminary type classes- its actually a secular school founded by Pres. Ikeda for all to attend regardless of their background. 

The SGI basis itself on Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, which were very "people to people" based. Its a good philosophy to help us out in these hard times we are experiencing.

At 11/11/2010 01:55:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

IMO, the SGI may appear "strange" to some. But if you compare them to any other religious or philosophical organization, I can't see any extreme difference in terms of how they express their desires for people to be good, happy, etc, for example. 

How is that much different from a Christian church? Or even the controversial Jehovah Witnesses? In fact, no offense, but the Jehovah's don't believe in celebrating holidays, nor do they believe in blood transfusions. Okay, so maybe I've pointed out aspects of a group that is considered "odd" by even many Americans. But within the context of those of you who are against the SGI here, can u honestly say that the SGI is better/worse? Again no offense, but we in the SGI have nothing against celebrating Christmas (a Christian based religion), we can drink caffeine (something Mormons can't do), and we don't preach against premarital relations, whether you agree or disagree with the importance of certain sexual mores. 

So maybe we actually seem too "loose" by comparison, LOL. Other than that, if we look at organizational finances (which who doesn't), the SGI is no different than other religious organizations; if anything, I've never felt coerced into donating money unless I wanted to. Of course there are times when its encouraged, but again people, don't most churches do the same? Actually I've witnessed pastors and such get mad that there isn't enough tithing in their congregations- I've NEVER heard an SGI leader get "mad" at us for not donating enough monies. 

-And to the person(s) who live close to SUA in Aliso Viejo, go visit their campus and you'll be surprised & impressed by the diversity, quality of education, and the fact that one doesn't have to even be Buddhist to be a student there! 
Soka U doesn't even have seminary type classes- its actually a secular school founded by Pres. Ikeda for all to attend regardless of their background. 

The SGI basis itself on Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, which were very "people to people" based. Its a good philosophy to help us out in these hard times we are experiencing.

At 1/12/2011 10:06:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

@latest 'Anonymous' poster:
OK, by spam posting, I can tell that you are desperately promoting your religion without cause and merely stepping on the feet of other religions. Defending for yourself is one thing, but by throwing other religions under the bus(I mean, who gives a s**t over whether you can drink caffeine or not, or celebrate holidays, whatever), you merely destroy your own credibility. Upon touring SUA in Aliso Viejo, I saw that it was indeed a very nice school. However, with a school that is tied to an organization estimated to have over $100 billion in assets, of course they can afford to build more universities, programs, etc. to increase enrollment. And the people who are made up of 'diverse' religions going to the school probably did not know what Soka University was a front for this 'cult' - which is what it is, just look up the definition. I'm just glad I didn't get suckered into this mess like some of you people clearly have. Good luck in life.

P.S. I appreciated this post, yellowpeep, as it fuels my desire to research these organizations and to prevent them from brainwashing people like this.

At 5/09/2011 11:57:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

I joined SGI 2 years ago. They are a lot of well intentioned people who get sucked into this but people who do joined need to realize that SGI is just filled with fluff and psuedo-Buddhism. Hopefully one day my fellow members in the west (USA) will come to realize this. 

I've became fed up with the sanctioned Ikeda-centric study materials, the books that I am on occassion will be pressured into buying at the Ikeda indoctrination bookstore and the most slanderous offense anyone could do to assault critical thinking when the answer from "leaders" came in the form of "What Would Ikeda Do?" when a problem or grieveance I harbored was addressed. What worst of all is that people totally gave up the will to think for themselves.

It took me only 2 years to sober up to the facts but tragically my fellow members are too busy riding the sacks of sensei that if he gave them a gimp mask they would fight each other over who gets to penetrated by him first.

At 5/13/2011 09:58:00 PM ,  Tokyo-laurel said...

Konnichiwa from NY !!

At 5/29/2011 11:50:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...

what the Hell is May Contribution? Oh this is where you give money to the SGI so Danny Nagashima can maintain his $250K salary and send his kids to SUA which costs over 40k a year. But if you lie on the application, say you are divorced and both you and your ex practice buddhism and have japanese last names, your kid will get scholarship...Compliments of the May Contribution campaign where struggling SGI members are conditioned to donate money so they can maintain their leadership positions. Sounds like a cult to me!

At 6/02/2011 01:54:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

Meanwhile sensei is riding around with an entourage in supped out limos while your atypical non-payroll SGI member is trying to hustle up some bus fare.

For all you SGI believers please explain this:

How does a guy who claims to be a man of peace have so many enemies?

Why is he such a polarizing figure?

At 8/08/2011 01:29:00 PM ,  theKevinRichardson said...

For all of the non-believers: Sensei sincerely keeps you in his prayers.

Before I found SGI, I smoked crack and whored my wheelchair bound crack smoking girlfriend at sleazy motels. In between pimping her crippled ass out to a bunch of perverted freakoziods. The life I was living was very exhaustive and I wanted a way out. One day, one of the johns I whored my girlfriend out to gave me a Nam Myoho Renge Kyo card. At first I thought it some new street term for crack but I had accidently walked into a Buddhist discussion meeting. I was touched by the compassion and as I chanted with my newfound friends. I felt the urge to really turn my life around this time. I kept going to meetings and my faith grew stronger as I building the foundation to be a productive member of society.

The power of this Nam Myoho Renge Kyo has given me the courage to turn my karmatic poison into medicine. Since I found the touching words of Sensei, I have managed to sober up, I have a job and I am taking part time courses at the community college. Since I've built this compassion with SGI, I have repaired the abusive relationship that I had with my girlfriend. She stopped smoking crack to. I've learned to accept her for her disability and came to terms within myself that she is a very beautiful woman. Because she is lame and don't can't feel anything 'down there' doesn't mean that she isn't capable of happiness.

But I stand with Sensei together we stand united for the cause of Kosen-Rufu. I smoked crack, a thieving ass low down dirty scoundrel as they say, I hope that my story touches you and to, like my wife to be, can be touched by this Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and be feel the warmth of Sensei's most earnest efforts. Despite the negativity, one day you shall walk with Sensei as we forge together an era of capable people and be champions of decisive victory. Your day will come when you too can forge a NEW HUMAN REVOLUTION.

At 10/20/2011 07:13:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

I am a 25 year member of the Soka Gakkai. This cult stuff is bullshit. Get over yourselves and look for the real enemies of the people: the Federal Reserve, for instance. Morons.

At 1/06/2012 05:43:00 AM ,  Anonymous said...


Daisaku IKEDA has been gotten serious health trouble since last year. His health condition was disclosed via magazine and YOUTUBE video. I put a link for it. How do you think about it?
So, he is called a dictator of Soka-gakkai and called decoration collector.

Soka Gakkai became infamous cult religion in Japan since two decades ago.

At 3/04/2012 04:49:00 PM ,  Ken Y. said...

To be honest with you all, Sokka Gakkai and SGI (Sokka Gakkai International) seem to have different personalities.

In Japan, Sokka Gakkai is viewed as a creepy cult, kind of like how in the United States many people don't trust "Mormons". (No offense to Mormons or Sokka Gakkai members.)

In the 1990s there were also some unsolved murders ('suicides') linked to Sokka Gakkai because the group allegedly made it very difficult for members to leave. (This was reported by the American magazine TIME in 1995. )

In contrast, SGI has a very cheerful and positive image as a "Buddhist Organization" in the United States and other countries. They are very busy with charity and events promoting Japan and cultural understanding.

So yes, to be perfectly blunt with you all, there is nothing "wrong" with the actual Nichiren Buddhist belief or the Sokka gakkai chanting practices per se, but Sokka Gakkai in Japan has a shady history as an ORGANIZATION. It's just that SGI as it is now (overseas) has no negative publicity because Ikeda puts a LOT of money into peace projects and charity.

Followers in the United States will never know of Sokka Gakkai's negative points (as experienced by Japanese society) unless they study Sokka Gakkai's history or presence in Japan. 

[[Last note: I have Japanese Sokka gakkai friends and American SGI friends who are all very friendly people. It's the whole 'cult of personality' thing and the ties of church and state (with the Komeito party and Sokka Gakkai in Japan) that I don't like.]]

Love and respect and all that jazz,



PS: If you like Conspiracy Theories, I can mention that American magazine TIME has printed some (kinda negative) articles on Sokka Gakkai (in Japan) over the years, but these are no longer available online! Coincidence? Maybe ;)

(example: Sokka Gakkai members trying to gain political power, i.e. religious groups controling government:,9171,871107,00.html ))

At 3/07/2012 07:42:00 PM ,  new orleans louisiana hotels said...

You are right! You have worked hard on jotting down the essential information. come on.

At 3/20/2012 04:00:00 PM ,  Anonymous said...

Soka University in America is an overpriced un-accredited college education that attempts to brainwash its students. They will kick out professors who don't see it their way. They are vile!

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  Soka Gakkai's Cocaine Business - CachedSimilar

Soka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business. The profit was given to the leaders of Japanese LDP or Liberal ...

  Soka Gakkai ~ Cult of Power - CULTBUSTERS GALACTICA - Yuku - Cached

2 posts - 26 Aug 2010

In Japan, the SGI controversy is a big story, involving many allegations of criminal activities including bribery, assault, money laundering, ...

  [PDF] 

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics -

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
At SGI, we share an unwavering commitment to conducting business with the highest ...... not condone, facilitate, or support contraband or money laundering and we .... under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while at work is forbidden.


Unassociated Document - Cached

A. SGI is the holder of certain Convertible Promissory Notes issued by the ..... or convicted of, money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorist related activities, any ...

Center-right Blog Soka Gakkai International(SGI) - Cached

9 Jul 2008 – Are the realities such as Soka Gakkai and Confederation of Koreans Living in .... and Soka Gakkai undertakes the money laundering of the earnings. ) ... Toho Pharmaceutical and Tomo Tscmirai G loop(There are a lot of ...

Banesto annual report 2011 CSR: Responsible management ... - Cached

Banesto has established rules regarding the prevention of money laundering, ... to cooperate in the fight against drug trafficking, terrorism and organized crime. ... as companies in the group (Banesto Bolsa, Aktua, Mesena SGI and Intursa).














  Ghana, US pledge to fight drug trafficking, money laundering - Cached - Translate this page

1 answer - 17 Apr

to jointly fight drug trafficking, money laundering, piracy, terrorism and ... キャッシュ - このページを訳す Are the realities such as Soka Gakkai and ...

  Center-right Blog 200806 ... - Cached - Translate this page

1 answer - 22 Apr

Are the realities such as Soka Gakkai and Confederation of Koreans ... in detail about how exactly drug money is laundered into Wall Street.

  MANUEL NORIEGA (MANUEL NORIEGA™) on Myspace - CachedSimilar

Convicted Cocaine trafficker Manuel Noriega and SGI President Ikeda enjoy a ..... Correctional Institution in Miami on drug trafficking and money laundering ...

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4 May 2010 – possession and use, only targeted laundering of money from drug ...... Management and Intermediation Companies (SGI), constituted into ...

  [PDF] 

External security - SGI

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
SGI. Security and Integration. Security report. Sustainable Governance ...... focused on cross-border crime, drug smuggling, money laundering, human trafficking ...




SGI(Soka Gakkai international) budhdist cult?? [Archive] - David ... - キャッシュ - このページを訳す 28 Feb 2008 –

Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism (SGI) has a big worldwide following and here in the UK I've attended many meetings over about 2 ..... MEMBERS OF WORLD DRUG TRAFFICKING AND MONEY LAUNDERING ASSOCIATION .

Daisaku Ikeda - the leader of Soka Gakkai International - has long been said to be of North Korean descent with North Korean sympathies... and that his original name at birth was SON Tae-Chuk





Gekkan Pen Scandal

In 1976, Japanese monthly magazine, the Gekkan Pen exposed Ikeda's sexual relations with six Gakkai women. One of the six, Tokiko Tada ( top leader of the Women's Division ), appeared in the article. The scandal was revealed with big headlines. Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai filed a libel suit against the Gekkan Pen. The Gekkan Pen was found guilty because the truth of the article was considered to not have had sufficient evidences. However the penalty was much llighter than was sought, because Ikeda's behavior warranted suspicion of his sexual relations with those women. Strangely, despite that Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai were plaintiffs, Soka Gakkai gave the Gekkan Pen 20 million yen. On the sixth of November 1976, Ikeda was so anxious over the Gekkan Pen scandal that he gave an order to the members of the Komei Party in the Kansai Culture Center. He said, " If I am ordered to appear in court, I will eliminate the Komei Party as a sacrifice. I will not forgive Watanabe and Yano, if they did it half way. I will kick them out." The whole train of events posed questions about how Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai used religious contributions and the the meaning of the Komei Party's existence.




Kiyoshi Hatanaka is accused of embezzling $1.7 million.

Orange County Register/December 24, 2007

By Marla Jo Fisher

The former finance director of Soka University of America has been indicted on charges he embezzled $1.7 million from the private university over the course of seven years, according to a federal indictment unsealed Friday.

Kiyoshi Hatanaka, 52, of Aliso Viejo had worked for a Big Seven accounting firm before coming to be Soka's finance director in 1990, a university spokeswoman said.

He left his job in January 2006, spokeswoman Wendy Harder said, after allegations arose that he had created sham university accounts at a Los Angeles bank, moved money into the accounts, and then cashed $10,000 checks from them.

Hatanaka could not be reached for comment Friday afternoon. His public defender, Chase Scolnick, did not immediately return calls

Hatanaka came with Soka when it moved from Calabasas to open a 103-acre hilltop campus in Aliso Viejo. The university is affiliated with the largest Buddhist sect in Japan, but attracts students from the U.S. and around the world.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Lawrence Kole said evidence indicated Hatanaka gambled large sums of money during that period at casinos in Temecula and Las Vegas

Hatanaka is scheduled to be arraigned in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana on Jan. 2, and could face trial in February, Kole said. He was indicted on eight counts of embezzlement and eight counts of money laundering; each count carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.

Kole said the bank became suspicious of irregularities and contacted officials at Soka, which then contacted federal authorities

Soka's Harder said the bank expressed concern about transfers that were not approved by multiple people

She said the university hired a new chief financial officer in 2005, and put Hatanaka in charge of endowment accounts.

Among the overhauls created by the new financial officer was a procedure requiring multiple signatures and approvals on bank transfers, Harder said.

Hatanaka is suspected of taking interest money out of endowment accounts, then moving money around in a way that made it less likely to be detected by university auditors, Harder said. "We're working now to recover the money," Harder said. "We did recover about a million dollars of the loss through insurance."




Description: efaultSoka Gakkai is Poison

Soka Gakkai is NOT Buddhism. They are a money-grubbing organisation that has hijacked the Nichiren Buddhist practices to use as a front. The more money you give them, the greater your "merits" will be.
These friends of yours who are pushing this rubbish on you are simply trying to get "promoted" within the organisation by converting as many deluded people as possible. They actually call it the "Human Revolution".

Soka Gakkai is poison and should be avoided at all costs.




"Cult" or Buddhism?

December 31, 2003
By a former member

Soka Gakkai International (SGI) presents itself as a world-renowned champion for peace, human rights and democracy. While Soka Gakkai does in fact, talk a lot about these important issues amongst members, it appears most of the organization's resources actually goes into strengthening itself, such as printing promotional materials, building new centers, etc.

It's status as an NGO (non-government organization) with the UN was essentially bought by paying dues, not because the UN actively sought out SGI.

The few charitable activities SGI performs is generally used as PR opportunities.

As far as democracy, there is no formalized voting mechanism for leadership within the organization. Leaders are appointed by other leaders. The current president, Daisaku Ikeda, has appointed one of his sons as vice-president and heir apparent.

When members complain about SGI policy or practice, a typical response from leadership is to question the members' faith in Buddhism and accuse them of slandering the organization.

The organization's publications are heavily filtered, so that little if any material that questions SGI ever reaches the eyes of the members.

The central practice promoted by SGI is chanting to the Gohonzon, a scroll inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin, the founder of Nichiren Buddhism.

To obtain a Gohonzon, newcomers must prove their interest in SGI by attending a few meetings and paying a $20 donation for the scroll. The Gohonzon they use is simply a mass-produced photocopy on a single piece of paper with a plastic rod and a piece of cord for hanging.

Newcomers must also allow leaders into their homes so they can make certain the scroll has a proper place to be kept, preferably in a butsudan or Buddhist altar with doors, so the scroll can be protected and hidden.

Obtaining a Gohonzon outside of SGI is forbidden, and there's a lot of double-talk about their reasons for this. They criticize another Buddhist sect, Nichiren Shoshu, as being superstitious for claiming SGI Gohonzons are evil. But they then say that if an SGI member obtains an unapproved Gohonzon, this is sure to bring them "bad karma."

The butsudan can cost anywhere from $30, for a plastic cabinet, to thousands of dollars. Members can also obtain a travel-sized Gohonzon, which is in a small plastic container on a chain, for a $50 donation.

Then there are the supplies. Most of these materials can only be purchased through stores with affiliated with SGI.

Leaving the organization requires that the Gohonzon be returned to SGI, despite the donation. Failure to return the Gohonzon after one has officially departed from the organization may result in regular, unexpected phone calls and in some cases home visits.
In the United States branch (SGI-USA), there seems to be no risk of violence.

SGI does not encourage members to distance themselves from non-believing family or friends, and actually does encourage members to pursue their individual interests. However, there's often little time for this considering the regular demands for various SGI publicity campaigns and meetings.

Many members are happy with the current situation in SGI. But the organization does fail to tell newcomers many things about itself, such as the need for members to develop a "master/disciple" relationship with the president of the organization, Daisaku Ikeda.

Very little about actual Buddhism is discussed by SGI, as most meetings and publications revolve around Ikeda and his writings, and a constant drama regarding the bad relations between SGI and it's parent organization, Nichiren Shoshu, which excommunicated SGI several years ago.

I hope this helps readers that may be considering joining this organization.

Honestly, SGI does not get involved in the personal lives of its members as long as one attends meetings and doesn't try to question the organization, you are free to live as you wish.

Keeping this in mind, I'm not sure if it qualifies as a cult 100%. That is, with the exception of its insistence that SGI is the only true Buddhist organization and Daisaku Ikeda is the only person truly dedicated to spreading Buddhism.



















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